how do you guys feel about hustles and hustlers?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

People have no idea when they are being hustled or don't care.

Whoops...I was just thinking about the pool cue selling business

on AZBilliards, Facebook, and all the big box stores.

Lots of price drops, one of a kind rare, hits a ton, hits good,

then I see all these imported production cues called Custom.

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Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Kiss...Actually the "old adage" in this vernacular is, "You can't hustle and hustler, and you can't rob a thief!" I came up in the era where most players played and gambled. It was, "I don't know you, and you don't know me...let's match up and play some." If the outcome was overmatched, the game was adjusted or quit. Most of the hustlers I knew were only out to beat kids and suckers...which, imo, is a pretty scummy way to live...but it is what it is.

Scott Lee

There is an old adage you can't cheat an honest man.


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
People that play pool for ;the most part, AREN'T rolling in the dough.

Call me a sucker, but I don't like gambling with addicts who lose what they cannot afford to lose.

Anyway, I provide the above-referenced as food for thought to this thread topic. :smile:

I am afraid that very few people in the pool world can truly afford to lose any money.

It is why you regularly see intense, angry outbursts from the losers and also from the wannabee thieves trying to open the nose of another potential sucker.

Pool playing gamblers, hustlers and journeymen can ill afford to lose ANY money, I'm sorry to say.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here's a cute shot of Berle, Red, and Squirrel at the DCC.

Hi Jam! Is that " crazy Squirel " that used to run the roads with Fat Wayne? And also update for ya on Fatty, he is currently getting around in a wheelchair but is recovering slowly from that accident.

In regards to the wallet thing, in my experience it rings very true - vast majority of the time someone's paying you out of his wallet = Nit. Not ALL of the time but most. The ones ya really wanna get down with are the ones with the knot with the runner bands. :) My stakehorse used to love using a money clip lol.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I believe that is "Tuscaloosa Squirrel", Marshal Carpenter. Not 100% sure, though:embarrassed2:

K thanks. Wasn't sure since I haven't seen " my squirel" for 10+ years. Here's a quick story bout my squirel and if anyone else has one PLEASE SHARE lol. Squirel was playing 8 ball on table 5 at Jack & Jills. He missed a real easy shot and began yelling m'fer, m'fer! IM SO F'IN BAD! He then proceed to put his head down and run full steam as fast as he could head first into the yellow cinder block wall --- knocking himself out cold! Lol. Someone asked, what the hell are they playing for??? Answer ------ $5 a game.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Hustlers never bother me. I simply say that I never play for money and they leave me alone...usually after the lame "you'll never get better unless you play for money" statement.

What they don't get is that my money comes from other sources and that I never got a kick out of gambling. I just like to's great recreation and I do get a personal satisfaction from my improvement gained through time spent at the table.

Some folks are all about money, others aren't. Not that there's anything wrong with either.

(edit) I also want to thank those who post here giving tips that help me gain those improvements.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hustlers never bother me. I simply say that I never play for money and they leave me alone...usually after the lame "you'll never get better unless you play for money" statement.

What they don't get is that my money comes from other sources and that I never got a kick out of gambling. I just like to's great recreation and I do get a personal satisfaction from my improvement gained through time spent at the table.

Some folks are all about money, others aren't. Not that there's anything wrong with either.

Brother, I totally understand and respect the no gambling thing as one of my best friends 100% does not gamble at anything so I am simpathetic to it. With that being said; I am one of the people that truly believes that you will never get to or see your actual true game until there is a significant wager that could hurt u to some degree. While not always true, in my experience the gamblers have always had more heart, stamina, killer instincts than the tourny or fun players.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
K thanks. Wasn't sure since I haven't seen " my squirel" for 10+ years. Here's a quick story bout my squirel and if anyone else has one PLEASE SHARE lol. Squirel was playing 8 ball on table 5 at Jack & Jills. He missed a real easy shot and began yelling m'fer, m'fer! IM SO F'IN BAD! He then proceed to put his head down and run full steam as fast as he could head first into the yellow cinder block wall --- knocking himself out cold! Lol. Someone asked, what the hell are they playing for??? Answer ------ $5 a game.

Seems to me that Freddy the Beard wrote about someone who would do that sort of thing in his book "Encyclopedia of Pool Hustlers". Don't think it was anyone known as "Squirrel", though.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Brother, I totally understand and respect the no gambling thing as one of my best friends 100% does not gamble at anything so I am simpathetic to it. With that being said; I am one of the people that truly believes that you will never get to or see your actual true game until there is a significant wager that could hurt u to some degree. While not always true, in my experience the gamblers have always had more heart, stamina, killer instincts than the tourny or fun players.

Not saying this about you, but they also can be the biggest cheaters, liers, and theives. Those are usually the biggest human traits that come out of gambling. I have very little faith in human nature anymore.


Not saying this about you, but they also can be the biggest cheaters, liers, and theives. Those are usually the biggest human traits that come out of gambling. I have very little faith in human nature anymore.

From what I've experienced, that's not necessarily true.

Thieves don't always like to gamble. They just steal things and there's very little risk in that - at least, on the financial side. Cheaters also just want to win, it's more of an ego-driven thing. They don't want to risk much, because they rely on cheating in many cases. Just about everybody lies, it's mostly a matter of their perspective on it.

