Gabe Owen vs. Chris Bartram

Silver Member
just got word that the match is not going to go off today. Apparently Bartram's backers aren't going to show.

!Smorgass Bored

Hump ? What HUMP ?
Gold Member
corvette1340 said:
just got word that the match is not going to go off today. Apparently Bartram's backers aren't going to show.

Thank God, all my cash is tied up in poker chips.


"I already did it"
Silver Member

i know they will both be at the qlympics! and i know where theres a table! hmmm...... back to work i guess!


I have seen Chris run 6 racks on a bar table, with Big $$$ on the line...
Anyone that breaks and runs out wins, no matter who they are playing
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jay helfert said:
Gabe is a better player. Enough said.

Sorry Jay, you got this one wrong. Bartram is a better money player than Gabe. I have personally been in action with both players as their opponents backer and if I had to bet on either of Owens -vs- Bartram my dough is on Bartram. Especially on 9' tables with tight pockets.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ccshrimper said:
I would think it's the opposite Lewis, the tighter the table the more of an advantage for Gabe. When he won the US Open, it was on tight tables because he has a great safety game and plays very smart. If he's out of stroke though, it might be easier for him to run some racks on the looser tables.

You could very well be right. I oly say that becauseit seems he han't been active lately and needs to get off to a good . start

I'm jst guessing as many number of things could happen.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Smorgass Bored said:
Well, the 'last two' can't be determined until the 'last three', but if Chris is breaking and makes two balls on the snap, he only has to run six balls....

Areyou sure about that? I'm lookin for a calculaor and will get back with ya!?

Mystick Cue Fan

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ironman said:
This could be intresting. The looser the table, the more I like Gabe.

I sweated he Chris and David G match in Dallas and infact bet pretty good on David. Chris didn't play fawlessly, but I only aw him miss one ball and that was a very easy shot where he miscued.

Gabe may have been idle for a while, buthe has been around a long time nd knows how to handle that. The last two is a joke and may come into play les than 5% of the time

Gabe had better geta handl on this vry early though and not lose focus. Chris is ough when he gets in the lead.

This could b very intresting.

You could say that again......:D



son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
No matter

what we all think as players, Bartram's backers not showing up says a lot about the match.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Snapshot9 said:
what we all think as players, Bartram's backers not showing up says a lot about the match.

Maybe Tuesday was a bad day for them. They arent scared.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bartrum's Backers

Actionhound said:
they play penuckle on tuesdays...

Penuckle is Wednesdays, Tiddlywinks is Tuesdays

That's funny by the way. Rep to you


I love cocobolo cues.
Silver Member
MikeJanis said:
Sorry Jay, you got this one wrong. Bartram is a better money player than Gabe. I have personally been in action with both players as their opponents backer and if I had to bet on either of Owens -vs- Bartram my dough is on Bartram. Especially on 9' tables with tight pockets.


Mike if that game jumps off i know we can bet something .That 50 sounds great.