VINTAGE 1X2 cue case.....FOR SALE


champagne - campaign
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Cant say for sure what the case is but pretty sure its an old Adams. With that being said, anyone who has a case like this and wants to sell it send me a message.


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cue fix

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Does the inside have dividers? Please add pictures of the inside and of the very bottom. It looks like nice thick leather. I have seen cases made by Adam cue company like this, but yours looks higher quality, so theirs were probably a knockoff of this case.


champagne - campaign
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Does the inside have dividers? Please add pictures of the inside and of the very bottom. It looks like nice thick leather. I have seen cases made by Adam cue company like this, but yours looks higher quality, so theirs were probably a knockoff of this case.

Yes there are dividers inside, ill get some pictures of the inside and bottom added shortly.

thanks for the comments

.....Pictures added.....
The top two pictures are inside the case and the next two are inside the lid. The last picture is the bottom of the case.


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champagne - campaign
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These picture are the spots of wear on the case.


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champagne - campaign
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Looks way newer. Maybe NYC case?
Nick :)

When did Martin stop making case's? The one on here that is stamped Martin has almost the same liner and stitching, just a different color, also the handle is very close. The only real thing I am going off of is what people have said and the fact that the inside of the lid and inside of the case itself looks much older than anything you see today.


senior member
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I had one like it about ten years ago. Someone had torn the lining up pretty bad. Otherwise, it was in very good condition. I purchased it on ebay for $$ and put lined tubes in it and sold it for $$$ ! It had the Adams logo on it in silver. Everything else was the same as your's. Same fasteners with 2 hold down straps. Same embossed leather.

JB Cases
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Horse, send me your e-mail and I will send pic of the one I had.
Can't get it to load on here.

If you don't mind could you send me pictures as well?

Then I can move some of the cases in my Martin folder to the Adams folder.

It would make sense that Adams would copy Harvey Martin's cases. Almost all the production cue companies and distributors have copied the cases made by full time case makers in the last 40-50 years.


AzB Silver Member
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Of course you do. And of course it's perfect....... :thumbup:

I just wanna know if there is any cool Adam stuff left out there for the rest of us....... :confused: