Will the US Open really make it this year?

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
If anyone read Jay's post on page one, that should tell you something right

Can't blame anyone for wanting to play but the same thing year after year.
If you go and get dicked, no B itchin this time, OK.

Peoples can be Sheeples.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I hope you have the same attitude towards your employer the next time payday comes and they tell you they'll get around to giving you your full check when they can. Some of these players live on their winnings and it's unacceptable that they are not paid in FULL when the event is over.


Sorry...I don't have an employer. This subject has come up before and has been beaten to death.

You say...some of these players live on their winnings? There is no guarantee that they'll even do good enough to cash.

Now which player is complaining that they didn't get paid yet?:shrug:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If one person can name only 2 people, that is too many.

If its been exaggerated so much, why doesn't Barry enlighten us on what the truth is? Or maybe you can? You may have to remove his testicles from your grasp to use the keyboard though.

Why don't you call Barry and ask him. Why people get on here and talk behind his back is....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well according to Barry on his facebook page they haven't finalized a location yet. After the last few years he may be having problems finding someone who will have him.

Hey Everyone! We hope that you all are doing great. We are in search for the PERFECT venue for the 2013 U.S. Open, as you all deserve the very best. The PERFECT venue will have ONE ballroom! ☺ Please be patient with us and we will keep you posted. We are in negotiation with a few great places and we will have an update by April 5th.
Thank you all!
Barry and Shannon
Proud Promoters


AzB Gold Member
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Silver Member
... I think it would be nice to have a US national championship -- I can't remember the last one (excepting the Juniors, that is).

CSI held the National Championship Series events in 2009, including qualifiers around the country. I think they planned events in 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball, 14.1, and one pocket. I know the 8-ball (won by Brandon Shuff) and 14.1 (won by Dan Louie) events were held, but the others may not have been. And I don't think CSI pursued the idea beyond that.

Perhaps Mark Griffin will see this and say a bit more about it.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
For sure! And let's not forget, aside from Joss Turning Stone events, Super Billiards Expo, and this one, everything else is on the West Coast region. ...

A few more events on the eastern half of the country: the Derby City Classic, the Southern Classic, the World Tournament of 14.1, the Music City Open, the Johnny Archer Classic, the Empire State Open, the Predator Tour, and some others.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
If pro pool actually brought in a decent portion of these companies revenue, I'm sure they would step up.

Leagues, bangers, and amateurs are who buy the most equipment, cloth, tables, etc etc. And.....they don't buy it because of pro players.

From a business stand point, why should any of the above listed companies invest in pro pool?

(just being devil's advocate, I wish things were different. just speaking from an objective point of view)

Speaking objectively also, my long standing belief is that if there ever were a professional pool tour in America (and world wide) all these billiard companies would benefit greatly from the increased business due to the increased awareness and interest in the sport. Of course I've been telling them that for 25 years with no success yet. :rolleyes:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know the AZB money list is not all-inclusive, but only 7 players show more than $50k in winnings on the 2012 list. If I was only averaging $50k/year and incurring all the expense of traveling to these events, I doubt I could turn down any tournament with a purse equal to that of the Open, regardless of whether the promoter had a sketchy record of paying players.

People are mostly talking about what it takes to get by, and $50k might be enough to do that with some level of comfort, but the serious question is "then what?". Even if a player can maintain that earnings level until age 50, what are they going to do for the remaining 30 years of their life? With interest rates like they are, they'd need to have a million or a million five in the bank to pay themselves in retirement, and that's without factoring in inflation or expenses due to serious illness. Unless they have a spouse with benefits and a pension plan, they will have to be very smart with their money to be comfortable in their golden years. How can a person in that position turn down any income opportunity?

I think the players will play - I don't think most of them have a choice.



Just a Banger....
Silver Member
Good try bud

As far as I know, all US Open players have been paid in the past. Some on time, other's very late but have been paid. The only ones we know that have not received their paychecks are last year's Champ through the 6 position.

Wow so the top 6 didn't get paid? WTF. Since this is an opinion forum, I'll say this. IT'S NOT OK TO PROMOTE FOR AN UPCOMING TOURNAMENT, WHEN THE LAST TOURNEY HAS NOT BEEN PAID IN FULL. I don't like people like you in this business.


Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member

Wow so the top 6 didn't get paid? WTF. Since this is an opinion forum, I'll say this. IT'S NOT OK TO PROMOTE FOR AN UPCOMING TOURNAMENT, WHEN THE LAST TOURNEY HAS NOT BEEN PAID IN FULL. I don't like people like you in this business.

This is untrue. I believe 2nd place Dennis was paid in full. I heard wind others had received partial payments. But my info is over a month old so I don't know what progress may have been made since.