Good News For Video Producers.


Silver Member
I was one of the first Youtube partners and made a handsome sum from google before they abruptly dumped me as a partner. I was shocked when I got the news but then I started to do some research. Google and youtube are not doing so well. I have been following this for about a year now. In my estimation Youtube in its current "free" form has about a year left to it at most.

So why should anyone care here on the live stream forum. This means video producers can worry less about their content ending up on a site for free. has already tanked and revver is close behind. I know several guys who have not done DVDs because of youtube.

I believe the web landscape for guys like TAR, OTR and cuesportstv will improve in the years to come. I consider my hopes of making money from my pool videos to be dead unless anyone has any ideas.

I also believe that live stream sites will curtail or eliminate their free services as the number of users increase.

My friends the proprietary age of internet media is upon us.

Here is a link to just one article on this matter:

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Gold Member
I dont see youtube going anywhere. I wish they would charge a yearly fee to upload content. That would stop much of the crap that takes up storage and bandwidth.

Add in a subscription fee to view premium content in high quality as well.

I can't say that they wont go tits up because I thought that about Stage 6 and we all know what happened there. Of course they didn't have Google in their corner either. If youtube does fall someone somewhere will fill the void somehow. Liveleak, dailymotion and a bunch of other hosting sites seem to keep on chugging.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
Youtube I am sure is the #1 tube video site and do not see them going anywhere anytime soon. With all the traffic on there I am sure they make decent money from advertisers. I think Justin had a good idea about charging a one year price to upload content, even if it is was $5 for the year which is super cheap it would bring in some bucks as millions appear to use it. :smile:


Silver Member
I dont see youtube going anywhere. I wish they would charge a yearly fee to upload content. That would stop much of the crap that takes up storage and bandwidth.

Add in a subscription fee to view premium content in high quality as well.

I can't say that they wont go tits up because I thought that about Stage 6 and we all know what happened there. Of course they didn't have Google in their corner either. If youtube does fall someone somewhere will fill the void somehow. Liveleak, dailymotion and a bunch of other hosting sites seem to keep on chugging.

I am not saying they are going under completely. I am saying they can not keep their current free user and viewer arrangement. They are on pace to lose over 400 million dollars this year. Google can't keep that up. Newspapers and cable news are also mulling a move to user fees.

Youtube is very popular and is #1for sure but has yet to make a profit. Popularity contests don't pay the bills.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Google has been losing over $1,000,000/day on Youtube for well over a year maybe 2 or more-I dont know, but its been too long. I read that on along time ago. And believe me they dont like it.

I rememberthe article saying "Google has learned its infanitally more difficult to monitize video content than static web pages" They havent figured out how to make $$$ with the current platform. is currently a free service with new and old TV shows with advertizing just like TV(but less advert time) that seems to be working, however they may end up charging(I read that last week).

My point is it is difficult to monitize video content online, Google might be the smartest think tank in the computer world and they cant figure it out. Advertizers aint buying it, and in this challenging economy everyone is counting every penny. I dont see Google losing $1,000,000/day for ever to make people happy, There is so much BS content on Youtube. But there is also alot of great content, how-to videos(homemade) that are helpful. The traffic is there for Youtube, but monitizing it is another story all together. Anyone who could figure that out will be inline for a big payday from Google.