Who Likes Last-Pocket 8-Ball?


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
OK, I'm giving in to the popular opinion that with one ball only, it's not back pocket nine ball. So here goes:

Back Pocket Nine Ball
Prior to the break, each player is designated one of the two back corner pockets, meaning a pocket in the kitchen, and you can only win by making the nine in your pocket. Most people play that you can't make it until it's the last ball on the table. While running out is possible, far more racks come down to a one-pocket style tug-of-war on the nine ball. The nine spots whenever it's made into the wrong pocket or on a scratch in which the nine is pocketed. Alternating break. Once you are on the nine, a scratch gives opponent ball in hand in the kitchen and if the nine is also in the kitchen it spots. In this game, using the pushout and/or a safety to improve the position of the nine relative to your pocket are tricks of the trade.

Hope you enjoy it, Hawaiian Eye.