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  • Hey Tom...i'm gonna see Tall Man today and get the pics from him and send them myself. I'll send them Priority mail.

    See u soon.

    Swede OUT!
    Dude you beat Ray Martin????!!!!!! i'm going to buy your book as soon as i take care of some bills. you got a point about he money comment you made. people talk about poker being a sport but the greatest poker players in the world wouldn't play at all if there wasn't money involved. even if there's no money involved the best players in the world would still play
    I posted a brief thread reviewing your book positively. Please read it and get back to me with concerns if any exist.
    I am interested in reading first chapter of your book. You can email me bandoni@smartgrp.com
    I would like to read the first chapter of your book. If you would please send it to me at dabarbr2@msn.com. Thanks
    Hello Tom,
    If you would be so kind as to mail Chapter one to: mddog722@aol.com.
    Thank you,
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