Two 10th Anniversary Sugar Tree (Eric Crisp) Cues #7 and #8


A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
* Updated photos 12/25/2013 MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Alright I was lucky enough to be on the list for two of Erics 10th Anniversary cues which I am sure a lot of you saw Jives cue and know the guidelines that needed followed. You had to use Desert Iron Wood from Erics personal selection in which he processed from falling the tree all the way to where you see it today. I have always wanted a Hickory Burl cue from Eric and I thought this would be the perfect time to do it. The cues are just phenomenal and Jive was 100% correct when he said it was THE hardest cue to photograph. I still want to get some better photos as the light was not conducive today but I was dying to get some photos of them.

The first cue is a simple plain jane with Desert Iron Wood Butt and Forearm with a Hickory Burl handle. Hickory Burl Joint and Butt as well. You will also notice the custom Joint Protectors on both. Eric doesnt like building them but the holiday season softened him up a bit haha.

The second cue is special to me because I have always wanted this design, 8 Points high and 8 Points low but the low points to be extremely long with a solid wood Butt.

Alright enough of the talking and on to the photos!

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A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
Im with ya ddadams, Ive always been a fan of simple cues and this one is probably my favorite of all time. The pointed cue was something I had always thought about though.


Absolutely love this cue.
Silver Member
Im with ya ddadams, Ive always been a fan of simple cues and this one is probably my favorite of all time. The pointed cue was something I had always thought about though.

Yeah man I love both of the cues you got. I love my pointed ST. Amazing players, hope you end up taking them out and playing with them.

That solid wood buttsleeve is really nice though. Both great designs.


A Holes Billiards
Silver Member
I've got a few Sugars but they will be played with. I have a favorite and it may be hard to beat the hit of my favorite..


South West Buyer!
Gold Member
Silver Member

Great wood selection, love the first one as well! Enjoy
Thanks for showing


Professional Racker
Silver Member
Absolute stunner!! Once again Eric proves that it doesn't take fancy inlays to make a cue beautiful.

I love your choice of details in making the cue standout such as your Hickory Burl Butt Cap and full one piece wood butt.

Beautiful pictures as well and thanks for sharing. My cue is better than yours right now because my shaft is blue... :) time to show it some table time!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great pictures. It's really nice to see such beautiful works like these. Absolutely stunning!

Trav D

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great looking Sugartrees. Like the way the buttcap is all burl with no pad on the end on the first one.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow very nice Sugartree you got there !!! I'm sure both cue plays as great as it look. Congrats on the new S.T.
You have me tempted to post my 1 of 10 and 2 of 10 as the 10 of 10 I have send to Jive.
As I just received my 1 of 10 today for Christmas. Anyway, enjoy your new beautiful cue and Merry Christmas !!!
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