

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This thread wasn't started due to panic or an overreaction, it was started because of the glaring difference in communication from the seller, before & after the Paypal payment from pook.
Maybe the lack of communication by the seller is just a coincidence, but it is reason for concern.

Granted, red flag, but way to early to start a thread. He started the thread less than 48 hours of paying.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ok this OP really needs to calm down, it's only been two days, this post should be made if it's been a few weeks or somethin extreme like that, you're over reacting big time, life happens, just wait a little, no need to blow up the seller's for sale thread and now start a new pointless thread if it was "only $200"
i'm sure the seller's on the up and up and he wouldn't risk his reputation for 200 bucks
the OP however is jumping the gun and when he gets the tracking info and the cue in a few days this thread will still be up and it's hurtful to the seller's rep even tho it's pointless and rushed, have some patience
i've had sales that take me a few days, i usually communicate it but everyone forgets sometimes, thank god i've never had someone blow up like you're doing, and i've never blown up even if it took the seller 3 or 4 days to get back online, everyone has lives outside of this forum
and as many REAL bad deal threads as there are out there, you should know better than to gift someone you don't know or have never had dealings with

maybe you should read the selling tread before you comment on my act.The seller had 2nd buyer ready to send him cash after me and him got done dealing and also he use 3 bogus phone number and he came back online last night and act like he doesn't know anything after I sent him 6 message and I send more today also but still no reply so I'm pretty sure that I'm getting screw and I am not panic over that amount of money...I'm just f&*$ing pissed that someone would do that and run like a little girl that's all
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You owe this guy a huge apology when you receive the item.

if I receive the item but it doesn't look that way cause he never reply back after I sent him the payment and he was online last night and act like he doesn't know anything about it


Two & Out
Silver Member
Either he is just as computer illiterate as I or you need to give his real number to SC5...he'll buy it back for double and pay for shipping.


I know the pieces fit
Silver Member
You owe this guy a huge apology when you receive the item.

Wouldn't you as a seller do anything you could to calm a situation like this? If I know I have a nervous buyer I'm going to go overboard to keep him or her in the loop.
If I can't get back to the buyer right away I'm gonna get back to the buyer as soon as possible and make sure we are both on the same page.
The seller has replied but I wouldn't call it a "reassuring" reply or a reply that brings clarity to the transaction status.
This sale can still be salvaged, the ball is really in the seller's court right now and I would like to think he will do the right thing here.
Both the buyer and the seller can learn from this.
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getcha some of that
Silver Member
maybe you should read the selling tread before you comment on my act.The seller had 2nd buyer ready to send him cash after me and him got done dealing and also he use 3 bogus phone number and he came back online last night and act like he doesn't know anything after I sent him 6 message and I send more today also but still no reply so I'm pretty sure that I'm getting screw and I am not panic over that amount of money...I'm just f&*$ing pissed that someone would do that and run like a little girl that's all

look dude i'm not saying you shouldn't be a little concerned, i'm just saying no need to start a thread bashing the guy after 2 days


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
look dude i'm not saying you shouldn't be a little concerned, i'm just saying no need to start a thread bashing the guy after 2 days

Ok brother and you should go read the original sale thread anyway cause he just came online again last night and saying that im lying about buying his cue and you'll see the truce


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok brother and you should go read the original sale thread anyway cause he just came online again last night and saying that im lying about buying his cue and you'll see the truce

Post a copy of the transaction from your PayPal account, that will quickly settle that.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ripped Off

Pookster I am with you man. I had a similiar incident on this site... Good comms before but nothing afterwards. All kinds of excuses why he could not ship when he said he would. Finally told me he had shipped but the item never arrived. Almost a month later I am still waiting fo an item that he said he shipped to me. I have decided it is way too easy to rip people off on this site. I will never use it again. my purchase was 160.00. Cheap lesson in my opinion. I will by new from a reputable dealer from now on.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Post a copy of the transaction from your PayPal account, that will quickly settle that.

I will but I'm giving him a chance to come correct first before it get any further and I know what the guy look like also cause he had his pic on his avatar before but he change it the other day...and everyone saying that I'm being panic? Lol I know when I'm getting F&*% but we'll see


Likes to draw
Silver Member

ALWAYS choose "Goods or Services" and pay extra for the fees. That way you have a recourse if a transaction goes bad...

If you gotta quibble over a few extra bucks instead of being protected then you're walking into issues and deserve what comes of it...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
View attachment CAM00526.jpg


Here you go


cue accumulator
Silver Member
Granted, red flag, but way to early to start a thread. He started the thread less than 48 hours of paying.

