Jeff Olney, What a stand up guy. NOT!!!!!!!!!!


Biggest Edwin Reyes Fan
Silver Member
Yes I was once a Olney nutthugger (so friggen sad to say) ...
I've been nutthuggin free for 6 years and counting.. lol

Between 2006-2008 I sent Jeff between 5000.00 to 6000.00 (prepaid for all my orders) in cash, wood, golf clubs..(Jeff asked me to order wood from Gilmer wood on a few occasions, and golf clubs off of ebay in exchange for partial payment on cues).

The sad thing is over the 2 year period not one of my special order cues were delivered, but Jeff always had a couple of extra cues in every batch he wanted to sell me (over a 2 year period I bought 10-12 extra cues).

I can hear Jeff now " Dale make sure you tell everybody you've waited a long long time for these cues" lmao

I questioned Jeff on why he didn't work on my orders, instead of making a few extra cues in every batch.. He didn't like my question, and started yelling, and mother fu@&ing me.. funny shit!

I was fortunate that I was able to recover 5300.00 (we settled on 5300.00 as a refund) Jeff got to use my money for 2 years, and I got d!@K!

I know a azbilliard member that bought a new cue from Jeff, and it was warped..
He told me he called Jeff, and Jeff started screaming at him.. Maybe he'll come forward, but I doubt it..

The azbilliard member mentioned above knows a person that pre paid for 2 cues that were suppose to be ready in Jeff's next batch.. That next batch was 3 years ago lol....

Yep Jeff Olney is a great guy, and more importantly a proper business man...

I'm sorry you wasted 4 years of your life waiting for your custom cue...

I've ordered a lot of cues from other custom cue builders since my debacle in 2008, and everything went great..
Good business can be done in this silly hobby we all love....

I've never bought a cue from Jeff. But think it was very wrong to sale the cue that someone order to someone else!!! I made a cue for someone (he ordered) and waited
A yr for him to pick it up because he got laid off work. And I had buyers for the cue!!!
Red rep!!!! For Jeff


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's a flawed system: A constantly improving cue maker gets paid today according to the quality of his work "x" number of years ago, or a maker is forced to sell his work at 60% of its current value to a guy he knows will sell it the next day for full value on the secondary market.

Isn't there a better way?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's a flawed system: A constantly improving cue maker gets paid today according to the quality of his work "x" number of years ago, or a maker is forced to sell his work at 60% of its current value to a guy he knows will sell it the next day for full value on the secondary market.

Isn't there a better way?

Yes, there is a BETTER way. Make an agreement and STICK TO IT! That goes for the maker as well as the buyer.

Sign such agreement.

Deal with it in court or kick the other person's ass, or both if that doesn't work.

That sounds like a good plan to me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yes, there is a BETTER way. Make an agreement and STICK TO IT! That goes for the maker as well as the buyer.

Sign such agreement.

Deal with it in court or kick the other person's ass, or both if that doesn't work.

That sounds like a good plan to me.

What about a yearly lottery for a set number of builds, followed by pricing according to current market value?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I always wanted to play with an Olney. they look great and everyone says they play great. I could care less after reading this thread. they can keep them.


Tatuaje in the house🤘🏻
Silver Member
I also think there are a lot of stand up cue makers in Texas that would agree with this statement.

i can think of one small cuemaker in texas....who hasnt been standup....3full years for a refinish job on a sneaky pete...:angry:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yes 45 minutes would have been nice if you could have found time. after each phone call no problem I will pick the cue up the day its done I was calling you to let you know you need to pick up the cue when its done no problem, no problem no problem don't say I didn't, how did you get the pics? each time I said you need to pick the cue up when done, no problem sounds like I was lied to over and over. the cue is done now there IS a problem. 45 minutes no time to busy. I didn't sell the cue for 4000.00 I lost a little but the guy said you can have for 1500.00 if you really want it. Jeff

Ive been reading page after page. Im going to have to call BS on this, and say the bottom line is Jeff your just being dishonest.

After 4 years, many delays, you cant wait a week or two. Total BS
You sell someones contracted cue for less money rather than wait. Total Liar, IMO.
Just plain and simple bad, bad business practices.

This is why the almost entire state of professional pool is in the toilet. From dishonest promoters to less than professional Pro's, to cue makers like you, and to people that think this is acceptable.


No Excuses..... U missed
Silver Member
Yea sounds if olneys a bit of a lying, slow excuse makin chump I sure hope folks take another guess after reading this of even buying one of his used chunks of lumber much less puttin a order In with the guy maybe him an peppers are are distant cousins hahaaha wish ya the worst of luck in your wood carving Jeff by the way come up with your own ringwork too would ya there stud your cues and service is probably the furthest from SW as they could get

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Perhaps an unfair comparison...

