Trying to identify this set of balls, unique font


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Very curious how you knew this, even when I searched for the specifics I couldn't find the set without that link! Again I really appreciate the ID, I spent so long looking through images of ball sets they all started blurring together!
If you’re interested in billiard balls, this thread might be the best…Rubik’s Cube had a lot to do with it.



New member
I remember when I was in high school in the 90s my friends and I played pool at the bowling alley every day. Owning a table at home was like dating a cheerleader… an fantasy but unimaginably out of reach for any of us.

I had a friend who lived in a, shall we say, less desirable part of town, who decided that since he could not imagine ever being able to afford a real table, he would build one. Dude cleared out his bedroom, moved into a sleeping bag in his closet, and proceeded to build a table out of stuff he could get at Home Depot. He used 3/4 inch MDF for the slate and 2x4s for the rails. For the cloth, he bought a roll of true felt from the craft store. The SOB actually did it. Once it was done, you can imagine how it played. Unusable, really. You almost couldn’t hit the ball hard enough. THUNK! Dead.

To this day I still call it “felt” in conversation sometimes, because that’s just what everyone always says, even though I know better.


from way back when
Silver Member
yea i am the same way i still call a policeman a cop. and an automobile a car. and ammunition bullets. and say the sky is blue.

but what i really don't understand is that how '' we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway.''

Rubik's Cube

Pool Ball Collector
Silver Member
Hello again, Poolguppy.

The truth is, dear fellow, that I wasn’t aware of the Aramith Select set myself until quite recently.

An acquaintance owned a set and had written to Aramith enquiring about it. They kindly replied with the 1999 to 2003 manufacturing timeline. The balls were originally supplied in a red box with the word SELECT dotted about on the lid.

Best wishes.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Very curious how you knew this, even when I searched for the specifics I couldn't find the set without that link! Again I really appreciate the ID, I spent so long looking through images of ball sets they all started blurring together!

you know how some men are 'leg guys' and some are 'boob guys', well old Rubik, he's a 'ball guy'. :geek: Seriously, look up some of his old threads. Rubik knows balls.

brian kc <---a tail feather guy


Well-known member
Could be Aramith Standard

billiard balls.jpg


Well-known member
Rubik's positively identified the set earlier in the thread, the standards have a noticeably different font on the 6 and 9 balls than my set
Yes Crown Standard have a thin traditional font and the Crown Select have a heavy font.

We assume that these balls were an attempt to make Crowns that would present better on TV or tournament play.