I never started a thread in the WFS in my first 7-years on this site because I felt that I was just too busy to communicate properly.
So for 7-years I just did deals in the background here on AZ, sold a lot of stuff, but even then I had to make an effort to communicate, and many people are impatient.
There were times when I would decide to work at home just because of cue deals, and even then I would get busy and forget to call FedEx for a pickup.
Sometimes it would get down to crunch time, and due to my limited shipping supplies I couldn't get it done, and it was communication that got me by.
Once retired I started posting threads in the WFS, purchased $200 worth of shipping supplies, and now it's easy, but for 7-years I completed well over 100-deals unscathed, and many times is was my communication skills that saved me.
You would not believe how many pm's I get, and it takes me longer to delete the old ones, than it takes to respond to the new ones.
If you post a cue for sale and someone makes a Paypal payment, 48-hours with no response is too long.
Whether or not 48-hours is long enough to start a thread depends on the situation, but when communication stops after the payment is made, people get real concerned.
Sellers on AZ Billiards should do what it takes to make the buyer feel comfortable after the payment is made, and maybe even before if you have any sales / marketing skills.
When a buyer feels like he is getting porked, he is going to start a thread, and there is no timeline or chronological order on when that is appropriate.
It is our job as amateur online broke-ass sellers to make sure this doesn't happen.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't think the seller is saying you didn't buy the cue. He's saying you did, and that you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about a second buyer. It sounds like someone else wanted the cue but you beat him to it.

If you want the cue you'll need to speak to the seller, but I suspect the whole deal has gone sour for both of you. You don't trust the seller, and after these posts he probably isn't going to go out of his way to sell to you either. If someone started flaming me on a public forum for not getting round to replying to emails for two days, I'd probably decide to sell to an easier customer. When I buy online and need to chase an order, a 2 day wait is pretty standard. When I'm busy at work it often takes me two days or more to respond to emails. When it's my free time and I've got plans and you email me, your not getting a response in a hurry, not unless it's urgent.

When you originally posted, my advice and the advice of others was to be patient, that people have lives which sometimes mean we can't respond to a message immediately. Unfortunately, you decided from the off that you'd been scammed and took things from there. This seems to have blown up in your face, since you weren't being scammed and the seller (understandably) doesn't like being called out as a crook.

There are plenty of crooks who do try to rip people off on here. If you're worried about this, buy elsewhere. If you need instant replies to a question, don't shop online. Also, just because one person checks their emails on their phone throughout the day, a lot of people don't. Some people I know only turn their phones on once or twice a day. My dad puts his on about twice a year, and only uses the Internet for buying fishing rods.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't think the seller is saying you didn't buy the cue. He's saying you did, and that you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about a second buyer. It sounds like someone else wanted the cue but you beat him to it.

If you want the cue you'll need to speak to the seller, but I suspect the whole deal has gone sour for both of you. You don't trust the seller, and after these posts he probably isn't going to go out of his way to sell to you either. If someone started flaming me on a public forum for not getting round to replying to emails for two days, I'd probably decide to sell to an easier customer. When I buy online and need to chase an order, a 2 day wait is pretty standard. When I'm busy at work it often takes me two days or more to respond to emails. When it's my free time and I've got plans and you email me, your not getting a response in a hurry, not unless it's urgent.

When you originally posted, my advice and the advice of others was to be patient, that people have lives which sometimes mean we can't respond to a message immediately. Unfortunately, you decided from the off that you'd been scammed and took things from there. This seems to have blown up in your face, since you weren't being scammed and the seller (understandably) doesn't like being called out as a crook.

There are plenty of crooks who do try to rip people off on here. If you're worried about this, buy elsewhere. If you need instant replies to a question, don't shop online. Also, just because one person checks their emails on their phone throughout the day, a lot of people don't. Some people I know only turn their phones on once or twice a day. My dad puts his on about twice a year, and only uses the Internet for buying fishing rods.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

Still waiting to see how this whole issue resolves, but this post pretty much sums up how I see it up to this point.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't think the seller is saying you didn't buy the cue. He's saying you did, and that you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about a second buyer. It sounds like someone else wanted the cue but you beat him to it.

If you want the cue you'll need to speak to the seller, but I suspect the whole deal has gone sour for both of you. You don't trust the seller, and after these posts he probably isn't going to go out of his way to sell to you either. If someone started flaming me on a public forum for not getting round to replying to emails for two days, I'd probably decide to sell to an easier customer. When I buy online and need to chase an order, a 2 day wait is pretty standard. When I'm busy at work it often takes me two days or more to respond to emails. When it's my free time and I've got plans and you email me, your not getting a response in a hurry, not unless it's urgent.

When you originally posted, my advice and the advice of others was to be patient, that people have lives which sometimes mean we can't respond to a message immediately. Unfortunately, you decided from the off that you'd been scammed and took things from there. This seems to have blown up in your face, since you weren't being scammed and the seller (understandably) doesn't like being called out as a crook.

