the pool scene in the Covid world


Silver Member
I have played in two tournaments in the past in SW Missouri that drew 60+ players. I think one person was wearing a mask during play. I also played at a tournament in Arkansas and nobody was wearing a mask. We had about 20+ players. Masks are mandated in both cities but if you have ordered a drink...then you are drinking and don't have to wear a mask. I have not heard of any of the pool players getting sick. I play at home consistently. I just play alone at home...I don't know any pool players in the area well enough to invite anyone over to play. I am not worried about catching the virus. If I catch it, I will deal with it then. I treat catching the virus like I treat the flu during flu season...I wash my hands often, don't touch my face when I am out and about, and I try to keep my distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. The odds are still quite low for contracting COVID and will continue to decrease with time.

I side with Patrick on this one.

Yea, I get all my scientific information at GreenMedInfo!

“The WHO says it will come into your home and take your family members if they suspect them sick with COVID-19? Wake up to what's going on here.”

“Study Calls Into Question Primary Justification for Vaccines.”

“Is There a Pandemic?“

I still side with Patrick. Since my wife works in the medical field I will follow her lead and become concerned with Covid when she becomes concerned.
We just finished up a 9 week long summer league session (bar pool of course, this is the midwest) with no one as of yet falling ill. Nobody wore a mask even though it became a state wide mandate a couple weeks ago. In fact many counties openly announced that they would not enforce the mask mandate. There are more elbow and fist bumps than there are hand shakes but everything else was pretty much normal like before Covid. If stores/businesses require a mask I either choose to do business elsewhere or I put on a mask. Two weeks ago we signed up for the fall league session. There are also tournaments weekly in our surrounding area. I also play pool at home with the occasional healthy guest.


AzB Platinum Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
I do miss pool

Have at it, I wish you the best. Stay healthy! Being the fastone can’t hurt.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
I played my first match up the other evening. Mask mandates within the room are/were in effect. If you weren't shoveling food in your face, and/or sipping a drink you were told to wear a mask. I would rate the personal mask annoyance at about 1, maybe 2 out of 10. It's really not a big deal. I've heard those complain about not being able to breath with a mask on. I'd wager that's mostly psychological as if it were physical, then these people would pass out attempting to breath humid air...

Everyone in the room had a mask on their person. Roughly 60% of those wore them with proper intent. Those who did not, slung them under their chins or only over their mouths and did not include the main apparatus used for breathing..., the nose. I always find that configuration funny.

The waitresses were pleading with the self indulgent regulars (I would guess, based on conversation) to wear their masks properly. Citing that if things turn for the worse or an authority walks in the door looking for compliance, that they could be closed down again.

I'm not overly concerned with covid in the pool scene. At least not up here in the Toronto area. Even if others don't. I follow all the precautions and have never sanitized my hands so much in my

Just like playing the game, it's all about making decisions based on averages. If things start to ramp up, I'll stop going to public rooms again.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A normal Saturday pre Covid at Felt Billiards in Englewood Colorado was a pretty packed house.
It's a big room with 11 9 footers and 9 7 footers and 1 snooker table.
Yesterday half the 9 footers and 3 or 4 7 footers were in use.
On the 9 foot side of the room there would be a dozen or so rail birds,yesterday a couple.
I think what keeps them in business is they are also a sports bar and I think they do a fair business at night.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don’t Be a Cynic or Doubting Thomas About COVID-19.

Patrick and everyone else that thinks.....if I catch it, I’ll deal with it then.....expresses a juvenile attitude.
It’s like the little child doing something you warm them to stop before they get hurt & they say “I’m not.”
Anyone that thinks this virus is something they will deal with is actually looking to play Russian Roulette.

Be practical minded. You don’t deal with this virus. You do not control how it moves thru your body, the effect
it has on other vital organs & internal systems, have any proven medicines to defeat it or anything you can
personally do to overcome any infection. You are helpless to do anything should you require urgent care.

So for all the feeble minded and nay sayers, let’s get this straight once and for all. Right now under the
current actual circumstances and conditions, COVID-19 deals with you because you are not in charge.
And you can be dealt a losing hand as so many fellow Americans are finding out every 80-90 seconds.

So all the people that are out there thinking if I catch it, I’ll deal with it are naive & pretty dumb....yup, dumb.
COVID-19 kills someone every 80-90 seconds in the USA. Anyone could easily become a new fatality.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
None of the essential workers have been dying in mass numbers.
Local news hardly reports new cases but I am talking NYC.

Being called into the office is not a choice, unlike NBA players I can’t afford to sit it out, and my company can’t afford to have me benched.

Thinking the world will just return to normal after Covid outbreaks slowdown is unrealistic.

The pool scene can still operate without fans. But for league pool or tournaments that is a different issue.

