2022 DCC attendance


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I heard (not confirmed) that there is smoking in the building again since they moved the casino up off the boat into the main building.

Is this true?

Does anyone know?

Thanks in advance

Fatboy<———can’t fade the smoke


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I will be there. I am playing in the banks and one-pocket events. I am hoping to cash and maybe take down a giant or two in the process. Maybe in another year or two, I will do all three events. I hope they don't have a mask policy. If so, I am not going.
I was told the casino allows smoking and that the playing area is smoke-free.


I went in 2017-18, so I’m unfamiliar with the layout. Would I need to be walking through smoke for 7-8 days, be around smoke constantly or is the play area far enough away? I also can not handle smoke and don’t travel to tourneys much because of that.

Keith E.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I went in 2017-18, so I’m unfamiliar with the layout. Would I need to be walking through smoke for 7-8 days, be around smoke constantly or is the play area far enough away? I also can not handle smoke and don’t travel to tourneys much because of that.

I believe that your question would be better directed to someone that was actually there at the last tournament. I myself was going on very reliable, but second hand, information. The impression that I got was that the casino area was the only location where smoke was a problem.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just remember you have to be 21 to get in, even just to watch. Started a couple yrs ago when they moved casino inside and off the barge. All rooms are sold out at the Caesars.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just remember you have to be 21 to get in, even just to watch. Started a couple yrs ago when they moved casino inside and off the barge. All rooms are sold out at the Caesars.
I got a room for the week. What I can’t find is online registration.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I believe that your question would be better directed to someone that was actually there at the last tournament. I myself was going on very reliable, but second hand, information. The impression that I got was that the casino area was the only location where smoke was a problem.

I missed the lady one(since they moved the casino) smoke travels……🤯😡


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Got a room reserved all week. Will be my first time going. Does anyone know if I am a player, do I get free entry to watch after I lose?
You get in with your players badge, you can also get 1 guest a pass with your entry. I did not know that the first several years and was paying for the wife daily.


I'm back
Silver Member
It’s been almost two years since anyone has posted about the Derby.
I can’t wait to get out and play some pool with friends I haven’t seen in a while.
One change this year is my wife wants to go. Hope she can keep up😁
Wish I been there and can pick up one of your super nice Dealer cases.