Don't have experience with most of these items but your 2nd and 3rd list items I do, including:
- 3 league Valley 8 footers done in western Washington (near Seattle) with new K55 rails, re-felt including Simonis 860 was just over $1000 per table out the door just over a year ago, including reducing the rail pocket width a little and leveling. cannot remember if new plastic pockets were included.
- Global 8 footer in western Washington (near Seattle) re-felted including Simonis 860 was $500, including leveling (table was quite level before). no new plastic pockets.
I think both of these are quite good deals, the 2nd one being surprisingly good. And the company that did the second job (Clark Billiard Services) either had a 90 mile drive from their location or a 60 mile drive including ferry fees and wait times. They did an excellent job, and again, included the price for new Simonis 860 felt and installation (like the first job, which is not by done by Clark).
So, in a nutshell, I think your estimate is way too high, especially given the cost of living in the Seattle area, which is usually only second to California (SF Bay Area and LA area) and east coast cost of living...