BCA Men's Semi-Finals


Still crazy after all these years
Silver Member
TannerPruess said:
Coming down to a nailbiter!!
Thanks for the updates Mike!!!

I second that, THANKS MIKE ... but one more post at least please ! <edit> I got impatient there, sorry about that Chief !



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The winner


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This next match should be very interesting. Can't wait to see how Jasmin reacts to her first TV match.



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Steve is doing introductions and we are getting ready to get started with match #2.


Staff member
Steve finishes introductions while Helena is running out a practice rack. He says we will start when she finished and she speaks up and says "I am ready".

Jasmin wins the lag by just about freezing her ball to the rail.


Staff member
Game 1

Jasmin breaks and makes the 1 ball. Perfect shape on 2 in the side but 5/8 are tied up.

Looks like she got shape to break them up with 4. No, she slow rolls the 4 to get to small window. Makes the 5 and draws off one rail for shape on the 6. Rack looks pretty easy from here. Good shape on 7. Perfect table run to dead 9-ball in the side pocket.

So far, the TV lights don't seem to be affecting Jasmin in any way.

Score: Ouschan 1 Thornfeldt 0


Staff member
Game 2

Helena breaks and makes 3 balls. Great shape on the 1 ball. Doesn't look like any real trouble here.

Helena makes 1 ball but rolls to 50 yard line on 2. Very careless shape. Already calling for extension this rack. Is Helena already feeling the heat to keep up with Jasmin?

Helena took about 10 practice strokes on the 2 before she finally shot and missed it bad. Doesn't leave much for Jasmin. She can see the 2 but only has a bank.

Jasmin banks the 2 in and leaves makeable 5 ball in the side.

Fires in the 5 and gets straight on the 6. Long shot but has the right side of the ball to get on 8 and 9.

Makes the 6 with no problem and leaves touchy 8 in the side. Now Jasmin is studying and taking her extension. Looks like she is trying to decide between side and corner. Misses shot to corner badly. Leaves Helena length of the table shot on 8 but 8 very near pocket.

Helena took at least 8 practice strokes and then under shot the shape to leave a little tester on the 9.

Missed it bad but left Jasmin on the short rail with 9-ball almost on spot. She is going to have to come with a shot here. If Jasmin makes this, Helena is going to really feel the heat.

Jasmin nails the shot.

Score: Ouschan 2 Thornfeldt 0


Staff member
Game 3

If Jasmin could break and run this rack, Helena might be done already.

Jasmin walks to the table like it is just another day at work.

Jasmin breaks and makes 2 ball. No clear path to the 1. Jasmin pushes to length of the table shot on 1. She is going to test Helena to see if Helena can lock her up with safe.

Instead, Helena gives the shot back to Jasmin. Jasmin fairly quickly plays simple safe to force Helena to kick to hit the 1. And Helena is jacked up.

Helena hits the 1 but leaves Jasmin in complete control. She can see full ball but not much of a pocket to aim at. Jasmin goes on the offensive and thins the 1 down the short rail. Leaves tester on 2 that she will have to spin cue ball to get on 3. Takes her extension.

Jasmin doesn't like it and gets up off shot. Finally goes for safety and leaves Helena long makeable 2 ball.

Helena makes 2 and leaves long straight 3 down the long rail.

Helena takes at least 1o practice strokes and misses ball badly leaving Jasmin straight in.

Jasmin takes control and confidently runs the last 5 balls.

Turns out that it is Helena who appears to be folding under the pressure and Jasmin who is playing like a confident veteran.

Score: Ouschan 3 Thornfeldt 0


really nice work, and fantastic description, good for ppl like me that cannot watch it neither on TV nor live.:cool:


Staff member
Game 4

Helena has got to get on the board here.

Helena breaks and makes 2 balls. Can see all of 1 ball but it is on the short rail and she has no shot. Gets the bridge and studies shot. Takes extension.

The safety is a disaster as Helena overshoots it and leaves 1 ball in the jaws of the side pocket for Jasmin. Jasmin makes the 2 and draws back to leave herself jacked up on 3. Missed it badly and she knew it. Jasmin was half way back to her chair before the 3 got to the pocket.

Helena is back to the bridge on the 3 ball. These 5 balls are something that Helena could run in her sleep and she will have to.

Looks like Helena is in business here. Runs to straight in 8-ball down the long rail. This should not present much of a problem.

Jasmin's cue fell while Helena was getting down on the 8-ball so Helena got back up. At least a dozen practice strokes and the 8 tried to jar. Instead Helena leaves tester on the 50 yard line on the 9.