In an earlier post someone pointed out how Barry Szamboti, Ernie at Gina, and Tony at Black Boar were all stand up cuemakers and businessman, and I wholeheartedly agree.

However, I think making a comparison of these 3 and Jeff may be unfair in the context of this deal and here's why.

All of those three guys have cues with prices starting in the many thousands of dollars range. This can certainly take a lot of pressure off when it comes to making your monthly expenses, right?

I am not condoning what went on with Jeff and his customer but three things stand out tome.

1. There appears to have been some strain with regard to previous dealings even though a number of cues were bought and delivered.

2. The cue that was pictured in this thread, if my math is correct, Jeff says the new owner will sell it back to the op for $1500 but he declined saying no thx, not gonna pay $525 more for the cue so that tells me this cue was being sold to the op for $975.

Go back and take another look at that gorgeous bushka. How much would you say that cue would sell for if it were a Szam or BB? Yes, $10k +, easily.

3. Jeff finally completed this cue and wanted it picked up. There were some calls back and forth and the op admitted that he "forgot" at one point and rightly or wrongly Jeff's instincts, perhaps based on some previous dealings, may have taken over and he needed the money so it went to the next guy.

Something else jumps out at me.

Jeff certainly wasn't getting rich off this deal, or the previous $25 retip and shaft recondition that took 6 months to get paid for.

It seemed like the op and his brother were buying at wholesale.

If I was getting that particular bushka for $975, there might have been a visible vapor trail when Jeff told me it was ready for pickup.

Wednesday to Monday may not seem like a long time but if you have bills needing to be paid it could feel a whole lot longer.


brian kc
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Whole situation sucks. From an outsider looking in or a prospective buyer this is not a good look. In the business world whether it be right or wrong the customer is always right. I know that sucks sometimes and some customers can be big jerks but reputation is key. Especially when it comes to the high dollar, small market, specialized items such as pool cues. Honestly, would someone who's new to cue buying buy a cue from a maker with questionable business practices? All it takes is one bad review on the internet and the cautious prospective buyer will opt out. Its hard to be a cue maker nowadays as well, so many good production cues and tons and tons of cue makers it seems.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In an earlier post someone pointed out how Barry Szamboti, Ernie at Gina, and Tony at Black Boar were all stand up cuemakers and businessman, and I wholeheartedly agree.

However, I think making a comparison of these 3 and Jeff may be unfair in the context of this deal and here's why.

All of those three guys have cues with prices starting in the many thousands of dollars range. This can certainly take a lot of pressure off when it comes to making your monthly expenses, right?

I am not condoning what went on with Jeff and his customer but three things stand out tome.

1. There appears to have been some strain with regard to previous dealings even though a number of cues were bought and delivered.

2. The cue that was pictured in this thread, if my math is correct, Jeff says the new owner will sell it back to the op for $1500 but he declined saying no thx, not gonna pay $525 more for the cue so that tells me this cue was being sold to the op for $975.

Go back and take another look at that gorgeous bushka. How much would you say that cue would sell for if it were a Szam or BB? Yes, $10k +, easily.

3. Jeff finally completed this cue and wanted it picked up. There were some calls back and forth and the op admitted that he "forgot" at one point and rightly or wrongly Jeff's instincts, perhaps based on some previous dealings, may have taken over and he needed the money so it went to the next guy.

Something else jumps out at me.

Jeff certainly wasn't getting rich off this deal, or the previous $25 retip and shaft recondition that took 6 months to get paid for.

It seemed like the op and his brother were buying at wholesale.

If I was getting that particular bushka for $975, there might have been a visible vapor trail when Jeff told me it was ready for pickup.

Wednesday to Monday may not seem like a long time but if you have bills needing to be paid it could feel a whole lot longer.


brian kc

Never a bad deal between me and Jeff until now. He can shade the truth however he wants. Money was NEVER an issue when it came to paying up for services owed.

Now Price for the Cue was ALL Jeffs deal. I ask How much, Jeff told me. Never did I try to negotiate for a lower price.

As stated before....... yes I wanted to go pick up the cue. But Family comes first in my book, my hobbies can wait, and will always be 2nd to my family.
It shocks me to hear some people saying I should have dropped what I was doing to go up.

Maybe if I was told that it was going to be sold to the next person in line (why would there be a line to buy MY CUE) things would have been different.

Anyway, the cue is gone. I have one OLNEY for sale in the for sale threads.
once its gone I will be OLNEY FREE for EVER.

And maybe my post will save a few people some Heart Ache.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Never a bad deal between me and Jeff until now. He can shade the truth however he wants. Money was NEVER an issue when it came to paying up for services owed.

Now Price for the Cue was ALL Jeffs deal. I ask How much, Jeff told me. Never did I try to negotiate for a lower price.

