Ok tell us more also.... I also heard they should make bowling balls much larger to create more 300 games.
Well, I can see valid arguments on both sides of the standardized pocket size debate. On one hand, it's just pool and tables vary by make, time period they are from, and between the mechanics that work on them. Naturally variation between the table, chalk, cues, lighting, balls and everything else is expected. That's all part of the game. Turning it into a science project to understand and control all those isn't needed (it's just a game).
On the other hand, I can see the problem with the next guy opening the pockets up a little (from whereever they were) to break the record. Where does that stop?
I'm not sure what the answer is but IMHO, unless someone intentionally creates an "easy / gaffe table", I don't see it as an issue.
Another point: creating an easy table is a double edged sword. It also created more scratches. My previous table (GC3) had buckets. Just shoot the ball in the general direction of a bucket was good enough. I didn't enjoy playing on it...plus I scratched a lot. Now I have a Diamond with tight pockets and deep shelves. It plays way too tough for my liking. At least all my runs don't end in a scratch anymore.