I really like to gamble. Partially, because when I only make a set amount a year being a desk jockey, it's the only way I'm really going to see a change. If you sat me down at a machine, there's a chance I'd dump more into it than planned. But, when gambling on something to do with my own skill, I'm more level-headed about it. I also play better when gambling.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does anybody else find it somewhat amusing a guy with a username of smashmouth started a thread on the internet complaining about being hustled by an old geezer?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not saying this about you, but they also can be the biggest cheaters, liers, and theives. Those are usually the biggest human traits that come out of gambling. I have very little faith in human nature anymore.

What's your point? It doesn't make anything I said inaccurate. What u said too may also be true but remember this IS a pool forum with a thread in regards to HUSTLING. Correct?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Seems to me that Freddy the Beard wrote about someone who would do that sort of thing in his book "Encyclopedia of Pool Hustlers". Don't think it was anyone known as "Squirrel", though.

Don't know, never read it - although I do plan to at some point. One thing is for sure though, plenty of crazies out there. Also being the guy I was talking about was the road partner of one of the best known road guys for 40 years on the east coast it is also quite possible that indeed it is the same person that is referred to in the book - only they were in town under assumed names. If u are doubting authenticity of story im quite certain there are quite a few old J & J crew that can verify this story. Hell maybe even JAM as im pretty sure she knows of the squirel im speaking of.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
From what I've experienced, that's not necessarily true.

Thieves don't always like to gamble. They just steal things and there's very little risk in that - at least, on the financial side. Cheaters also just want to win, it's more of an ego-driven thing. They don't want to risk much, because they rely on cheating in many cases. Just about everybody lies, it's mostly a matter of their perspective on it.

I really like to gamble. Partially, because when I only make a set amount a year being a desk jockey, it's the only way I'm really going to see a change. If you sat me down at a machine, there's a chance I'd dump more into it than planned. But, when gambling on something to do with my own skill, I'm more level-headed about it. I also play better when gambling.

You are right.....its not every gambler. I was referring to the hustler...the main topic of the thread. I should have been more specific. Hustlers will hide their skill and bring out just enough to take the cash. If he or she knows they have a sucker on the line, that is no different then stealing. When a hustler intentionally hides his skill, maybe throwing games and missing shots to bait the hook, they just told a lie to make money. And a hustler will usually cheat to win if possible. I can't think of a good example of cheating right now, maybe someone can help me with that one. But you get my drift.

I really wasn't refering to just gamblers, though some do exhibit these tendencies, but to the hustler.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You are right.....its not every gambler. I was referring to the hustler...the main topic of the thread. I should have been more specific. Hustlers will hide their skill and bring out just enough to take the cash. If he or she knows they have a sucker on the line, that is no different then stealing. When a hustler intentionally hides his skill, maybe throwing games and missing shots to bait the hook, they just told a lie to make money. And a hustler will usually cheat to win if possible. I can't think of a good example of cheating right now, maybe someone can help me with that one. But you get my drift.

I really wasn't refering to just gamblers, though some do exhibit these tendencies, but to the hustler.

Also to this statement id like to add, I agree with all of this. However, ( without trying to be mean - how many times have u been to a pool hall? ) what I mean by that is I believe if u " get hustled" its YOUR FAULT! Either your not good enough or your not smart enough - PERIOD. Now on the cheating thing totally. Cheaters are *****es, and get dealt with properly and swiftly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
K thanks. Wasn't sure since I haven't seen " my squirel" for 10+ years. Here's a quick story bout my squirel and if anyone else has one PLEASE SHARE lol. Squirel was playing 8 ball on table 5 at Jack & Jills. He missed a real easy shot and began yelling m'fer, m'fer! IM SO F'IN BAD! He then proceed to put his head down and run full steam as fast as he could head first into the yellow cinder block wall --- knocking himself out cold! Lol. Someone asked, what the hell are they playing for??? Answer ------ $5 a game.

That's not our squirrel Roger, that Squirrel could play!

Our squirrel , was a real Squirrel, that couldn't beat nobody, but he tried a lot!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Also to this statement id like to add, I agree with all of this. However, ( without trying to be mean - how many times have u been to a pool hall? ) what I mean by that is I believe if u " get hustled" its YOUR FAULT! Either your not good enough or your not smart enough - PERIOD. Now on the cheating thing totally. Cheaters are *****es, and get dealt with properly and swiftly.

Roger, I only been cheated 1 time that I know of, And that was Black Henry, I was drilling him at the time, so I over looked it, as did Big Craig Wood.

Craig seen it and told me after we were done, I ask craig why didn't he tell me, he was inn with me, craig said it didn't matter!

Heres what happen, I was getting the called 8, I was breaking, after I broke the balls the chalk fell on the floor, so I went down to get it and when I came up the 8 wasn't on the table, now I called the 8 across side and the 8 was going right for that side when I bent over, Henry swore to GOD that it didn't go in the side, now Big Craig seen it go in the right side.

I like Henry cause he is great action, but don't ever turn your back on him!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's not our squirrel Roger, that Squirrel could play!

Our squirrel , was a real Squirrel, that couldn't beat nobody, but he tried a lot!

Thanks Rich! At least ya know the squirel im talking about. By chance can u confirm or deny the story bout him knocking himself out? Or do ya have any other funny stories bout him cause every one is always a riot!