

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hey marek, nice cut! are you putting outside on the cue ball? when attempting the cut, were you aiming to miss thin?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Excellent, looking forward to a veeeery detailed (and as impartial as possible under the circumstances) review of the latest BeCue wonder once you get comfortable with it. ;)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
amazing what they can do with photography these days

it looked like you were making that impossible shot

I went in with Richie Ambrose and we were given 20 shots to mke a shot like that for a boatload of money

Funny thing I was covering all bets and we beat Baltimore Danny and Jack Cooney on this one
along with about two dozen other patrons of the game. The last thing I heard was Barbara running
toward the table saying to Jack,"it's a sucker bet"

But with posted money......

This shot is so impossible looking we were able to clean out the entire tournament pool room in less than 3 minutes ,
that is after about 50 minutes of preparing the dish,or laying down the spread as I prefer to call it

I lost about 100 betting $1 a shot until Richie said he would take 50 shots for $100,this was said
that was said and finally free market pressured Richie into taking only 20 attempts.

I have to confess I was in with Richie from the first and there was a lot more gamble here than you might expect,sometimes it took Richie 4 tries so with 20 we felt relaxed

A fella needs an edge

to tell the truth,the shot we made was a whole lot less difficult to shoot
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jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I got a good one for ya. Place any ball on the first diamond on the end rail and then freeze another ball to it, directly out from the diamond, so it is one ball off the rail on the first diamond. Now remove the first ball, so only the second ball remains, one ball width off the end rail. Okay so far.

Now do the same thing at the other end of the table (on the same side) and leave the cue ball exactly one ball off the opposite end rail, one diamond out. Now take a look at that cut shot. It will look impossible to cut the object ball into the near corner pocket. But guess what, it can be made! I've gotten as many as thirty tries to make this shot and will take twenty. It's not easy to make, but it does go!

To make this shot, just swing hard at the edge of the object ball. When you clip the very edge it will dribble into the corner pocket. I just gave away one of my best gaff shots to make money. I once won over $500 shooting this shot. They even let me do it again after I made it on the ninth try. The second time (for only $200) I made it on the third try! Better yet, I made this shot on the FIRST try when I showed it to Dennis and Warren. They had each tried it three or four times before I told them to let me show them how to make it. This old dog has a few tricks up his sleeve. :rolleyes:
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