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  • Hi Joe, do you still have the specs of the Schon R-15 I bought from you. I lost he sheet I printed out? If you do, could you email them to me.
    Hey Joe, I just wanted to thank you again. The Schon R-15 is perfect. It hits like a dream. I put a Lucasi hybrid shaft on it. Hits even better.

    Thanks agian.
    im very interested in purchasing the mace. i was just wondering if you were willing to let it go for 180? please pm me asap.

    thank you
    whats the price and what are the woods used? i have a couple of radial threaded shafts just sitting around that i would like to put to good use. keep me updated. ty!
    Hey joe. I was just wondering if you could help me find either a frey or josey sneaky with a radial joint, somewhere in the neighborhood of 19 oz. with a price under 300. Please get back to me if you do happen to find one.
    hi joe, i see that you deal alot in barnharts and was wondering if you could help me out. i had cory make me a wrapless 5 point cocobolo into curly maple forearm. no veneers, and it has a curly maple oppe style ring at the bottom. the cue also comes with 2 shafts. what is a good price for me to ask for this cue? its barely been played, and is in exellent condition. oh, it has a cocobolo joint as well. thank you for any suggestion you have,
    Hi Joe,
    I saw the very nice scruggs you are offering for a friend for 2,85k and I wonder if you might be interested in a trade with a beautyful Ariel Carmeli Model 800-2. It's absolutely unique as Ariel stretched the complete design to 61,5 inches and believe me, he did an absolutely awesome job! Ivory buttcap, solid ivory joint + countless ivory inlays, fullsplice, lovely wood, even points, razor sharp veneers, flawless except a very minor ding in the finish slightly above buttcap. Two originla shafts, one 30,75 inches one shortened to 29. Ariel stated that he would build this configuration again not under 3,5K. If your're interested I could give more specs.
    Hello Joe, I know you sold the Phillippi cue you were wanting to trade for the Floral Huebler, any other cues you might want to work a deal on? Maybe your BCM cue? Let me know. Thanks, Greg
    Thanks for the response Joe! "Typically, cuemakers have to add wood to the end of these old Titlist blanks in order to move the points forward and to have them thick enough at the joint. When they do that, they do not cut the blank, so it remains a full-splice under the wrap."
    I don't want to clutter the thread so I shall ask you here. Just between you and me...Would it not be more accurate to refer to this cue as a 3/4 splice since there is at least one tenon in the butt handle? Is not a "full-splice" 1-piece from point to butt cap (no tenons)?
    hi i bought a frey cue from you sometime back and just needed some advice on a paul mottey sneakey in good condition it was on ebay a little while ago do you have any idea of the value ? trhanks
    Miss seeing the link to your website Joe! Always like seeing what you have around FS/FT. Hope you have a great New Year. Go catch some fish this summer

    Happy Holidays,

    this is your eletronic Christmas card, I'm sending it to all my friends here and other people I dont know(yet), I'm in the Christmas Spreait this year!!! And want to share that gret feeling with my friends and pool player I havent met yet!!! 09 was a brutal year for all of us, so a litle joy now is what the Dr. ordered!!!

    I wish you to have a happy Christmas and a great 2010!!!

    shoot straight, and my best regards

    Eric aka Fatboy

    PS I wwish you the best for your biz in 2010, your very good at what you do. take care and my best to you and family
    hey joe do you still want to get rid of that dickie let me no what u want to do i would greatly appreciate it thanks
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