feliciano vs dominicans wtf


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
are dominicans the final boss in the sharking game? watching this live money match:

not only do they all sound like auctioneers, they occasionally stand in his way, have half naked women walk in his line of sight every other rack, blow vape at the pocket he's shooting, etc. it's more like a sharking tolerance test than pool at this point
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He had the 1 rail kick on the 2nd foul and just shot the 3 ball??

This is all very tame. Come to Super Billiards Expo and see how they operate.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He had the 1 rail kick on the 2nd foul and just shot the 3 ball??

This is all very tame. Come to Super Billiards Expo and see how they operate.
He was more concerned with breaking up the combination. Had he missed the one, game over.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I subbed for a team once that was playing at a strip club that night. Talk about sharking and half naked women. Thing is they weren't just half naked, they were mostly naked. We were beating their team pretty good even with the distractions the owner of the club had the girls doing to distract us. Nobody complained about it though, in fact we had a great time. We ended up winning the match, and the owner of the club who also shot on their team, ended up asking me if I would shoot full time for them. I had to make up some excuse as to why I couldn't, as I actually lived 300 miles from there and was up doing some bowhunting at the time. My friend who lived up there asked me to sub for his wife as she didn't want to go. Was one of the most unbelievable pool league nights I'll ever experience.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm still looking for the half-naked women!!! ;)

pink or purple short skirts/dresses. always coming in when MF was shooting. old school sharking. and they seemed to have one vape guy by every corner

idk how MF has fared in the other matchups with the dominicans, maybe he is hardened by now, but i'm glad he won this one


Well-known member
Have you ever watched any money games played in the Philippines? Doesn't look much different. At least someone isn't coming up to the table between every shot and marking ball locations with talcum powder when the player's arms might be near an object ball while shooting.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Have you ever watched any money games played in the Philippines? Doesn't look much different. At least someone isn't coming up to the table between every shot and marking ball locations with talcum powder when the player's arms might be near an object ball while shooting.

yes, i have watched a lot of filipino matches. what you describe could be disturbing for some players but the marking is actually impartial, those are like rack boys. there's a difference between an odd but accepted system and blatant sharking


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Does anyone want to rent out a gentleman's club and load it with two pool tables?

I know some people that can entertain a crowd with the right protection, security and proper behavior.

I call it an adult pool party. It might have 14.1 or nineball.


Well-known member
Michael Feliciano appears un-sharkable to me, as do most Filipino players. He is really growing on me, lol.

I have zero evidence of this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the money being put up by Feliciano's opponents in all of these matches is from less than reputable sources. If you want a shot at that basically free money from his perspective, you probably know you are going to put up with a lot of trashy sharking. It is actually very entertaining to watch, but in a train wreck kind of way.


Billiards Improvement Research Projects Associate
Silver Member
Michael Feliciano appears un-sharkable to me, as do most Filipino players. He is really growing on me, lol.

I have zero evidence of this, but I wouldn't be surprised if the money being put up by Feliciano's opponents in all of these matches is from less than reputable sources. If you want a shot at that basically free money from his perspective, you probably know you are going to put up with a lot of trashy sharking. It is actually very entertaining to watch, but in a train wreck kind of way.

Can he play pool in front of sexy women?

I wish the following was for pool


Silver Member
Help me shake off my confusion.

Ariel Lopez was getting a game on-the-wire. He was going to 14. Feliciano was going to 15. At 14-13 (in favor of Feliciano), he hung the 7-ball in the corner pocket and appeared to concede. Every Dominican in the poolhall jumped up and congratulated Lopez, and the score went to 14-14, thus making Lopez the winner.

Did I miss something? Most of the poster's on this thread are acting like Feliciano won.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Help me shake off my confusion.

Ariel Lopez was getting a game on-the-wire. He was going to 14. Feliciano was going to 15. At 14-13 (in favor of Feliciano), he hung the 7-ball in the corner pocket and appeared to concede. Every Dominican in the poolhall jumped up and congratulated Lopez, and the score went to 14-14, thus making Lopez the winner.

Did I miss something? Most of the poster's on this thread are acting like Feliciano won.

he started with 1 on the wire. live scoring was sketchy in the beginning