Battle of the Bull Roanoke VA Drama


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Snooker was in the toilet at one point too. All it took to get it out was showcasing a partying Jimmy White, a drunken Alex Higgins, and the straight man -- Steve Davis.

Barry Hearn used these characters to bring the game to the masses.

Just to repeat, Billy's behavior is a reflection of Billy -- not pool, and it's certainly not holding the game back.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Snooker was in the toilet at one point too. All it took to get it out was showcasing a partying Jimmy White, a drunken Alex Higgins, and the straight man -- Steve Davis.

Barry Hearn used these characters to bring the game to the masses.

Just to repeat, Billy's behavior is a reflection of Billy -- not pool, and it's certainly not holding the game back.

there's still alcohol abuse in snooker. robert milkins' drunken altercation last year, ended up in turkish hospital getting his stomach pumped. maguire, stevens seems to be a continuing story of being wasted in the hotel bar and throwing their talents away. many sports have this problem.

i don't know about characters. i see it as not fulfilling your talent. billy has a huge talent, he won three DCC titles before the age of 25! probably even younger. i hope he stays out of trouble and performs to the best of his ability.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Problem is, booze makes staying out of trouble more difficult. Thus the phrase, "can't hold his liquor".
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To the OP: You started a rumor-spreading gossip thread, then have the nerve to talk about those in the pool world eating their own? You also complain about people in the pool community sweeping things under the rug. I think you need to think about the difference between sweeping something under the rug and simply minding your own business. Unless you were directly involved AND affected, or unless you are offering specific help directly to one or more of those involved, it is really none of your business.


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
To the OP: You started a rumor-spreading gossip thread, then have the nerve to talk about those in the pool world eating their own? You also complain about people in the pool community sweeping things under the rug. I think you need to think about the difference between sweeping something under the rug and simply minding your own business. Unless you were directly involved AND affected, or unless you are offering specific help directly to one or more of those involved, it is really none of your business.


One Pocket back cutter
Silver Member
Reading is fundamental. My main point, for the Cliffs Notes version so you won’t hurt yourself reading, is that I hope the young professional gets help, because I can relate to alcoholism, having grown up in an alcoholic home.

To the OP: You started a rumor-spreading gossip thread, then have the nerve to talk about those in the pool world eating their own? You also complain about people in the pool community sweeping things under the rug. I think you need to think about the difference between sweeping something under the rug and simply minding your own business. Unless you were directly involved AND affected, or unless you are offering specific help directly to one or more of those involved, it is really none of your business.
My money is on he is a banned poster.

So a person comes in to the forum in 2023 for a few months and has all this pool knowledge, but wasn't ever a member of the most popular website for pool on Earth?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not sure what happened, and I'm not going to speculate.
All I know for certain is that there was a confrontation, and Billy departed, never returned for his next match, and was forfeited.

On a more positive side, for the TV table arena, a brand new 9-foot diamond table with grey cloth and 4 inch pockets, identical to those used by Matchroom at the US Open, was brought in.

They sold raffle tickets to give away the lovely new table, and guess who won when the winning ticket was drawn? Billy was the one. :)


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I'm not sure what happened, and I'm not going to speculate.
All I know for certain is that there was a confrontation, and Billy departed, never returned for his next match, and was forfeited.

On a more positive side, for the TV table arena, a brand new 9-foot diamond table with grey cloth and 4 inch pockets, identical to those used by Matchroom at the US Open, was brought in.

They sold raffle tickets to give away the lovely new table, and guess who won when the winning ticket was drawn? Billy was the one. :)
Tell me you didn't have to be present to win....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not sure what happened, and I'm not going to speculate.
All I know for certain is that there was a confrontation, and Billy departed, never returned for his next match, and was forfeited.

On a more positive side, for the TV table arena, a brand new 9-foot diamond table with grey cloth and 4 inch pockets, identical to those used by Matchroom at the US Open, was brought in.

They sold raffle tickets to give away the lovely new table, and guess who won when the winning ticket was drawn? Billy was the one. :)
Well that proves there's no such thing as pool Gods. Or maybe they just have a sense of humor.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anybody surprised?

He was all.set to be America's 3rd/4th recognized pro....he's becoming another tradgedy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anybody surprised?

