Scott frost has retired from professional pool


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Nope. I know some real idiots that have enlisted recently.

Common sense, book education, and GPA are three different things. I knew a very great chest cutter, who has had way too many wives, and kids. He has great income, but a lot gets eaten up in alimony, and child support. but if I need open heart surgery I would choose him for his skill as a surgeon, not how he deal with family matters.

One Pocket John

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for the instructional DVD - Power One Pocket


I don't know if you visit AZB but I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for your help improving my 1P game. Love those shots, when I pull one of those shots off people look at me and say WTF was that. :)

Take care, paying the bills always has to come first. :wink:

Good Luck

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I don't if you visit AZB but I just wanted to take the time to personally thank you for your help improving my 1P game. Love those shots, when I pull one of those shots off people look at me and say WTF was that. :)

Take care, paying the bills always has to come first. :wink:

Good Luck


Damn right. We do what we have to so that we can get back to doing what we want to. It's a shame people aren't paid more, but I don't think Scott can be knocked for not putting some effort out there with lessons, tournaments, match-ups and videos, because he's certainly tried from what I've heard.


One of the 47%
Silver Member

To me this sounds like someone that didn't do what was necessary to succeed and then complains.

I went to college and got a couple degrees and really felt like I have been solidly middle class and very comfortable. I have put (2) daughters through college and they have graduated debt free. I didn't get grants, scholarships, or loans....I saved money for their college, and paid out of my pocket. They are both teachers and while neither will be rich, they will be middle class and have a good lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

For those you claim are who "control the world", they invented Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and other stuff. They deserve whatever riches they have and I hold them in no ill will. While I don't agree with their political views, they deserve to have theirs as much as I deserve to have mine.

The folks that really pi$$ me off are folks who didn't go out there and do whatever that was necessary and;

1. Sit around and ***** and moan about it.
2. Expect the rest of us to give to these lazy bums because they are entitled.

Get off your butt and earn what you want.


I am retired and quite comfortable. You obviously have a lot to be proud of. I worked since I was 10 yrs old mowing lawns, shoveling snow, and selling newspapers, then 7 different manufacturing plants among which were built the shovels that dug the Panama Canal and the crawlers that delivered the space shuttles to the launch pads. I worked jobs for months at age 59 that men half my age quit and walked out after 4 hours doing what I was doing, and that's just a little part of the story, so I did get off my butt and earned what I wanted, not everybody goes to college. I feel lucky that I was able just to survive living here in the center of what is now the rust belt.

I also agree with you that the men and women that founded Apple ect. deserve to be rewarded for their achievements. Here is what I am talking about. 25 years ago I started a job with a company working for $10.50 an hour. After 6 months you got a raise to $11. an hour, made permanent, and got full benefits, and you worked hard. A lot of people didn't make it. Today, that same position starts at $10. an hour. You work for a temporary agency, sometimes for years, and have no benefits. Some make permanent eventually, most don't.

What I see today is called lack of opportunity. My niece and nephew are both going back to school for their masters because they could find work with their 4 year degrees but it wasn't what they wanted to do for careers, and these are 2 young people that wouldn't have to work a day in their lives due to certain circumstances that I am not going to go in to.

Not everybody goes to college. Not everybody is as intelligent as you are, but those people still can lead productive lives if given the chance, but those jobs are gone to China and India and where ever, sent there by greedy people who are exploiting the poor and middle class in this country.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
well tell this dumb ass what the point was please :)

I made up a number as to how much was spent on cues in a year. Also made up a number of cue makers. All I'm saying is money IS coming in, just going to too many places.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I see today is called lack of opportunity. My niece and nephew are both going back to school for their masters because they could find work with their 4 year degrees but it wasn't what they wanted to do for careers, and these are 2 young people that wouldn't have to work a day in their lives due to certain circumstances that I am not going to go in to.

Not everybody goes to college. Not everybody is as intelligent as you are, but those people still can lead productive lives if given the chance, but those jobs are gone to China and India and where ever, sent there by greedy people who are exploiting the poor and middle class in this country.

I don't buy the poor and middle class are being exploited by the "rich" greedy people. That is hogwash.

There is TONS of opportunity. I told my daughters that there are tons of opportunity out there because so many folks are druggies and cant pass a drug test, those that did not learn anything in school, and most importantly have a plan for their future. The graduate from High School and expect someone to run up and give them a job.

I see folks with tattoos, piercings, tongue rings and then say we cant get a job because these greedy people are sending our jobs to China...who the hell would want to hire them?

You want to know who is getting exploited? Me, I am paying for welfare, food stamps, college tuitions for those "exploited" folks who's parents pi$$ed away all of their money and now feel their kids are entitled.

While I hear about these college grads who cant get a job. It is hard for me to believe. What the heck is their degree in? That's part of that planning for the future, if someone goes to get a degree and their isn't a job there, is the fault of the "greedy" folks? I think not.

I am sick of hearing crap like this. I worked 6 years as a janitor while I was in high school and college.

