

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
didn't somebody else post it like this. .06 06 06 then 06 06 06

then they stated that it will not happen for another 1000 years. it was posted either here or on the CCB at Billiards Digest...it is weird tho.....mike


Josh Eisert
Silver Member
I'm sure some freaking nut job out there will make use of today.:rolleyes: Realisticaly though scientist say our calander is off anyways so...


1 brick at a time
Silver Member
Thank God for odd numbers. Well, being that I'm agnostic, I don't thank anyone or anything nor blame anyone or anything, but myself.

Understanding is as big a step as staying stupid. It's your choice which you wish to become.

Focus... such a subjective term, but also objective. Just as 666 is.

Dwell and die, wallow and bask. 666 is just another number, just like your birthday. It will be as it always has been, just another day.

Colin Colenso

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow, I just ran 6 six-ball 6 packs :eek:

And, as Smorgasbored pointed out, we can list the date like this every 100 years. But the media keeps crowing about once a millenium, being the tards they are. :D


Banger McCue
Silver Member
Has Every Movie Been Made?????

Are we out of new ideas in Hollywood???? Must we remake the same movies over and over and over again????
Cape Fear, Possiden, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Omen, Psycho......are just a few off the top of my head.....

How many can you think of?

I mean there has to be at least one more video game, comic book, TV show, or SNL skit that hasn't had a movie version? The Dukes of Hazzard, The Cone Heads, Wayne's World, Superstar, A Night at the Rockbury, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, The Fantastic Four, Star Trek....etc ad to this list if you can.

Maybe every movie has been made, every song has been written, or have we just run out of ideas. Maybe this is why there are soooo many reality shows.

When will they make Survivor the movie, American Next Top Model Movie???? I'd pay $10 to see that.

McCue Banger McCue