There are plenty of crooks who do try to rip people off on here. If you're worried about this, buy elsewhere. If you need instant replies to a question, don't shop online. Also, just because one person checks their emails on their phone throughout the day, a lot of people don't. Some people I know only turn their phones on once or twice a day. My dad puts his on about twice a year, and only uses the Internet for buying fishing rods.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

You the man sir
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
??? I sent him like 10 meassages and he never reply back so how should it be handle when the seller is saying that I'm lying about buying his cue...you tell me and maybe should go read the original for sale tread also.Thanks
Just read the other thread. The seller doesn't say you didn't pay him, he says you had a deal in his first post. He asks you to stop lying in his second post. I think he is referring to you calling him a crook and saying he sold the cue twice. It is YOU that says that he is saying you haven't paid- he hasn't actually said this at all. Perhaps you could quote what he's said that you are basing this on. At the moment you're not harming anyone's reputation but your own.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk


I know the pieces fit
Silver Member
I never started a thread in the WFS in my first 7-years on this site because I felt that I was just too busy to communicate properly.
So for 7-years I just did deals in the background here on AZ, sold a lot of stuff, but even then I had to make an effort to communicate, and many people are impatient.
There were times when I would decide to work at home just because of cue deals, and even then I would get busy and forget to call FedEx for a pickup.
Sometimes it would get down to crunch time, and due to my limited shipping supplies I couldn't get it done, and it was communication that got me by.
Once retired I started posting threads in the WFS, purchased $200 worth of shipping supplies, and now it's easy, but for 7-years I completed well over 100-deals unscathed, and many times is was my communication skills that saved me.
You would not believe how many pm's I get, and it takes me longer to delete the old ones, than it takes to respond to the new ones.
If you post a cue for sale and someone makes a Paypal payment, 48-hours with no response is too long.
Whether or not 48-hours is long enough to start a thread depends on the situation, but when communication stops after the payment is made, people get real concerned.
Sellers on AZ Billiards should do what it takes to make the buyer feel comfortable after the payment is made, and maybe even before if you have any sales / marketing skills.
When a buyer feels like he is getting porked, he is going to start a thread, and there is no timeline or chronological order on when that is appropriate.
It is our job as amateur online broke-ass sellers to make sure this doesn't happen.

Spoken like a pro :thumbup2:

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
I don't think the seller is saying you didn't buy the cue. He's saying you did, and that you have jumped to a wrong conclusion about a second buyer. It sounds like someone else wanted the cue but you beat him to it.

If you want the cue you'll need to speak to the seller, but I suspect the whole deal has gone sour for both of you. You don't trust the seller, and after these posts he probably isn't going to go out of his way to sell to you either. If someone started flaming me on a public forum for not getting round to replying to emails for two days, I'd probably decide to sell to an easier customer. When I buy online and need to chase an order, a 2 day wait is pretty standard. When I'm busy at work it often takes me two days or more to respond to emails. When it's my free time and I've got plans and you email me, your not getting a response in a hurry, not unless it's urgent.

When you originally posted, my advice and the advice of others was to be patient, that people have lives which sometimes mean we can't respond to a message immediately. Unfortunately, you decided from the off that you'd been scammed and took things from there. This seems to have blown up in your face, since you weren't being scammed and the seller (understandably) doesn't like being called out as a crook.

There are plenty of crooks who do try to rip people off on here. If you're worried about this, buy elsewhere. If you need instant replies to a question, don't shop online. Also, just because one person checks their emails on their phone throughout the day, a lot of people don't. Some people I know only turn their phones on once or twice a day. My dad puts his on about twice a year, and only uses the Internet for buying fishing rods.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk

Again some here seem to miss the point!

Aquaurchin99 indicated he had a deal 07-08-2014, 12:25 PM after Pookster indicated his deal 07-08-2014, 11:14 AM and hour earlier for the same cue and that is a fact based on my systems timeline! His post says

"Will send payment when funds transfer to my PayPal. Thank you! They have been in the middle of a transfer for the past couple days."

When Aquaurchin99 says "Thank you!" it implies some favor on the part of the seller in some way!!! What is Pookster or anyone to extract from this???

Given this scenario, it is safe to start assuming things and look for reassurances and confirmation that a problem does not exist??? That is why Pookster diligently followed up. When a reply was not timely Pookster looked for further confirmation that DLW6801 was a friend of any members of the board to reassure him. Nothing more nothing less.

All these member accusations that Pookster is "Raking the guy over the coals" simply is not true and he certainly was not harming the seller. The seller and uquaurchin99 have not elaborated on what their deal was/is and seem to avoid answering the meaning of the post that ALARMED Pookster.

Pookster could have had the cue sold out from him??? He buys the cue sends the money. An hour later another offer for possibly more than Pookster agreed to comes in. Seller may then sell Pookster's property for more money and refund Pookster. Ship to highest and refund to lowest to arbitrage the two deals and make the most off the cue sale.

Technically, once Pookster pushed send and the funds were no longer accessible to Pookster the sale was finalized and became the property of Pookster despite awaiting possession.

Possession of an item does not mean ownership. Members here seem to forget that. The seller is in possession of both the cue and Pookster's funds. Funds the seller has access to and use of while Pookster has neither access to the funds or cue and lacks use of them.

Pookster made a good deal in my opinion and could easily flip the cue for cash in his area. His concern is that the deal will not be honored. Pookster does not buy what he does not like.

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