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  • Hi jayman, hope you are well. Have a quick question, i'm a vintage Adam collector. Do you know of any sites I can use to gain more information on the models? Thank you.
    Good morning Jayman, I found your explanation of the APA "Equalizer" system very informative. I am curios as to if you know the 9-ball skill level numbers. They must differ from 8-ball because they go up to 9 and down to 1. Also, when figuring a players skill level, if a 5's win % is 90 the score that goes in for 9 of the matches is 3.1(unless a match averages less). On the loss, if the player loses the match 2-0 in 5 racks and 20 innings(0 defences just for example). Is the "4" scored or is it the innings in the racks he won in the match?
    I was reading a thread on here about Slade cues and it appears you know quite a bit about them. I acquired one at a local place (Oklahoma city) about 12-13 years ago, and was wondering what you could tell me, apart from the various threads on here, more about them like value, materials, etc.
    thank you, Don
    hello jayman
    I am in need of help to age and id of a cue. I can email pictures. The sticker has the adam lion it and a sticker with the letters AF. Any help would be greatly welcome.

    Thanks, Don
    Hello Jayman, I'm a coming up collector myself I was curious if any of your cues could be parted with by any chance? My name is Justin and my e-mail is justur1@gmail.com if you could possibly e-mail I would greatly appreciate it.

    Justin (24 yrs old)
    Phoenix AZ
    Jim, You can send pics of your Viking cue to me at; jay.baldwin@comcast.net I'll be glad to help with any info I can.
    Jayman, I hear that you are the guy to ask when it comes to old Viking Cues. I just picked up what appears to be an Early Viking Rosewood four point with veneers. It has the acrylic window on the butt sleeve and inside it says " Monkey Heise by Viking. I have pictures I could e-mail you if you like. thanks, Jim Antil
    i heard you were the man when it comes to identifying adams cues. all i know about mine is that it is adams. no wrap, no points, nothing fancy- just a good straight shooting cue. any insight would be greatly appreciated.
    Hey, my name is Ian. I was talking to chopdoc about a cue I had, and he said you might have some spare original bumpers for adams cues. I have an Adams JR-9 viscount. Please let me know if you have any extra bumpers. If you want, I'll trade you something for it too!

    Thanks, Ian
    I just recently sold one. I don't know of any for sale just at the moment though.
    you have been referred to as the resident ADAMS expert. i have one that i can't find any info on. it is signed, dated, and numbered - helmstetter, Nov 22, 1989, 01/25. if you can send me your email i will try to send pics. it is similar to the 97-8 only has some sort of scrimshaw design in the butt windows. any info, price, value, history?
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