How can policymakers know if billiards is safe if people aren’t allowed to see what works.
Taiwan has got a good Covid record. Did those pool halls discover a way to stay open and not spread an infection.

Patrick and everyone else that thinks.....if I catch it, I’ll deal with it then.....expresses a juvenile attitude.
It’s like the little child doing something you warm them to stop before they get hurt & they say “I’m not.”
Anyone that thinks this virus is something they will deal with is actually looking to play Russian Roulette.

Be practical minded. You don’t deal with this virus. You do not control how it moves thru your body, the effect
it has on other vital organs & internal systems, have any proven medicines to defeat it or anything you can
personally do to overcome any infection. You are helpless to do anything should you require urgent care.

So for all the feeble minded and nay sayers, let’s get this straight once and for all. Right now under the
current actual circumstances and conditions, COVID-19 deals with you because you are not in charge.
And you can be dealt a losing hand as so many fellow Americans are finding out every 80-90 seconds.

So all the people that are out there thinking if I catch it, I’ll deal with it are naive & pretty dumb....yup, dumb.
COVID-19 kills someone every 80-90 seconds in the USA. Anyone could easily become a new fatality.


Silver Member
Patrick and everyone else that thinks.....if I catch it, I’ll deal with it then.....expresses a juvenile attitude.
It’s like the little child doing something you warm them to stop before they get hurt & they say “I’m not.”
Anyone that thinks this virus is something they will deal with is actually looking to play Russian Roulette.

Be practical minded. You don’t deal with this virus. You do not control how it moves thru your body, the effect
it has on other vital organs & internal systems, have any proven medicines to defeat it or anything you can
personally do to overcome any infection. You are helpless to do anything should you require urgent care.

So for all the feeble minded and nay sayers, let’s get this straight once and for all. Right now under the
current actual circumstances and conditions, COVID-19 deals with you because you are not in charge.
And you can be dealt a losing hand as so many fellow Americans are finding out every 80-90 seconds.

So all the people that are out there thinking if I catch it, I’ll deal with it are naive & pretty dumb....yup, dumb.
COVID-19 kills someone every 80-90 seconds in the USA. Anyone could easily become a new fatality.

I guess everyone experiences this virus a little differently. Maybe its a regional thing. I have asked a lot of people that I know if they actually know anyone who caught Covid, not just if they heard of someone contracting it but if they actually know the person. Only 1 person has answered yes so far. My wife has spoken to many patients who have had Covid, most said they were a little ill for a few days, kinda like the seasonal flu. Many people may have died from Covid but it doesnt help supply us with valuable info when Covid gets reported as a cause of death because someone who died from something else tested positive for Covid. Hospitals are putting people who died from Covid in the same group as people who died with Covid for money, that is wrong. Never before in history have the healthy been quarantined. I think there have been worse pandemics in history like the Spanish Flu, people survived, we will survive this too. This virus seems to really affect the older folks, the ironic thing is that one common cause of death in older folks is complications from pneumonia, what do you suppose the difference is??


'AZB_Combat Certified'
I wonder how many would die from Covid if we were limited to the medical technology from the early 1900's.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
I wonder how many would die from Covid if we were limited to the medical technology from the early 1900's.

Just check the numbers on remote third world locations.

Covid is brought to an area. If a tribe doesn’t depend on outside business or trade they do fine. No one brings the plague to them.

If a tribe shares culture and live with traders that come and go, well New Zealand is doing well. Its a bit far. I am saying today’s defense is the same as 1900s avoid people you don’t know.

Early 1900s it’s just be a problem in cities or people connected to the killer Covid strain. You never hear about primitive like Amish people discovering diseases.

I am closer to Halifax from where I am. Welcome ehh


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guess everyone experiences this virus a little differently. Maybe its a regional thing. I have asked a lot of people that I know if they actually know anyone who caught Covid, not just if they heard of someone contracting it but if they actually know the person. Only 1 person has answered yes so far. My wife has spoken to many patients who have had Covid, most said they were a little ill for a few days, kinda like the seasonal flu. Many people may have died from Covid but it doesnt help supply us with valuable info when Covid gets reported as a cause of death because someone who died from something else tested positive for Covid. Hospitals are putting people who died from Covid in the same group as people who died with Covid for money, that is wrong. Never before in history have the healthy been quarantined. I think there have been worse pandemics in history like the Spanish Flu, people survived, we will survive this too. This virus seems to really affect the older folks, the ironic thing is that one common cause of death in older folks is complications from pneumonia, what do you suppose the difference is??

thankfully no one close to me has died from COVID
but I've heard sad news from friends of friends
a good friend of mine got it in new york
after a month, she could barely walk across the room
after several months, she's still struggling with symptoms
sure "we" will survive, but at what cost?

the difference between pneumonia and COVID is stark
COVID can attack any blood vessel in your body
COVID can affect your lungs brain heart and kidneys, etc.
pneumonia only hits the lungs, and doctors can see it
with COVID, we can't see all the cell damage, so obviously we can't treat it
speaking of treatment, we have antibiotics for pneumonia
but again, because COVID can attack our whole body
once it's in there, we have no reliable way to treat it
so best case scenario? don't get it.
stay safe


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Its a mixed bag of results but people are hoping for a chance to re open

starving a business of income is cannibalism after a few months already


No one has asked pool halls for the reopening plans.

