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  1. Tim-n-NM

    Live Stream

    Will there be live stream this year? If so please post a link.
  2. Tim-n-NM


    Do we have any members here still left in the WSOP. How did everyone finish?
  3. Tim-n-NM

    JimBobs in MS

    Is JimBobs open again in Biloxi MS. I knew it had a lot of damage after the big Hurricane and was wondering if they rebuit? They had great food and some good action when i was there.
  4. Tim-n-NM


    I noticed Tom Ferry would have been 64 today. Rest in peace Tom. We miss your stories!!!
  5. Tim-n-NM

    Karl Boyes beats JA

    went hill hill, Karl comes out winner
  6. Tim-n-NM


    Would someone please explain what a stun shot is, and how you would hit the cue ball to make a stun shot. please explain !
  7. Tim-n-NM

    Score of Schmit match

    Does anyone know how it ended last nite? I had to go to bed..
  8. Tim-n-NM

    Pool in Virginia

    I will be in Hampton VA for a week and would like to play a little while I'm there. Could the good people from VA turn me on to the local hot spots if there are any.
  9. Tim-n-NM

    Frost vs Daz

    Well what did everyone that watched think?
  10. Tim-n-NM

    World Champion

    Ralf beats the World.
  11. Tim-n-NM


    Who won the 10 ball last night in Reno?
  12. Tim-n-NM

    Ring Game

    Are there any updates available?
  13. Tim-n-NM

    Thanks TAR

    Once again I woud like to thank TAR for there love of pool.
  14. Tim-n-NM

    Easter Shoot Out

    Cue Connection's 2nd Annual Easter Shoot Out Alamogordo NM. 9 Ball Tournament Maximum of 48 players Entry fee : $100.00 includes $10.00 green fee $4320.00 Price Pool Payout 1st-8th (with maximum Players) April, 7th 2007 Starts at 12pm Register Early !!!! Contact Joe or Timo 505-439-9789
  15. Tim-n-NM


    Quick question. What is the name of your room and where is it located in EP?
  16. Tim-n-NM

    Bobby beat Efren

    Bobby Pickle beats Efren 9 ball
  17. Tim-n-NM

    its back up

  18. Tim-n-NM

    Got booted.

    lost feed... BCN
  19. Tim-n-NM

    Bcn ?

    Will the BCN be there this year?
  20. Tim-n-NM

    Ran a 6 pack

    Playing on a barbox BCA 8ball put 6 racks together last nite my next highest was five. done a few times. Here's to pool, cheers. Tim. in snowey New Mexico.