Only possible due to Shaw's incredible accuracy on ball striking at all speeds. He by and large never under/overcuts a ball when the speed is important.I wrote an extended description of the run for my February column in Billiards Digest. Here's a related excerpt:
As with Jayson’s previous record run, which I covered in detail in my June 2022 column, this run was remarkable for the number of times he moved a ball into better break shot position. He adjusted the break ball in 36 of the 59 racks. In six of those racks he adjusted the break ball twice, but in one of those he moved the break ball accidently after adjustment and had to move it back.
I was in awe of his ability to set up on perfect angles to nudge the break ball an inch or two... And to set up on the key ball in such a way as to get the PERFECT break angle. It was a thing of beauty seeing him hit the key ball and just float into exact position without getting stuck closer to the rail for the break shot.