They should just submit them and tell the state to give them warning if the open too aggressively too soon.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Up until the state closed the bars/poolhalls in AZ, I was just playing like normal. No mask, no gloves, no face shield. Just played like it was 2019.

Miraculously I didn't get sick.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Do you think a petition to the White House could improve the attention pool halls across the US receive?

As daytime establishments, pool halls have better spacing than libraries.

A petition like that sounds like something the WPA or WCBS or other governing body should be doing.

We the People, rather, serves as a public relations device for the current White House administration to provide a venue for citizens to express themselves.

If a message did go to the White House it should be carefully crafted because there is a 30 day window.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In my case, the way I've managed my pool game during COVID has been by not hitting a single ball in 5 1/2 months. Yes, I miss it, but I'll wait until the pool halls of New York City are deemed safe. Those who have tables in their homes are the lucky ones these days.

My situation as well as my thoughts. Even when I do go back it will probably not be in the same manner depending on what I see around me. I will more than likely return during the slowest hours just to hit some balls and observe behavior. When Calif opened briefly the behavior, according to a friend who checked it out, was just plain stupid. Less than a week later everything was shut back down. I'm afraid our concept of normal has changed for perhaps ever.


'AZB_Combat Certified'
When Calif opened briefly the behavior, according to a friend who checked it out, was just plain stupid. Less than a week later everything was shut back down. I'm afraid our concept of normal has changed for perhaps ever.

Toronto is using mask mandates as far as I know, but the hall I visited last night really seemed like they could care less. There were signs everywhere stating that a mask must be worn, but there was zero enforcement based on what I saw.

I wore my mask most of the time. Only took it off while checking out the large unused section of the hall that's currently being reno'd, and obviously taking a drink. Had my hand sanitizer for when I felt the need to bury my head after missing something easy.

Fist bumps mostly, but it seems the elbow bump is catching on...

I guess it may go without saying, that if you in an area that has a high concentration of cases you should just avoid public. However, I think this really boils down to self management. Other than the fist bump, I maintained well more than the 6ft minimum guideline, and I made it a point to sanitize after contact of public use areas, (including table surface, which were sanitized by hall after use).

Truth be told, the distancing during match play really isn't anything different. The hand sanitizing is just a baby step more intense then the usual hand washing I normally do. The masks are the only extra layer I deal with. I found the excessive heat/humidity in the room made the masks more of a bear to deal with.

NE dubz

Everyone has their own experience but mine is that this whole thing is a bit much... I got it and it wasn’t that bad...The worst part was being too exhausted to play messed with my taste/smell and I had a low grade fever for 3-4 days... seems a bit excessive to shut down the world for 6 months...if I can find a place to play, I’m all over it...


'AZB_Combat Certified'
Everyone has their own experience but mine is that this whole thing is a bit much... I got it and it wasn’t that bad...The worst part was being too exhausted to play messed with my taste/smell and I had a low grade fever for 3-4 days... seems a bit excessive to shut down the world for 6 months...if I can find a place to play, I’m all over it...

Funny thing is, if the world did actually and literally shut down for less than 3 weeks the whole thing would have probably been over and done with ages

Ace Slade

New member
Today's Pool Scene

Lucky to have a 9 ft Diamond at home.
Run 5-10 racks every day.
After no competition Mar thru June, established a 4-man game at my home once a week. Competition, beer and $1 bets - life is good again.
Ken Lee - Jupiter, FL

Just curious to hear how everyone is managing their pool game during this pandemic.

Are you going into pool halls, playing leagues?

Are you just playing on home tables by yourself or with close friends?

Are you and the people you are playing with wearing masks?

Are you just staying away because you take this covid to be a real danger?

Or are you totally not scared of getting it and playing as though their is nothing to really worry about?

Personally I have been asked to join two leagues and I said I would not be walking into a pool hall anytime soon. I have a table at home but find it hard to keep up my game as I know I won't be in any leagues, tournaments or cash games.

Just wondering how everyone else feels about this crazy new world we find ourselves in.


Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
I have a table at home but find it hard to keep up my game as I know I won't be in any leagues, tournaments or cash games.
You need a challenge to motivate you to play and practice on your home table. Try:

Entries are due by the end of this month.

And for people who still don't have access to tables, here are some ideas to still "work" on your game:

Good luck,