As stated before....... yes I wanted to go pick up the cue. But Family comes first in my book, my hobbies can wait, and will always be 2nd to my family.
It shocks me to hear some people saying I should have dropped what I was doing to go up.

Maybe if I was told that it was going to be sold to the next person in line (why would there be a line to buy MY CUE) things would have been different.

Anyway, the cue is gone. I have one OLNEY for sale in the for sale threads.
once its gone I will be OLNEY FREE for EVER.

And maybe my post will save a few people some Heart Ache.

I think it's honorable and appropriate to look out for our families first.

Jeff may have been doing the very same thing after a few days of missed calls and a new willing customer standing in front of him with ready cash.

He actually sold it for slightly less than what you were going to pay so it begs the question; what did Jeff really have to gain by doing this?

Did he want to trample over a highly valued repeat customer for no good reason? Was he just looking to be a p-r-i-c-k?

Doesn't make sense.

Much more believable would be that he simply needed the money.

And could it be that he is a proud man who doesn't want to be made to feel he's chasing after it?

All very unfortunate, that's for sure.

brian kc
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Two & Out
Silver Member
What about the vulgarity that the O.P. reports. I beleve Snowmon34 also attested to this. Maybe many on these forums are willing to pay more for a good cussing during or after a cue deal.
When civility is ignored my hand gets tighter on my money.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think it's honorable and appropriate to look out for our families first.

Jeff may have been doing the very same thing after a few days of missed calls and a new willing customer standing in front of him with ready cash.

He actually sold it for slightly less than what you were going to pay so it begs the question; what did Jeff really have to gain by doing this?

Did he want to trample over a highly valued repeat customer for no good reason? Was he just looking to be a p-r-i-c-k?

Doesn't make sense.

Much more believable would be that he simply needed the money.

And could it be that he is a proud man who doesn't want to be made to feel he's chasing after it?

All vey unfortunate, that's for sure.

brian kc

The thing is...... I have been to his shop plenty of times and listened to his stories.
And he is not one to skirt around telling you how he feels. If he needed the cash, he would have told me.

A Proud man would never have done this.

If he needed MONEY that bad on a Sunday night, it was for Cigarettes, Booze, Gambling, or maybe some Hookers.

Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
What about the vulgarity that the O.P. reports. I beleve Snowmon34 also attested to this. Maybe many on these forums are willing to pay more for a good cussing during or after a cue deal.
When civility is ignored my hand gets tighter on my money.

mine does, too, Jim.

brian kc


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think it's honorable and appropriate to look out for our families first.

Jeff may have been doing the very same thing after a few days of missed calls and a new willing customer standing in front of him with ready cash.

He actually sold it for slightly less than what you were going to pay so it begs the question; what did Jeff really have to gain by doing this?

Did he want to trample over a highly valued repeat customer for no good reason? Was he just looking to be a p-r-i-c-k?

Doesn't make sense.

Much more believable would be that he simply needed the money.

And could it be that he is a proud man who doesn't want to be made to feel he's chasing after it?

All very unfortunate, that's for sure.

brian kc
Brian you have a terrible habit of defending horrible business practices. Again it matters little how the buyer acted, what his motives were for being late or even stalling for a few days.

What does matter is how someone runs their business and how that business owner perceives a placed order.

He cares so little for his regular customers that he sold out an ordered cue in less than a week, with basically a few phone calls. I expect a business to operate with a certain amount of professionalism. 7 days is not enough time to show me that you've made an honest attempt to deliver and collect. This is not how the real world works and only in the billiard world are there people like you who excuse this kind of behavior.

Even on a hypothetical...lets say the buyer outright says he can't come up with the money. I still would have sent a certified letter letting him know that he has 10 business days to produce payment or forfeit the sellers obligation to deliver. Its the right thing to do.

Bottom line you run a business like a real business. Don't start a business and run it like a hobby.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The OP waits 4 years for a cue to be built FOR HIM and the maker cannot wait a week for it to be collected and paid for?? WTF??

I cannot believe anyone is actually standing up for the cuemaker here, unless they have a horse in this race...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I will never buy a cue from this a$$hole. When Jeff replied in this thread it should have been a big fat apology. Instead he treats the buyer like sh*t a second time.
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Some of my thoughts on this thread......

A man waits 4 years for a cue...lives 45 minutes away ( round trip including transaction...2 hours )
....can't seem to find time to do it.
If it was me, I'm in his driveway by the time he hangs up.

I consider a cue maker to be an artisan, not particularly a businessman or a sales person.
I've sold cues for a couple cuemakers that were friends....they told me they couldn't sell cues the third question they just wanted to walk away.
( can you imagine Van Gogh trying to hawk his own paintings? )

I need another cue like Mother Theresa needed an AK47....
....but about a year ago I felt the need to own an Olney....
....this thread has not changed my mind.