Darren Appleton vs Earl Strickland on 4 pocket Diamond table


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had a thought about Earl the other day. If his antics and attitude really bothered the other pros no one would play him at all. He'd be put on the bad action list and left to rot. Guys still show up to play him and people still show up to watch. Maybe the antics are for his benefit and he can't get in their heads anyway. So he's the unSVB, big deal.

If DAZ doesn't show up in a beekeepers outfit and a set of ass weights, he;s blowing a golden opportunity.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Earl is the biggest draw at any tournament I've ever seen....people walk into the tournament asking what table he's on. There's shots he will do that nobody else even tries. He's a demanding guy....of himself and the game. The game will be worse off without him. He doesn't care what the knockers have to say either....pool players are good at tuning out the haters.


Gold Member
This match is kinda interesting. I think Daz is a better player than Earl now but Daz doesnt have too great of a record in long races. If he can maintain his focus for that long I think he will be very hard to beat...but thats not a given. Darren has had real trouble in matches where he can't see the finish line.

Will Earl's antics get to Daz? No one playing today has a better mental game than Darren...but will that apply in a long set? I dont think Earl will get in his head but I dont know. Earl can tilt anyone if given enough time.

One thing I believe is all Daz has to do is get a lead and keep the heat on and Earl will tilt himself. He'll give up and mail it in rather than fight hard and lose a close match. I've seen that in person.

I haven't seen all the details of the match yet but I expect there will be funky rules and stipulations. As far as the money in the middle I am not even paying attention to it. Far as I'm concerned everything is an exhibition anymore. I'll probably buy day one just to see what ten ball on a four pocket table looks like.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
lol @ this fiasco

if Earl wants a tough table there are none tougher than a Chinese 8 Ball table

oh wait, Appleton is the world frickin champion on those so maybe not, lol


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This whole thing is crazy, but it is something defiantly worth paying to see. Earl has the potential to beat anyone still this day, years ago he would have destroyed Daz. Now I think it will be close, as long as earl didn't get a quick lead on him and then Daz gets down on himself like the 2015 masters. I still think earl wins it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bank it - I'll take action on this pm me

It be fun to see but 75?? Geez 30 would suffice
It's only way earl still gets attention by trying to design a way he can get an edge
Guys a nutcase and disgrace to the game

10k in the middle ? I'd like to hear Daz ckear this up as I'd believe jus word on here
I mean Daz not known for being a gambler seems strange he'd bet 10 k on a game he's never played regardless if he's getting backed
Plus I remenber him saying he always has some of his action


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This whole thing is crazy, but it is something defiantly worth paying to see. Earl has the potential to beat anyone still this day, years ago he would have destroyed Daz. Now I think it will be close, as long as earl didn't get a quick lead on him and then Daz gets down on himself like the 2015 masters. I still think earl wins it.

Earl in his prime still does not destroy daz. Darren is a stone cold champion. He can and does beat ANYONE on a given day.


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Earl in his prime still does not destroy daz. Darren is a stone cold champion. He can and does beat ANYONE on a given day.

Earl ran over everybody! Wish they had these long matches back in the day. Sure he lost to Efren, but who knows what happend on that last day or who "talked" to him beforehand


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's gonna be a battle ... it would be hard to place money on either side of this match

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