Cancer update


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Congrats Matt!

This is great news.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you for ongoing improvement.

Cindi and Jerry


I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
Hi Matt,

Great News!!! We have you in our thoughts. With the good news, treat yourself to something you really want, you have earned it.

We will keep you in our thoughts.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great news indeed! I lost a friend to cancer not long ago and it is tough how life can suddenly seem so fragile. Keeping you in prayers and God Bless!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great news, you must feel elated. I have known some that made it and some didn't. It always nice to hear the good. Good luck in the future.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's good to hear, I've been waiting for an update. Now everytime you get that news, stop and take a moment to savor it just by yourself. You're on the downhill now!:D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It sounds like you've remained strong throughout the entire ordeal. Good for you, and great news!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good to hear...

This is very good news to hear about. It is great that the medical community is able to eradicate some cases of the "big c". Hope they get around to all the other , so called "incurable" diseases too. I am waiting, getting frustrated and more than a little impatient about mine.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Matt_24 said:
Hey ya'll. I just wanted to share the good news with you. After surgery, a month of radiation, and a month of recovery, I had my first CT scan last Friday. My Doctor emailed me this morning telling me "Congratulations, the ct scan was negative." This means, there were no enlarged lymph nodes in the scan, meaning I'm cancer free. They will check me every 4 months for the next few years - but that is ok. They just want to make sure nothing is popping up. Just wanted to update my AZ pals.


GREAT NEWS thanks for letting us know.
