If violence is not the answer then what is?


Kenny Wilson
Silver Member
Balabushka said:
Now I come from a gambling family and was practically raised at "the track", and not to sound too polyanna-ish, but this is one of the reasons gambling is illegal in most places.
My family is in Casino ownership and management.

Once you go behind the law and play there, your only recourse remains on that 'dark' side. Not good.

You mean you're in with the mob? hmmm...very interesting....


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
It is simple really

It is really a simple equation. You have to make paying up more attractive than not paying up. How you go about that is up to the individual and requires some discretion. I used to take people for quiet walks and talk very gently and softly to them. This mellowed them out so greatly that they always were inclined to do as I suggested. At least that is my take on things.


Tom M

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Luxury said:
Back in the day if someone welched on a bet or stiffed someone or stole a cue they would get a whoopin'.

In today's politically correct world with lawsuits and all that you can't do that anymore.

So now we have welchers and stiffers and thiefs welching, stiffing and thieving away fearless of punishment because everyone else is getting away with it with just a "bad reputation" for their punishment.

So what DO we do to make these people pay for their crimes to cause some sort of a deterrent?

I've read some of the other posts in this thread and I agree that the laws and the "wimping down" of our society have made it alot easier for these lowlifes to get away with their behavior. But...when it comes to face to face welching, stealing etc., there are still alot of people around who are going to give them a pounding and worry about the law later. It's just going to take a little longer for them to "piss off the wrong guy". For habitual offenders, it's bound to happen eventually.

Note - I'm not advocating violence:eek: , but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep if a dirtbag gets a well-deserved beatdown, and I didn't see NOTHIN', officer!! And if I lose my cool and deliver the pounding..."I was afraid for my life, officer!!"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tom M said:
I've read some of the other posts in this thread and I agree that the laws and the "wimping down" of our society have made it alot easier for these lowlifes to get away with their behavior. But...when it comes to face to face welching, stealing etc., there are still alot of people around who are going to give them a pounding and worry about the law later. It's just going to take a little longer for them to "piss off the wrong guy". For habitual offenders, it's bound to happen eventually.

Note - I'm not advocating violence:eek: , but I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep if a dirtbag gets a well-deserved beatdown, and I didn't see NOTHIN', officer!! And if I lose my cool and deliver the pounding..."I was afraid for my life, officer!!"

Truth be told this is what I wanted to hear when I started this thread and this is the same way that I feel.

Tommy Joe

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Luxury said:
Back in the day if someone welched on a bet or stiffed someone or stole a cue they would get a whoopin'.

In today's politically correct world with lawsuits and all that you can't do that anymore.

So now we have welchers and stiffers and thiefs welching, stiffing and thieving away fearless of punishment because everyone else is getting away with it with just a "bad reputation" for their punishment.

So what DO we do to make these people pay for their crimes to cause some sort of a deterrent?

I like the way you put the big-boob photo in when you asked that question. A lot of guys will look at the photo and picture a female spurring on the action. I have only one opinion on this. Put up the money or forever shut up. Beating the shit out of non-payers does not pay off. Otherwise, we'd play people hoping they don't pay so we can beat them half dead and get away with it. I drive a cab and have come to know I'm to blame when someone gets out without paying. If someone runs out, it's over quick. Worse would be having a heart attack victim in the backseat and you're hoping they live so you can get paid without having to rifle their pockets. Or if they live and make it to the hospital, the hospital people won't let you take your money. So you're kind of hoping the guy dies, as it might be easier to rifle his pockets than talk the hospital people into handing it over. So I really don't know if it's good to beat the shit out of people for not paying. I only know I never beat the shit out of anyone, and they better not try it with me.

Tommy Joe

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If violence is not the answer, then what is?

Please don't ask that question again, or I'll rip your head off.

Tommy Joe


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
edited. It is disturbing when someone takes the cue/money and runs.Hope you catch them.If they are on AZB I hope you make their name known.
Last edited:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
jay helfert said:
I wasn't referring to a gambling debt. There are other means to collect debts like that.

Like Jay says here, some things are better off not talked about. Most who get into trouble over these situations are the ones who have to brag about it.

Fast Lenny

Faster Than You...
Silver Member
Tommy Joe said:
If violence is not the answer, then what is?

Please don't ask that question again, or I'll rip your head off.

Tommy Joe
Yeah its like when people say the Irish are just drunks and brawlers,it makes me so mad when they say it that I just want to get drunk and punch someone. :grin:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Luxury said:
Back in the day if someone welched on a bet or stiffed someone or stole a cue they would get a whoopin'.

In today's politically correct world with lawsuits and all that you can't do that anymore.

So now we have welchers and stiffers and thiefs welching, stiffing and thieving away fearless of punishment because everyone else is getting away with it with just a "bad reputation" for their punishment.

So what DO we do to make these people pay for their crimes to cause some sort of a deterrent?
I think the act of never playing that person again, under any circumstances would be very effective. Also, if someone stiffs you or steals from you (and you have proof) you could shame them by making it public on forums such as these. That way, the loser / culprit would be reticent about showing their face in various pool rooms. Unless of course they are totally without couth, class or a sense of decency...then you bust their ass...:)


Silver Member
Luxury said:
Back in the day if someone welched on a bet or stiffed someone or stole a cue they would get a whoopin'.

In today's politically correct world with lawsuits and all that you can't do that anymore.

So now we have welchers and stiffers and thiefs welching, stiffing and thieving away fearless of punishment because everyone else is getting away with it with just a "bad reputation" for their punishment.

So what DO we do to make these people pay for their crimes to cause some sort of a deterrent?
everyone should strive to prevent these problems in the beginning, if you don't it's mostly your fault."if your gonna be a sucker be a quite one". any action you take will probably be because your mad at yourself.
PS; i been mad at myself. not proud of it, won't do it again. coupla times gets you back to preventing it in the beginning.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Luxury said:
Back in the day if someone welched on a bet or stiffed someone or stole a cue they would get a whoopin'.

I totally agree. Confronting someone face to face is a deterrent especially if they think/know that in about 7 seconds you are going to kick them in their ass until they get a nosebleed. Witnesses or not. In some parts of the country its call it "Parking Lot Justice". But there comes a time to step up and get face-to-face with the "How about I just whip your ass right here?" thing. It usually gets things moving. A thief is a thief plain and simple and should be treated as such.