I'm a 6 in 8 ball, and a 7 in 9ball. The LO had me listed as an 8 in our last 9 ball tricup, but the scorekeeper app still lists me as a 7 for 9 ball.
These two smashers are a 5, and a 3. The 5 has been a 4 and is currently a 5 in 8 ball. I feel those are elevated from what his ability actually is, due to all the home matches they play on such an easy table. Smashing in 9 ball definitely works there, and aside from a scratch, there is no other penalty for just blasting away, so that's what they do.
My last match was against the 5, and it was a 9 ball match, so a 55-38 race.
I start out playing more defense than taking a risky shot or sinking a ball without a good way to get to the next ball. What happens is that he smashes away and changes the layout with every shot. If he doesn't make a ball, he leaves me without a shot, often kicking to get the hit. I finished a rack, then had a break-and-run at one point, and covered the difference in the race at that point. But once either of these two get a little behind, it's like they just give up playing anything but smash shots. Every shot is hit at break speed, and he knocked the cue off the table a couple times, but he flukes balls in almost every time.
There are other factors, and racking ranks big there. I flat refuse to provide anything but the best rack I can give. Far too many of the "questionable integrity" players in the league seem to have trouble giving a tight rack, and I'll point that out a few times in hopes that the gaps will close up, but they don't. I don't fault a 2 or a 3, or even a 4 that gives a loose rack, but that isn't what I'm talking about here. I'm breaking on a completely different rack every time, and if it isn't loose, then it's at some weird angle and not set square on the table.
I realize that an option is to just point out every single time the rack is loose, or crooked, or get someone to watch the shots whenever he smashes something that helps hide the bad hit, but I prefer that we not end up in arguments. I'll also add that while these two and their team have ability, playing in the league is just justification for drinking and getting high and they couldn't care less 10 minutes later. I kind of like them both, from a distance, and they're full aware of their dependance on luck. We do have fun, but it's definitely not a normal night of pool when we play them.