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  1. K

    Another John Morra Thread

    I saw another person post about John Morra, and with the DCC coming up, I wanted to share my experience with John Morra at the DCC. For the uninitiated, table time at the Derby is tough to come by. I stumbled upon an empty table between rounds, and I started hitting balls. John Morra walks up...
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    Shooters in Olathe, KS

    I haven't seen or heard of Shooter's having any events since before COVID. Does anyone know if or when regional events like Midwest 9-Ball will come back to Shooters? kollegedave
  3. K

    Big Dog's Billiards in Des Moines, IA

    I haven't been able to make it to the Midwest Expo despite wanting to go. Big Dog's seems like a very nice room, and it is a drivable distance from where I live. I am considering making a trip up there in the fall, but I would like to have a sparring partner while I am in town. Those of you...
  4. K

    The Value of NOT Playing Pool (especially when you are struggling)

    Over the years, the concept I am discussing here has helped me greatly, so I am sharing it with the group in the hope that it will help some others. From time to time I think all of us go through periods in our game where we are particularly dissatisfied with how we are playing and we are...
  5. K

    My Take on the MN Pool Bootcamp

    I went to work with Demetrius Jelatis in September of last year. I would have written this sooner, but I am in the middle of some career changes and when I am not working on that, I chase my toddler. The combination of the two, keeps me pretty busy. Also, I wanted to sit with the experience for...
  6. K

    2023 DCC Big Foot Players List

    I was looking on the DCC Facebook page for a list of players that would be participating in the 2023 Bigfoot Event, and I don't believe there is a list posted. Does anyone know when or if a players list will be made public? kollegedave
  7. K

    2022 Derby City Pool Balls

    Does anyone know what pool balls (especially cue ball) will be used this year at the DCC? Thank you in advance, Kollegedave
  8. K

    Diamond Pocket Problems and Black Marks...again

    Recently I had a 9 foot Diamond Pro-Am installed in my basement. It looks and plays great. However, I immediately started getting black marks on the balls from the pockets. I searched old threads on this topic. Many guys said the treat the pockets with mink oil. I did. 5 least...
  9. K

    Chris Robinson v. Danny Olson

    I may be interested in sweating some of this match. Does anyone know what time it will start? Also, some outfit called "Ship the Cash" seems to be doing a free stream of the event. I went to their website and there is a tab for LIVE ACTION, but no information about this relatively big match...
  10. K

    Accu-Stats Youtube Channel

    In case some of you don't know, Accu-Stats has released some matches for free on its Youtube channel from the International Open. I have really enjoyed these, and I hope they continue. If someone from Accu-Stats sees this: Thank you, and please keep'em coming. kollegedave
  11. K

    Cynergy Update and Question

    I have been playing with the Cuetec Cynergy for a month now. I am getting used to the change in deflection from my regular maple shafts, but I am still not there all the way. It is important to know if you are attempting to change shafts from maple to LD, that it will take some time. In...
  12. K

    AZ Billiards Player Interviews

    I, for one, am a fan of these new AZ Billiards Player Interviews. So, to whoever is responsible, I would like to say thank you, and this member is interested in reading more. I am particularly interested in their responses about what amateur players should practice or how they should practice...
  13. K

    Cuetec Cynergy Shaft Initial Impression and Review

    Recently, I decided to try a carbon fiber shaft. After, studying everything I could find on the internet regarding each manufacturer of carbon shafts. I decided to order the Cuetec Cynergy. I thought I would write something about my thoughts behind deciding on the Cuetec, and provide people...
  14. K

    Mosconi Cup Watching Live

    On the Matchroon website they say the Mosconi Cup is available on DAZN for those living in the U.S. I live in the U.S. They also say for countries not listed, then the cup can be viewed on facebook live. I take this to mean that if you live in the U.S., then you will not be able to view the...
  15. K

    An Observation on John Schmidt's Run, and Pool, and Alex Honhold

    I recently watched Free Solo. It is a documentary about Alex Honhold’s quest to free solo “El Capitan”. “Free Solo” means climbing a cliff with your hands, chalk, and no rope—in case you didn’t know. Perhaps, this goes without saying, but most “free solo-ers” live a short life. I could not...
  16. K

    Higher Stakes = More Improvement or No?

    I think a significant portion of the pool playing community has long recognized that, at least for many people, engaging in “action” matches can have a positive impact on the skill level of those competing. This makes sense, as with something at stake, the participants are likely going to “try...
  17. K

    DCC Bigfoot 10 Ball Lineup

    I haven't heard or seen an announcement about the players that will be competing in the Bigfoot Ten Ball Tournament. Does anybody know the players or when they will be announced? kollegedave
  18. K

    Even if US comes back...

    So matchroom changes everything. Even if the U.S. comes back, if I am Europe, I am saying that if Matchroom didn't stop Europe's momentum, then Europe would have one. There is no winning here for the U.S....even if they win. kollegedave
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    Impressive Stroke

    I found this on youtube. I thought I would share it with you all; it is simply impressive. kollegedave
  20. K

    Eye Pattern Before Shooting

    To the extent most people talk about pre-shot routines, I hear and see them talk about how they physically move into a shooting position. I think there is comparatively little talk about a routine for eye movement between the cue ball and object ball prior to the shot. I have tried a couple...