He was all.set to be America's 3rd/4th recognized pro....he's becoming another tradgedy.
That's a bit strong. Sounds like he has some issues he needs to deal with but...

Maybe he's also starting to realize he's facing an uphill battle when it comes to making a living at this game. Better players than him have stepped away from it. You're pretty tough on the pros that don't go all in - in their pursuit of pool glory. To me, Billy's much closer to being a specialist like Brumback or Chohan than he is a world class 9 baller.

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
That's a bit strong. Sounds like he has some issues he needs to deal with but...

Maybe he's also starting to realize he's facing an uphill battle when it comes to making a living at this game. Better players than him have stepped away from it. You're pretty tough on the pros that don't go all in - in their pursuit of pool glory. To me, Billy's much closer to being a specialist like Brumback or Chohan than he is a world class 9 baller.
Interesting point!

A pool where are they now???


To my knowledge, no one made it big and are living the life!

Svb seems to be fairly well off!

Everyone else is below the poverty level! Sad but true!

I can't explain why svb has been able to carve out a life in pool the way he has.

I just don't see other people carving out a living, when the game has become global and you will have to beat the entire world to earn 100,000 a year.


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Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Interesting point!

A pool where are they now???


To my knowledge, no one made it big and are living the life!

Svb seems to be fairly well off!

Everyone else is below the poverty level! Sad but true!

I can't explain why svb has been able to carve out a life in pool the way he has.

I just don't see other people carving out a living, when the game has become global and you will have to beat the entire world to earn 100,000 a year.


Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
Just to be fair. SVB has no wife or kids. Pool and Fishing is his life. At 40 you make your choices. Some do the family thing (Exhibit A - Oscar D. ). I wonder how many US Opens SVB would have won if he found Mrs. Right at 21.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I remember Keith Mcready woofing at some filipinos to gamble at a tournament in CT in the early 2000s. Pretty sure he looked over at us, smiled, and said something about getting these Filipinos to gamble. Didn't think it was racist and didn't think the Filipinos thought so either. Times change I guess, not necessarily for the better.
were they Filipinos ? Yes. Then of course it’s not racist. No more then if they said I’m going to get this American to gamble. I ignore the snowflake everything racist crowd and do what I want. Life is better That way.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’ve actually had many people tell me that pool is “easy” and “a bar game”. I think that’s part of the problem too. Non players don’t understand the skill level it takes to run racks, shoot defense, etc. Take golf, for example. It’s player outdoors, against the elements, on courses that bend and twist, with sand traps. It looks difficult. And it is. But it’s a game that looks like it takes a great level of skill. Pool doesn’t. Flat table. Piece of wood, fancy or not, with a piece of leather on the end. Whack a white ball into a colored or striped ball, and into one of six pockets on a small table. Where’s the challenge in that? No elements, no twists and turns, no sand traps, nothing. The average person doesn’t understand the physics and geometry that makes up the beauty of the game. That’s what we as a pool community have failed to do - make the common man understand that pool is an art and a science, and that’s why we love it, and if you understand it, it’s a beautiful thing to behold a great player make it look super easy. That’s the failure on our part, as promoters.
Yeah but I don’t think people who don’t play respect how hard golf is. I’ve never played football but i watch it all the time And I’m not alone. golf viewers mostly play golf because we are amazed by what they do. im Not sure how we get that for pool.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just to be fair. SVB has no wife or kids. Pool and Fishing is his life. At 40 you make your choices. Some do the family thing (Exhibit A - Oscar D. ). I wonder how many US Opens SVB would have won if he found Mrs. Right at 21.
Yup. It’s not what you make, it’s what you spend. Plus, you have to have some biz savvy to carve out a tad better living.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's a bit strong. Sounds like he has some issues he needs to deal with but...

Maybe he's also starting to realize he's facing an uphill battle when it comes to making a living at this game. Better players than him have stepped away from it. You're pretty tough on the pros that don't go all in - in their pursuit of pool glory. To me, Billy's much closer to being a specialist like Brumback or Chohan than he is a world class 9 baller.
Go watch the Rob Saez video....he's an embarrassment.

Yet another example of wasted talent in American pool.