wow SVB forfeits match vs Alcano


Silver Member
To avoid things like this

To avoid things like this, ALL shots should be called whether its a hanger or a 20-rail bank shot. I believe 'gentleman's pool' went down the street and got hit by a bus sometime ago.

Its seems like 'moves' are being pulled by everyone ranging from your league player to your house tourney player to your elite players. :(

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Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I've never liked call shot rules in 9-ball or 10-ball and this incident isn't going to change my mind.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To avoid things like this, ALL shots should be called whether its a hanger or a 20-rail bank shot. I believe 'gentleman's pool' when down the street and got hit by a bus sometime ago.

Its seems like 'moves' are being pulled by everyone ranging from your league player to your house tourney player to your elite players. :(


Or none should be called since the ones where you are trying one hole and slop it into a different pocket are statistically insignificant. Not worth the effort and nittiness to me.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Be nice to have one set of rules for 10 ball. Another game getting F ...UP. Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Call 10 or not the shot was obvious, unambiguous. Not like he missed the 10 and went 3 cushions to shit into another pocket...absolute bullshit application of the rule and I don't blame Shane one bit for quitting the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We have a local tour that's a "called 9" tour. It's become a popular way to play up here. Though, it only needs to be called if it's not obvious. A bank, combo, carom etc need to be called. What Shane shot, would never need to be called.

Calling a hanger is obnoxious and calling someone out for not calling a hanger is nitty

Rules are rules. It's the same as a 3 foul not telling your man he's on 2. I was playing a guy 15 years ago getting a money ball. I had a 1' shot staight in on my ball and did not call it. He said I didn't call it. I was hot, and quit.

Till this day, I now call the money ball if it's in the jaws of the pocket. (Unless we are playing wild money ball of course). You can 1000% NEVER have an issue this way.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Call shot is for not obvious shot...... Everybody knows that Shane is playing on that pocket.
And it is just a move from Alcano.
I love both players but you can clearly see Alcano *****ing about it.
And there is history between those two. It is not only about that stuff.
Alcano has not the reputation to be a the clearest guy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've never liked call shot rules in 9-ball or 10-ball and this incident isn't going to change my mind.

Sorry but that is the proper way to play the game. However in this case, the issue stems from the misinterpretation of the rule. What I mean is the reason call shot was put in place was to avoid making the money ball via a fluke, not for the sake of using it against the player for not calling an obvious shot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Or none should be called since the ones where you are trying one hole and slop it into a different pocket are statistically insignificant. Not worth the effort and nittiness to me.

I agree with this. Call shot in "Professional " rotation games is a waste. A pro might sh1t in a ball once a set. It's not significant at all. And at the same time call shot takes away the 2 way shot.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Call shot is for not obvious shot...... Everybody knows that Shane is playing on that pocket.
And it is just a move from Alcano.
I love both players but you can clearly see Alcano *****ing about it.
And there is history between those two. It is not only about that stuff.
Alcano has not the reputation to be a the clearest guy.

:rolleyes: The referee was clearly the one who called the "error", not Alcano. So for this case, why do you have to blame him? There was no audio so we do not know what he said. Jay was there so maybe he can shed more light on this incident.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Shane won the previous rack and shot the 10ball in front of the same ref and nothing was said.

Honestly this is the nittiest shit rule in the world. I would have quit too. Calling the balls eliminates luck, no luck was involved here.

I agree!
And aren't ALL shots in 10 ball supposed to be called?
So why wasn't Shane penalized for not calling the 9 or the 8?
You cant just say if its obvious no called required - except on the 10!

It would be interesting to see the number of times during any of these streams,
that an obvious 10 ball was credited as a win without a call.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Capture.JPGThis is the statement Shane made on Facebook about what happened below

Unbelievable. Playing Ronnie Alcano. Had a straight in shot on ten. refree and Alcano told me that I had to call the pocket, and loss of game. Even though I rolled the ten ball in and it was obvious shot. Loss of game. I forfeited the match and walked out. Lol. It's funny how the this sport can create drama. But no biggie, still positive to move on to my next match. Need to win 2 more for final 32
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is the statement Shane made on Facebook about what happened below

Unbelievable. Playing Ronnie Alcano. Had a straight in shot on ten. refree and Alcano told me that I had to call the pocket, and loss of game. Even though I rolled the ten ball in and it was obvious shot. Loss of game. I forfeited the match and walked out. Lol. It's funny how the this sport can create drama. But no biggie, still positive to move on to my next match. Need to win 2 more for final 32
looks like Ronnie pulled BS move and the refs went along with it


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It shouldn't be a loss of game but 10 ball has to be spotted and alcano has an option.


AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
We have a local tour that's a "called 9" tour. It's become a popular way to play up here. Though, it only needs to be called if it's not obvious. A bank, combo, carom etc need to be called. What Shane shot, would never need to be called.

Calling a hanger is obnoxious and calling someone out for not calling a hanger is nitty

Agreed..making any pro have to call that obvious a shot is stupidity..and if its true that the Ref didn't enforce this for Shane's first 3 shots on the 10 ball and then just decided to call it on him at that moment makes even less sense.

You can see Alcano chirping at the Ref, no love lost between SVB and Alcano...SVB has destroyed Alcano by ridiculous spreads too many times to list.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
it was obvious in the video alcano initiated that shane didn't call the 10. There was eye contact between the ref and alcano. Video doesn't lie.


Out To Win
Silver Member
This is the statement Shane made on Facebook about what happened below

Unbelievable. Playing Ronnie Alcano. Had a straight in shot on ten. refree and Alcano told me that I had to call the pocket, and loss of game. Even though I rolled the ten ball in and it was obvious shot. Loss of game. I forfeited the match and walked out. Lol. It's funny how the this sport can create drama. But no biggie, still positive to move on to my next match. Need to win 2 more for final 32

He also posted a screenshot from the op of this very thread... which means Shane lurks the forums. :eek:


Suspected hacked account
Silver Member
From the video I think there are two possible pockets that SVB could have sunk the 10 ball. And he did not call which one. Somebody made that rule it should be followed. Referees are more linient when there are no other possible pocket available but the obvious one, hence they were getting away for not calling the pocket. He should have not surrender the match. He traveled very far , he could have still made it and beat Alcano.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Calling a hanger is obnoxious and calling someone out for not calling a hanger is nitty

I agree! That is super nitty.

I had a conversation with a buddy of mine the other day. He likes the call 10 ball rules. I countered with the fact that luck is possible in all the other sports/games...why should pool be any different? If the races are long enough, the better player should win most of the time.