Helena misses the 9-ball leaving Jasmin straight in.

Jasmin wins the game.

Helena looks like she would rather be anywhere but here right now.

Score: Ouschan 4 Thornfeldt 0


Staff member
Game 5

A very knowledgable player just walked up and said Helena is paralyzed. She can't do anything more than cinch balls right.

Jasmin breaks and makes 1 ball. Has long shot straight in on 1 but she is jacked up a little. Takes extension.

Jasmin misses it pretty badly. Leaves Helena full path to ball but 1 is on short rail. Helena shot that ball much quicker and it paid off. Left a full ball hook with 1 in jaws. Jasmin goes to the jump cue.

Jasmin fouls on jump attempt and gives Helena ball in hand.

I know this sounds familiar each game, but Helena has GOT to get out here.

Helena makes 1 and overruns 2 a little but she should be ok. Makes the 2 ball and leaves perfect shape on the 3. Helena is playing much quicker now.

Helena slowed down a little on the 7 and now she has a slight tester. Should still be no problem. Helena makes it and leaves self on 8-ball. Runs to 9 and finally gets on the board.

Score: Ouschan 4 Thornfeldt 1


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
AzHousePro said:
Jasmin's cue fell while Helena was getting down on the 8-ball so Helena got back up.

Ah haa, the o'l cue drop technique. : )

Obviously probably not an intended shark but funny nevertheless


Staff member
Game 6

I personally think Helena can't let Jasmin to the table this game. A break and run would do wonders to restore Helena's faltering confidence.

TV is taking a couple of minutes to start next game. Nothing like icing Helena after a game won.

Helena breaks and makes 1 ball. Almost makes 9 in the back corner pocket. Cue ball is very close to 1 ball and she will have to jack up on shot. Helena missed that ball badly and left Jasmin long path to cut on 1 ball. This shot will tell a lot about whether Jasmin is still confident after that last game.

She is. Makes the 1 and has shape on 2. Has to be careful not to scratch on the 2 ball. Fire the 2 ball in and leaves thin cut on 3. Jasmin is firing balls in with no fear here. Makes 3 and leaves cut down rail on 4 ball. Great shot on 4 and leaves shot on 5. None of these leaves are the methodical leaves you would see from Allison or Karen. They are just makeable shots that a player with no fear goes after. Got a little funny on the 7 with the angle taking the cue ball away from where she wants to be. Takes extension.

Makes 7 in the side and leaves real tester. 8-ball is in the middle of the short rail and cue ball is just past the side pocket on the long rail. Someone in the stands has a cell phone going off and Jasmin doesn't even get up off the shot. Goes for thin cut and just misses it. Is there such a thing as being too confident?

Helena cuts 8 in the pocket and leaves simple 9-ball which she makes.

Score: Ouschan 4 Thornfeldt 2


Staff member
Game 7

Lots of intrigue here. Jasmin has let two games slip away and given Thornfeldt back a little confidence. Lets see how Jasmin handles this game.

Jasmin breaks and makes a ball but lets cue ball go and scratches. Rack is wide open. This is the absolute best scenario for Helena.

I won't say this is a cosmo, but for Helena it should be. Takes her extension already and is only on the 3.

Made the 3 and draw straight back. It was like she was afraid to put any side on the cue ball at all for fear of missing the ball. At least she is playing quicker though.

At least 10 practice strokes on 5 ball. Left very makeable 6.

We are up to at least a dozen practice strokes on the 6. Made the 6 and left herself dead hooked on the 7. Goes to the jump cue.

At least 10 practice strokes on the jump shot. I would need ice on my shoulder after something like that. She cleared the ball but missed the 7 ball completely. Jasmin runs the 7 and 8 but over runs the 9 by a little. Makes the ball with no problem.

Score: Ouschan 5 Thornfeldt 2


Staff member
Game 8

The crowd is starting to lose interest because of how long it is taking Helena to pull the trigger on shots. Steve Tipton is now getting cheap pops from the crowd by pointing out Vegas favorites Ed Kelly and Lou Butera in the crowd.

Helena breaks and makes a ball. Good shape on the 1 ball. Helena makes the ball and lets the cue ball go a little. Gets a lucky break to get shape on the 2. Running the rack out much quicker this time. Helena is now playing super methodical. Runs out to 9 but overruns it and leaves shot a little more difficult than the one Jasmin just made last game. Takes extension.

17 practice strokes before she makes the ball.

Score: Ouschan 5 Thornfeldt 3