FS: - Beware of Cue Case Knockoffs - Ebook

JB Cases

Silver Member

This story is pretty accurate. Happens everywhere. It's not just a China thing though. And in this particular case the consumer is not going to be fooled into thinking that they are shopping at IKEA. As more big brands come into China and form deep relationships with the government (translation - they bring more bribery money INTO China) they will get the protection they want.

It's all a scam, just like it is in the USA and everywhere else on the planet.

JB Cases

Silver Member

The Apple store bit was a news item on CNBC TV so I do not have a link for you.

Ok, well then it's hard to comment on the specifics. In general though there are a lot of "Apple" stores and it is hard to know which are real and which are not. Apple has chosen to license thousands of resellers in China rather than to build stores so the average consumer and even the average government official or the average cop has no chance to know which ones are really contractually licensed by Apple and which ones aren't.

Which brings up the question of whose job it should be to find this out? To my mind Apple should have a list and it should be well known that any customer can look up this list on the spot and see if a particular store is on it. Thus any customer, cop, or government inspector can check the "license" and see if the store is legit or not. It can be as simple as a barcode that can be read from any camera. The barcode goes to Apple's website and verifies the store information. If it matches then it's good, if not then don't shop there or shut them down.

THIS would cut out the practice of fake stores almost immediately. It wouldn't stop the practice of selling counterfeit goods but that's another issue.

Edit: looking for the story - http://search.cnbc.com/main.do?target=all&keywords=fake apple store beijing&categories=exclude
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Getting off topic.

From what I've learned, the Apple stores are in the southern city of Kunming. Last I heard, a few stores have been closed down, with a few still operating.

Knock-offs is indeed a problem. But most people who would buy knock-offs know they're buying one. They wouldn't be buying a genuine product anyways, because they either don't want to or (more likely) can't afford to. People who paddle knock-offs in China usually don't pretend they're selling the real thing. In fact, some will even assure you they're selling knock-offs. It's kind of funny, but true.

A lot of foreigners like to think that knock-offs is only a Chinese problem. The fact is that the knock-off malls in Shanghai are catered primarily to foreign tourists from all over the world. They are knowingly buying knock-offs from handbags to sunglasses. Where there is demand, there's supply.

Like John said, the problem is education. I recently saw what I think is a fake PFD cue being sold as the real one on Taobao. I think educated buyers would know the difference right off the bat, but I'm sorry for the poor guy who might mistaken that cue for a real one.


Professional Racker
Silver Member
Actually the knock off apple and ikea are both in Kunming, where there's alot of money but not enough developments in terms of western brands opening shops there. The knock off IKEA is called 11 Furniture, in mandarin the names are almost. 11 Furniture copies the entire IKEA C.I (Corporate Identity), but they do not copy the furniture that IKEA has.

There's no doubt that there's alot of knock offs in China, but i don't see why there's so much news covering the fake apple store since they are selling real ipads and macbooks anyways..and international warranty applies nonetheless and they still buy their stock from apple which means profits goes to apple. It's not like they're selling fake Macs cos that wouldn't be possible. I have seen fake iphones, i would take a stab in the dark and say there's more than a hundred different models of fake iphones and iphones wannabes lurking in the chinese market. But people who buy them know they are fake, and people around them know it too so it's not like someone buying a fake LV or Gucci who do try to pass them off as the real deal.

One good thing that i've seen happening in China for the past 2-3yrs is that the Chinese are getting afraid of copying wholesale...they're going with the Adopt and Adapt technique so they make some changes here and there and call it their own, still as disgustingly wrong but it's good that they are bothered to be concerned now. Example i've seen Nokia's as Nokla, Apple brand used a PingGuo(chinese for apple) and the logo has 2 bites as opposed to apple's single bite, Predator cues made as Predaior...

China's too big, growing too quickly with TOO MUCH money...the chinese NEED to spend that money...they can't wait for the western world to open stores in every city and it's just not happening fast enough. IKEA only has 9 stores in china now, the one in Beijing is the biggest store by revenue in the world. 9 stores are not enough to cater to the china market, so that leaves a huge a gap for many entrepreneurs to exploit this lack off. I've seen websites buying products on behalf of customers in cities where there isn't IKEA and helps the customers pack and ship that makes tonnes of money every month. I know a mobile phone dealer that has been dealing with the very first version of iPhone til the recent iphone 4 where it's been launched officially in china. This dealer can move 10-30 iphones DAILY and he can't get his stocks fast enough, he profits $100-200 depending on how sought after the particular model is. After 4-5yrs of knowing this guy from a 8 m2 shop he is still running the same 8 m2 shop but now has 2 condo apartments and drives a BMW... now that iphone is officially launched in china, he turns to selling all things apple..

I'm off topic, i know...but i can't help but share with fellow forumers on what goes on in china...

Sorry john...i'm polluting your thread...i'll give u a free bump though? Oh and i'd like a copy of the book, send it to me with my case? I'll pay together for the other 4x8 case ur making me. :D