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  • Hello sir, I am looking to buy and have setup a diamond pro-am or similar in birmingham, al. I know you are a good source of tables for sale across the US and was curious if you knew of any at this moment. Thanks for your time.

    Scotty Waters
    i need some info on a diamond table if you dont mind. you said on the forum that a 9 footer is around 1000lbs but diamond said it was 1200, seems like not a big deal but im going upstairs so every little bit helps. was you talking about the pro or the pro am? is the base frames the same as far as well built on both units? i like the pro better but am concidering both models just cant make up my mind. any help is much appreciated so again thanks for any help
    I don't have a manual for the assembly of that table, don't even know where to send you to get one. The century tables were built in the late 1980's to early 1990's.
    Sorry for disturbing,, i see on your profile that you have assembling Bruncwick century supreme
    I just bought one on ebay,,
    Since the table was dissmounted i am asking you, if you maybe have manual or any kind of instruction to assemble that table,,
    I will be more tah grateful if u send me if you have some kidn of manual
    Thanks for any help..
    And one thing,, do u maybe have an information how old can that table be ?? when brunswick was producing this model since the ex owner could'n tell me any kind of information ,,
    thanks in advance on any info ,,
    greetings from Croatia (Europe)
    Hello Glen,
    Rich Alexander from Northern California. I havn't spoken to you in quite awhile, I hope everything's well and life's treatin' you good. Unfortunitly due to a eight month lay off It look's like my 7" Pro Am has become expendable. I have it up for sale in the classified's but wanted to bring it to your attention just in case you come across someone on the west coast looking for a diamond. It's in the same shape as it was when you set it up. I'm going to hate letting it go but I can always obtain another one soon as I can get back to work. Well take care Glen, hope things are well. Rich
    Glen if you can give me a call I would like to see what it will take to get you to come up to minot north dakota before summer ends and get our diamond table back to better than new. The number is 623-377-0020. The name is greg.
    Hey Glen I was reviewing you document on leveling 3 piece slate. Very nice work, and thanks for the efforts. This is a great tool for guys like me who are bonafide "do it yourselfers" and can't afford a pro like yourself. I decided it was easier for me to read by combining the pages. Then I decided to convert it to a PDF. I would attach a copy for you but this cannot be done. If you'd like a copy just let me know I can email it to you. I tried fixing the picture (drawn) of the 3 pieces together. since it was a bit blurry. But I didn't know what it said because it was too blurry. :rolleyes:

    Take care!

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