Is Schon's website down?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I tried to go there, and I get says something about a domain not connected to a website.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How many Schon cues have been made?

Founded in 1981 with initially low annual production and only the R series of cues. Heck, in 1985,
it took awhile to complete my cue so I know they weren't cranking out volume back then. Bob left
in '91. Schon was really producing some much larger annual volumes by that time & ever since until Evan's departure.

My point is there are a lot of Schon cues out there so it's going to be awhile before there's a scant number.......
maybe some of those tribute cues Deanoc had made will become the real hot Schons more so than even any Elite Schon
design cue.......there aren't many ivory joint Schon cues so if you have one, I'd make sure to hang onto it.

Matt B.


cue accumulator
Silver Member
Schon is down. Evan has started "Segen Cues". I've heard similar to Schon but "better".

Segen Cues would have to be pretty darn good to call them "better" than the Schon's I've had over the years.
I'm not even factoring in the Runde years.
Even if the quality and playability are the same, the Segen designs are hideous.
Schon has some gaudy designs, but people still like them.
I don't understand what Segen is trying to do, it doesn't make sense.
There is a remote chance that Segen / Evan has built a better mousetrap, but I would still go with Schon.


Runde Aficianado
Gold Member
Silver Member
Segens have their own distinct hit and play very nice. Evan is still just as skilled but wanted to branch out outside of the Schon tradition. John and his crew are still making Schons as before, nothing has been lost to the change. Now you get a chance to play with two great cues that each have their own distinct hit. For the price, you cannot go wrong with either.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
John at Schon finished a very nice cue for me last August. Couldn't have gone smoother. I took one of the stock designs and changed some things. Schon has some clean designs as well as elaborate ones. I happen to like classic looks. The Segen cues look nice too and pretty reasonably priced. I think they have a proprietary joint though, something new.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i have both a schon and a segen- they have a different feel from one another.

both are very good quality cues, no doubt about that.

i would recommend either brand to anyone interested.


Runde Aficianado
Gold Member
Silver Member
I will say they are more appealing in person as the pictures don't do the finish justice. The finish work makes the cue designs flow in person and Evans new joint and taper are real players. There will definitely be a real following for these cues the more they get around. The cues are totally different from Schon and stand on their own. i believe Segen will find its market and will not pull from the Schon traditionalists because they don't play the same. They both play excellent, but I think each player will have a distinct preference to which "hit" they prefer. (Full disclosure: we are a dealer for both, as well as Pechauer, Jacoby, Viking and Kamui. This is my personal opinion as a player, not a reseller. I play with a Runde/Searing combo.)


cue accumulator
Silver Member
These cues could be interesting for the LD guys.
I wouldn't mind picking up an S22 someday.

I've got pretty cool Schon plain jane I'm putting up for sale.
Look's like a dark cocobolo STL-1, the original owner said Madagascar rosewood.
I don't know, but it's nice cue, a little unusual


2 Gus Szamboti cues
Silver Member
If you don't like Segen, or anybodies designs, then design your own.

Evan Clark made a unique cue to my design, then took my design and made another
that's 10 times better. I bought them both.

Sorry, no pics.