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One of the 47%
Silver Member
IMO, TV is going the way of the dinosaur. People now watch what they want when they want, on streams, Netflix, Youtube, etc. People are savvy with technology, and on these new mediums, they even know how to block advertisements (AdBlock, etc). I think the only time in the past 3 or 4 years I tuned my TV onto a broadcast channel was a couple of days ago to watch the Archer performance on the Today show.

Hell, even for network TV shows that I want to watch, I find them easily available for download all over the internet, so I can watch them commercial free and at my leisure.

Pool is never going to be back on TV. TV is dying in general, and the TV executives are certainly not going to "experiment" with pool to save it.

The above are my two cents on TV in general, and pool on TV.

I totally agree with you. I have been playing a lot of pool since I retired about 2 years ago. I see a lot of young people playing pool in my area, central Ohio. Gene of Perfect Aim fame has been here recently, and he can also tell you how much is going on here with pool. Its just different than when I first started playing. I really feel there is a little something for everyone, if you look hard enough, just not something a pro player can make a decent living doing, if they want any kind of a life outside of pool.


One of the 47%
Silver Member
I don't buy the poor and middle class are being exploited by the "rich" greedy people. That is hogwash.

There is TONS of opportunity. I told my daughters that there are tons of opportunity out there because so many folks are druggies and cant pass a drug test, those that did not learn anything in school, and most importantly have a plan for their future. The graduate from High School and expect someone to run up and give them a job.

I see folks with tattoos, piercings, tongue rings and then say we cant get a job because these greedy people are sending our jobs to China...who the hell would want to hire them?

You want to know who is getting exploited? Me, I am paying for welfare, food stamps, college tuitions for those "exploited" folks who's parents pi$$ed away all of their money and now feel their kids are entitled.

While I hear about these college grads who cant get a job. It is hard for me to believe. What the heck is their degree in? That's part of that planning for the future, if someone goes to get a degree and their isn't a job there, is the fault of the "greedy" folks? I think not.

I am sick of hearing crap like this. I worked 6 years as a janitor while I was in high school and college.


I agree with a lot of what you wrote again. I just feel sorry for the kids who are not like the ones you wrote about and are trying hard and barely making it. I worked with a few. There really are some decent young people.



Taught 'em all I know
Silver Member
I made up a number as to how much was spent on cues in a year. Also made up a number of cue makers. All I'm saying is money IS coming in, just going to too many places.

10 passionate - oft misguided squirrels, 5 nuts = mayhem and roadkill.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
"Global 2000" which I think was a series of $2000. added tournaments all over......

I am curious how you can retire from being a pro pool player when no one can define what a pro pool player is. If someone told me they were going to stop gambling for a living and get a real 9 to 5 job, it would make a lot more sense. In 1968 when I got my first factory job, I made as much or more than someone with a college degree. Now kids with 4 year college degrees can't get a decent job. I could write pages about how the economy is so much worse for the middle class now then back then, but only the people that have lived it can really see how much it has changed for the worse, and I don't think we have seen the worst of it yet.

I am an Independent voter now, so I will not point any fingers at any politicians of either kind, but I will say that the real power in the world today is with the super rich. I am weary of hearing people blame this person or that person for the way things are in the world today, those are just excuses. The real power lies with the people at the top. Politicians are their puppets, who couldn't get elected to dog catcher without their money. I will hopefully not live long enough to see the worst of it, but it should be remembered that those who forget history, tend to repeat it.

So good luck to Scott and all the rest who are going to have to make the best of what kind of life the super rich are going to allow you to have. I hope your grand kids don't end up with 2 rooms and a path, but only 100 years ago that's where most of the middle class was in this country, and that wasn't that long ago.

I heard the top pool players were all in a club..... the name may be "The Club of Rome"......we heard they were planning a tour called "Global 2000" which I think was a series of $2000. added tournaments all over the world......I may have the "facts" mixed up, but it was something like that. ;) 'The Global Game is the Teacher'


One of the 47%
Silver Member

I heard the top pool players were all in a club..... the name may be "The Club of Rome"......we heard they were planning a tour called "Global 2000" which I think was a series of $2000. added tournaments all over the world......I may have the "facts" mixed up, but it was something like that. ;) 'The Global Game is the Teacher'

Never heard of The Club of Rome pool seems to be doing better everywhere but in the U.S.of A. Maybe its a conspiracy?


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Farming is a tougher nut to crack then pool - and the hours aren't near as good. :wink:

Recall a few year back Scott quit Pool, and gave a try at selling high end Cars. He returned to Pool.

Las Vegas & Reno NV have a far number of dealer schools. Many think they will make a fortune dealing Cards, or Craps, or one of the other table games. Thy will find out soon after graduation like my cousins son.

Sad truth is most of to Great Dealer Jobs don't turn over, you can get a entry level job, but in the short run the pay sucks, the shift sucks, and the work is not glamorous.

My nephew last 6 months, and is back working waiting tables. Paying on a dealer school loan..LOL


With The Lights ON !!
Silver Member


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