itrader and wanted/for sale forum


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I second we should only allow the OP to write in any wanted/for sale thread, the amount of "nice cue, great guy, Quick check has a special on sandwiches BS is too much", must cues on here are gorgeous and the owner does not need to be told by ten people are pretty it is, if thats the case then post a pic in the gallery so your cue can be glorified and put on a pedestal. People are getting involved who are not at all part of a transaction and putting their two cents in where it is not requested/warranted. Everybody has a choice who to and who not to deal with on here, some people should reserve their opinions because they can be way off base and create some real life issues. There are a fair share of scumbags, the moderator should be the judge if somebody is misrepresenting merchandise or not being fair about something and kick them off the site, it's pretty much common sense, albeit there will be times where two parties have legit arguments and somebody is not going to be happy at the end of the day, this is life.


Racking less than you!
Silver Member
FULLY agree. Tired of (un)intentional bumps by "chit-chat" and crosstalk. I have been guilty a couple of times, but it is getting out of hand on some items.

All communication by PM should be adhered to by force, if necessary!

--Samsung Galaxy Note II T889 on Tapatalk 2 & CM10.1x--


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Items that are sold are being bumped, the commentary is crazy, if somebody is not interested in buying, comments should not be allowed, is anything being done about this? The amount of ill advised comments not pertaining to the sale of an item are crazy!


Racking less than you!
Silver Member
Items that are sold are being bumped, the commentary is crazy, if somebody is not interested in buying, comments should not be allowed, is anything being done about this? The amount of ill advised comments not pertaining to the sale of an item are crazy!

No comments of any kind, should be allowed, except 48 hr bumps by the OP, IMO. All communication should be by PM or another method of the poster's choice (text, phone, an alternate e-mail, etc.).
Just my $0.02


♥ Hippie Hustler ♥
Silver Member
I second we should only allow the OP to write in any wanted/for sale thread, the amount of "nice cue, great guy, Quick check has a special on sandwiches BS is too much", must cues on here are gorgeous and the owner does not need to be told by ten people are pretty it is, if thats the case then post a pic in the gallery so your cue can be glorified and put on a pedestal. People are getting involved who are not at all part of a transaction and putting their two cents in where it is not requested/warranted. Everybody has a choice who to and who not to deal with on here, some people should reserve their opinions because they can be way off base and create some real life issues. There are a fair share of scumbags, the moderator should be the judge if somebody is misrepresenting merchandise or not being fair about something and kick them off the site, it's pretty much common sense, albeit there will be times where two parties have legit arguments and somebody is not going to be happy at the end of the day, this is life.

The mods have a life beyond AZB. They cannot catch everything. And if someone is trying to warn you off a seller or cue...there is usually good reason. There have been far too many scammed here. That is one of the few times you're gonna see the mods allow a little latitude.

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk 4 Beta

JB Cases
Silver Member
You can't stop people from commenting. Only the OP can control what he does. I either answer queries in pm or answer them all at once with one bump or a rapid bunch of posts at bump time.


Racking less than you!
Silver Member
The mods have a life beyond AZB. They cannot catch everything. And if someone is trying to warn you off a seller or cue...there is usually good reason. There have been far too many scammed here.

Good point about warning people of scammers and people with lots of bad deals.
I guess I'm talking more about the "nice cue." and "Does it have the 3/8x10 or the QR joint?" "Will you ship to Guatemala?" -type posts. There is no reason at all these cannot be done in PM.

Even if 20 people want to know the same answer to a question, it's not fair to the guy selling felt pads 10/$1 that actually follows the 48-hr bump rule.

Gio Sr.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No comments of any kind, should be allowed, except 48 hr bumps by the OP, IMO. All communication should be by PM or another method of the poster's choice (text, phone, an alternate e-mail, etc.).
Just my $0.02

This is in another sticky by Mr. Wilson "new rules" I wish it would be enforced.

New rules without enforcement is becoming a problem everywhere not just here. I fish off the beach at a state park that has a bunch of rules that tourists ignore. Traffic laws are ignored in NJ on and on. The reason given is always the same budget cuts, not enough staff.

Back to here. I am actively looking to buy a cue. I get frustrated weeding through all the same threads because the rules are being ignored by these guys bumping the hell out of the buddies threads. Most of these bumps are by guys (buddies) with a lot of sales or high trade numbers, lets keep each others threads on the first page or something.

Same selling for me I do a "legal" bump and I'm on the second or third page in less than an hour.

My $.02 Enforcement please!!!



AKA: The Road Runner
Silver Member
This is in another sticky by Mr. Wilson "new rules" I wish it would be enforced.

New rules without enforcement is becoming a problem everywhere not just here. I fish off the beach at a state park that has a bunch of rules that tourists ignore. Traffic laws are ignored in NJ on and on. The reason given is always the same budget cuts, not enough staff.

Back to here. I am actively looking to buy a cue. I get frustrated weeding through all the same threads because the rules are being ignored by these guys bumping the hell out of the buddies threads. Most of these bumps are by guys (buddies) with a lot of sales or high trade numbers, lets keep each others threads on the first page or something.

Same selling for me I do a "legal" bump and I'm on the second or third page in less than an hour.

My $.02 Enforcement please!!!


