Country Calvin Classic - Need Help locating Old School Players


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
Has the location and date been set!

The location has not been cemented. The first location, Deep Pockets in Alvin,Tx, is waiting on confirmation that the tables will be there in time. The second location is Emerald Billiards in New Iberia, La.

We are wanting a venue that will have 16 matching tables.

The date will be June 24,25,26



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does anyone know if Lee Boone still plays? I went to college in Ruston for a year and we practiced and travelled together some.


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
I talked with Dave Favor lastnight and he said he would love to play in this tournament...

Would you please send any information for the tournament to


Dave Favor....what a great player! Un-orthodox style. Looks all wrong and then he's out!! :shocked: VERY unique style.

I will send an invite to the e-mail for Dave.




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
From shreveport area?He still plays...

Yeah, he was from Ruston and then moved to Shreveport when he was around 20. I haven't heard his name in years, used to have a pretty powerful stroke and played pretty good too. We were friends for my first year flunking out of college to play pool lol.


"Rack Um"/ Rusty Lock
Silver Member
Country Calvin Classic

Ray you can add these players to the list:

Reed Pierce
Tracy Mosley
John Hagar Jr.
Mark Wilson
Mike Zuglan
Rafael Martinez
Jamie Hutchinson
Joey Aguzin
Hu Lowrey
Jay Thrurman
Ray Morgan
Rod Surfer "Surfer Rod"
Yang Yim
Jeff Sutherland

David Harcrow

Ray you can add these players to the list when you update it today:

Tommy Sanders
Ray Garza
Josh Harris
Gary Lutman
Benny Conway
Jumpin Joe Lawrence

Calvin said he can't remember all the old school guys that he has played over the years, and the more recent guys, Calvins says let um all play, lets have some fun!, see some old friends and make some new ones!:)

David Harcrow
Last edited:


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
Ray you can add these players to the list when you update it today:

Tommy Sanders
Ray Garza
Josh Harris
Gary Lutman
Benny Conway
Jumpin Joe Lawrence

Calvin said he can't remember all the old school guys that he has played over the years, and the more recent guys, Calvins says let um all play, lets have some fun!, see some old friends and make some new ones!:)

David Harcrow

How cool is this event gonna be!!!

I have several names of "Young Schoolers" on the list already!

2 foul push out, behind the line on fouls. No jump cues.

After June 10th this will be open to ALL players!!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Old schooler left out

How cool is this event gonna be!!!

I have several names of "Young Schoolers" on the list already!

2 foul push out, behind the line on fouls. No jump cues.

After June 10th this will be open to ALL players!!


What about bank pool champion Larry Price?


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
Myself and Brandon Shuff had the opportunity to speak with many players on the Country Calvin list this past weekend at The Ultimate 10 Ball in Frisco this past weekend.

The buzz is amazing!

The Venue has been cemented. It will be at Deep Pocket Billiards in Alvin,Tx on 16 Diamond Bar Boxes!!! Sweet!!

The official announcement with details will be released this week!



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Myself and Brandon Shuff had the opportunity to speak with many players on the Country Calvin list this past weekend at The Ultimate 10 Ball in Frisco this past weekend.

The buzz is amazing!

The Venue has been cemented. It will be at Deep Pocket Billiards in Alvin,Tx on 16 Diamond Bar Boxes!!! Sweet!!

The official announcement with details will be released this week!


Can you even use the BIG cue ball on Diamond Bar Boxes?

Have details been announced yet as to format: Green Fee/Quarters/Dollars, race to etc...


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
Can you even use the BIG cue ball on Diamond Bar Boxes?

Have details been announced yet as to format: Green Fee/Quarters/Dollars, race to etc...

We will not be using the Big Cue ball. The Big cue ball wont work with the Diamond Bar Boxes.

Flyers and Press Release are coming together now! Look for them soon!



Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Myself and Brandon Shuff had the opportunity to speak with many players on the Country Calvin list this past weekend at The Ultimate 10 Ball in Frisco this past weekend.

The buzz is amazing!

The Venue has been cemented. It will be at Deep Pocket Billiards in Alvin,Tx on 16 Diamond Bar Boxes!!! Sweet!!

The official announcement with details will be released this week!


I hope Emerald Billiards gets the other event..


Capt Diff Lock
Gold Member
Silver Member
I hope Emerald Billiards gets the other event..

Shuff and I are planning a special event at Emeralds. It will not be the Country Calvin Classic or the James Barnett Ironman Memorial.

Keith Hulin and his wife Lisa are 2 of the best ambassadors of our sport in the U.S. They are hosting the Dragon Promotions Pro event along with an Open Barbox tournament July 28-30th at Emerald Billiards. Myself and Brandon Shuff will be in attendance along with a host of top level Pros!

Emerald Billiard may be the best pool room on the planet when you consider the entire package. A MUST visit for everyone!
