Tom In Cincy
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  • Thanks Tom. I appreciate you noticing and taking time to wish me well. I've enjoyed your posts for a lot... a LOT of years. :groucho: .... since you were really in Cincy, and I have to admit I envey you your location at Hard Times. Cool place to be.
    Lots of good games and action,lots of pool tables to work on and I'm constantly getting new Life ain't bad. I just finished another poolhall,about to start working on tables for another one. Found a couple of Omens that you should see...I think you got me hooked on his cues aga in! How's Sac?
    Thanks, but yes it seems the Marxists are again on a neg rep jihad against truth.
    Cartman is the wildly funny (and my very favorite) character in South Park who demands that everyone "respect mah authoritay." He was also in your avatar. I recommend you watch South Park the movie one day- it has a very happy and uplifting Cartman song (dedicated to Kyle's mom) that I like to sing in my head when certain people are mean to me for no good reason...
    : ) you mean this guy and all of the others? : ) Actually I thought I had a "thing" to go to tonight but apparently I've got my dates mixed up- it's next Tues- and so now I'm free to play tonight. Just have to see about Lyndee and Will and make sure I really am straight. Hope to see you in a few hours...
    : ) I can only sayyy... I respect your privacy...? I actually thought these pages were new- I hadn't seen this whole setup before yesterday. Even back when we were talking about the relative merits and crimes of duck pushing, I don't remember it looking anything like this.
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