The Placebo Effect In The Pocket Billiard Industry


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
However, on another note, I must say that I have the best playing cue in the world.

That just can not be, unless you stole mine in the last couple hours.
well over twenty yrs, same cue.




Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Hi there JoeyA... hope you are well. Next time our paths cross, I hope you will try my Guido Orlandi Cue. It is one fine playing instrument. Please notice that I said instrument, not stick.



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
HOWEVER, equipment matters.

Many times when I started missing more balls than normal I'd just switch from my Viking to my Cuetec or the other way around and my game would come right back up for a few days. I thought for years that it was the tip on the one that I was missing balls with. I even use to not play with the cue again W/O putting a new tip on it. One day I picked a cue back up a few days later W/O putting a new tip on and ran 40-50 balls right from the get-go. I remember thinking to myself, "I guess this tip had to rest awhile". :wink:. I had a hard time admitting it was all in my head. Johnnyt

Many things are in our heads and it's a good place for some of those things. HOWEVER, equipment matters. :D



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Placebo, it's not a dirty word.

That's interesting because most people who talk about a placebo effect mean it in a derogatory way, like saying the product doesn't really work and it's all in your imagination.

But placebo effects actually do work, that's the point. If you get excited about a new type of chalk or tip or grip or stance, and you put work into your game because of it, then maybe that's all that matters.

More work and more focus.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In order to avoid the placebo effect, I played with a cheap Lucasi cue, cheap tips, simple shaft for the first few years until I understood what a better cues/low deflection shaft could bring to the table. Even though money wasn't an issue, I held off on any big purchases until I felt I was ready. And I'm glad I did because it helped me to stay in a position of learning and thinking even when I did get the low deflection shaft with the kamui tip, instead of it acting like a placebo and just getting frustrated when it wore off, which would've happened of I just went out and purchased high end stuff right away.

That may be what you did but it is not what I would recommend. You need proper equipment to play any sport. When I started playing the guitar my first guitar was a cheap Sears guitar. Thinking being, why spend too much on a guitar I may lose interest in soon.

Actually that would have been a "Self fulfilling prophesy". If I kept playing that piece of crap I probably would have quit. My teacher loaned me a nice Gibson and that was that I didn't want to put it down. Unfortunately I got so caught up in pool the guitar ended up in it;s case for good, I had a new love. In pool my first cue was a Brunswick Willie Hoppe cue. Not a bad cue but my second was a Paradise.

I learned young that you need quality tools. Plus your money is not thrown away as good quality keeps their value and pay for themselves in joy of use. When I was in the pool room business selling cues was easy. All I had to do was loan out a cue and in no time they wanted to buy it. Once you play with a nice cue few want to go back to a house cue.

I would give them very good prices and they would become even more steady customers as the strolled in with their cues and cases. It is true there is no magic in one cue over another really, but when it comes to good quality over poor, there is a difference even a novice can detect.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Does CTE fall into the placebo category. I hope I dont get crucified for hinting that it could be. Maybe the biggest one of all time...?


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
IMO most aiming systems work on some scale. Again, IMO the reason they work is you are paying more attention to PSR, LOA, and cueing straight. Do that all the time with any aiming system and you will make the balls. Where it gets hairy is when spin is put on the CB and table length shots. Why can't the "C" and "D" players fire them in like they do the 3' shots with the same aiming system? Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does CTE fall into the placebo category. I hope I dont get crucified for hinting that it could be. Maybe the biggest one of all time...?

Maybe there is and maybe there is not. I have used systems for so many years since I was first shown them by Doc Hazard and Bill Amadao. There is certainly a confidence that come with knowing you know what you are doing. Or at least the belief you do.