Gold Crown Paint codes


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Just a thread to keep all the GC paint codes together. I know some use default SW colors, but I wanted perfect matches. Here is the Gold, white and blue. Thanks to BNALL for the blue. All were matched from original non faded spots on tables.



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I need 15 Morgans.. Can you help me?
Gold Member
Silver Member
I for the original GC colors.. I like the white base with the colored sides..

If I were to open a room, with lets say a rock and roll / 50's-60's design.. I would go white pearl bases, with 1/2 tables red sparkle, (candy apple) and the other half blue sparkle. Giving me the classic look in American colors.

But I am a vintage kind of guy...



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I for the original GC colors.. I like the white base with the colored sides..

If I were to open a room, with lets say a rock and roll / 50's-60's design.. I would go white pearl bases, with 1/2 tables red sparkle, (candy apple) and the other half blue sparkle. Giving me the classic look in American colors.

But I am a vintage kind of guy...


I'm with you on this!

About these paints: are they normally applied with a brush and roller or some sort of airless paint sprayer? And if they're brushed/rolled, will the roll marks go away as the paint dries so you wind up with a smooth look?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Promar 200 and duration are wall paints. They level out with a brush but best results are to spray. Try proclassic from sw. Levels out great but can't over work. So dont go back into spots painted as they dry


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Promar 200 and duration are wall paints. They level out with a brush but best results are to spray. Try proclassic from sw. Levels out great but can't over work. So dont go back into spots painted as they dry

And to piggyback this comment. I am not a painter so I possibly used less than optimal products or techniques.

I sprayed these latex paints with a HPLV gun from harbor freights. I was pleased with the results. Possibly not durable enough for a pool room but is holding up great as a home table. A few people mentioned oil base would have been more durable but I was uncomfortable working with it.



I need 15 Morgans.. Can you help me?
Gold Member
Silver Member
These are what tables should look like..



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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oils are a lot harder to get these days. Those paints should work. A waterased enamel like proclassic would provide a harder more durable finish but on a home table i doubt it would be necessary

Paul Schofield

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Whenever I have purchased early Gold Crowns for commercial use, I elected not to repaint with original colors. The aprons get banged up easily and every little mark stands out like a sore thumb (especially with repainting). Under the paint is the most beautiful glued up and molded maple wood. I have always had the paint stripped of all coatings, stained with a dark redwood transparent stain, and finished with a hard satin urethane. It looks great and hides all the blemishes.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I brought the Sherwin-WIlliams paint formula for white to my Sherwin-Williams store and didn't make out so well. I was told the product was no longer available but they could convert the code. The attached pictures show what I received. I will return and see whether they made a mistake or if anything can be done to get a correct color match.


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Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
What I've done to a pool room I had, and just did this to my Home GC I was this.

Had em corn blasted NOT SAND, next a slightly coarse hand sanding, then fine sanding, takes very little time.

Next I stain em....then, I put on 2 or 3 coats of clear coat.

The butcher block wood of the early GC aprons, in some places have 7 layers of kiln dried wood, gorgeous.

I'll get yah a pic of mine. But removing paint, if you are going to paint em should be done by corn blasting. Very little etching and it takes about 40 minutes to do the entire 9' table.

If yah paint em you might reconsider once you see the beauty of the poplar wood and the layers of wood have slightly different wood tones, poplar absorbs stain, Easily, there are Many stain tones to choose from.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Let me know what comes out of your trip to SW. I have some of the white paint leftover. I could paint a small piece of wood, ship it to you and then you could have SW do a color match on the sample.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They are way off. Here'e the code for the white. I'd go with the Emerald; much, much more durable.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They are way off. Here'e the code for the white. I'd go with the Emerald; much, much more durable.


That is even different than the code earlier in this thread. I am just going to bring the ball box to the store and ask them to match it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That is even different than the code earlier in this thread. I am just going to bring the ball box to the store and ask them to match it.

This is the pic Ian sent me. If you use this, you'll be good. The mixture is different on mine due to the Emerald paint. The computer translated it differently for the Emerald.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Also noticed you got Satin sheen. Originally, these were Semi-Gloss.
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Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Whenever I have purchased early Gold Crowns for commercial use, I elected not to repaint with original colors. The aprons get banged up easily and every little mark stands out like a sore thumb (especially with repainting). Under the paint is the most beautiful glued up and molded maple wood. I have always had the paint stripped of all coatings, stained with a dark redwood transparent stain, and finished with a hard satin urethane. It looks great and hides all the blemishes.

Paul, mornin'....hope your doing good.

I was told the aprons were Kiln dried poplar. I know poplar soaks up stain allot easier than hard wood.

The aprons on my final GC I, that surround the ball box have 7 or 8 layers.