Good luck with enforcement! I have not renewed my membership and seldom come here anymore because of the abuse in this forum!:mad:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I would suggests making all trades and sales gentlemans agreement. If buyer or seller is not satisfied both parties must trade back or seller must refund money once they recieve their item back. Then there are no worries about negative feedback unless somebody gets completely ripped off ( like doesnt recieve a item at all ). This would save a lot of headache and very easy to supervise. That way of one person is happy and the other is not then its just a trade back or refund. I think that will keep people honest of its enforced and if somebody refuses to trade back or refund cash then just boot them off cause obviously they are probably not honest people. Not saying there won't be special cases that would need direct attention from a commish but should solve a lot of problems. Either way u have done a wonderful job with the site and people would be dumb to mess their status up on AZ. Honest people should have no problem with a gentlemans agreement deal


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Some proposals about the "Wanted/For Sale" section

Hi everyone.

I don't know to the right forum section I write this post, but I think the administrators and moderators will read it anyway and will transfer it to the desired section.

At once I apologize for my English.

It's thoughts on the forum section "Wanted / For Sale". Now it is one of the most popular section of the forum and at the same time the most chaotic section.

I think there is a way that will streamline this section.

My suggestions. To impose strict rules on the publication on the Wanted / For Sale. How they can be expressed?

1. Forbid raise a topic without observance of certain clear and unambiguous rules.

2. Forbid discussion of the subject theme in the theme itself to buy or sell.
Close to respond in this thread, other than the topic-starter or a moderator. If the topic starter has adding to the product description, that is the ability to edit posts that do not entail its rise to the top.

3. The rise of threads is only possible under clear rules, and only by the topic starter, moderators or administrators.

4. Open a new section "Discussion of items Wanted/For Sale"
All discussions conducted only in this thread. In fact renamed current section "Wanted/For Sale" to "The discussions .." .

5. Bind to the topic in "Wanted / For Sale" appropriate topic in the "Discussion items Wanted / For Sale". Of course a little uncomfortable for the topic-starter, duplicate topic, but copy-paste will not take more than 2-3 minutes.;) In this case topic starter decides whether to open a discussion or to leave an opportunity for the other forum members .

What to do this.

1. Open a new message board (section) "Wanted/For Sale".

2. Rename the current section "Wanted/For Sale" in the "Discussion of Wanted/For Sale items". In fact now that this section just busy ... discussion, discussion, discussion..., but the main task - to keep the topic at the top.;) So there is no need to change anything except the name of the section.

3. Establish clear and sufficiently strict rules placing ads on the new board.

What are the rules might be?

1. It seems to me that the reason for lifting up the theme must be only offer of discounts. And the minimum size of the discount should be clearly specified in the section rules . For example the minimum discount must be at least 5% of the original price.

2. The second reason for the rise could be the solution of moderator, well, they all can;):). But also not just a personal decision, for example, only for gold members of the forum, in fact sponsors. This rule shall not be daily, but rather prolonged. For example, one time in ten days, the decision of a moderator, without reducing the price. Or attach to the top for gold members, for example for 3-5 days.

3. Prohibit the duplication of ads in any form. Perhaps with the removal of the double and the original.

What do the changes will give the result?

1. I think the result will be an ordered and clear message board.
If you had not been on the forum for 2-3 days, will not have to thumb through 20-30 pages of ads to find new and topical. Now even the new ad goes sometimes down to 10-12 pages in one day. In the new section, all will be 2-3 pages, I think. And if you see "Up" theme, you can almost count on a discount. :)

2. Simplistic tasks moderators. They will not have to follow the discussion, only the observance of the rules of publication and raising ads.

3. The more honest and objective discussion of the topic of sales or purchases. The aim posts in this case will not rise up the theme, but that will be discussion of the merits and disadvantages of the object of sale-purchase.

Certainly this is not an ideal solution. Can begin tricks, such as over-pricing by 100%, then to raise the issue every day, "reducing" the price by 5% :grin-square:. But I think all the members of the forum, and especially the moderators ;), reasonable people quickly see through this ruse. As a result, the penalty of the ban.

The second point that I see is most of the ads on the first 1-2 pages of the attached gold ads. But what prevents flip through these pages 1-2 to see the new. It's not flipping 20-30 pages of "up", "bump" and "blah blah blah".:)

These are the thoughts. I would be grateful for a business discussion of these proposals.

Sorry for the many words. And once again for my English.

Good luck.


Bear Down, Chicago Bears
Silver Member
Why is it not a STANDARD to atleast post an asking price? If this were an auction, highest bidder site, it'd be ebay. Right or wrong??


Silver Member

OK gang, looks like we need to figure a few things out here. Having some problems lately with users flaking on deals and then whining about it when they are asked to do the right thing.

Want to remind everyone of a couple of things. Someone posting a negative itrader after a deal is not reason to post a negative itrader back. If you were happy with the deal, give them a positive itrader. If they give you a negative one, then reply with your side of what happened and let future customers decide whether to do business with you on their own after reading the facts.

I am thinking about the idea of putting some users on wanted/for sale probation if they have multiple legitimate complaints about the way they do business. I am open to anyone's thoughts on this sort of thing.

Also interested in other ideas as to how to police this area better. If you have an opinion, this is the place to make it known.


Hi Mike
I do not remember if I read this is some of the rules or if someone said this was one of the rules?

In order to leave any I trader rating there has to be either a transfer of money or some kind of trade made.............................................

Thank you


Staff member
Yes, please only leave feedback on deals that were made. I get tired of the complaints about "he didn't like the price I was asking" feedbacks.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can I delete my thread I posted? I wanted to sale my cue but pics would not add. So I reposted a new thread and pics are up on the new one. How do I delete the old one?


New member
Schon cue identification

I was wondering if anyone could Id his cue for me please!? It has no inlay for the upper half of the cue.




  • image.jpg
    73.7 KB · Views: 719


New member
Predator cue identification

I was wondering if anyone could Id his cue for me please!? Inbox or reply on here!




  • image.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 707