itrader and wanted/for sale forum


Silver Member
I think the idiots that send you a P.M and say if you take X amount of dollars deliverd, I will take it, then you respond yes you will, they then come back I will think about it and if it sells thats okay, should be put on probation, if you have no intention of buying why would you make a offer........waist of a sellers time, tire kickers can float around E-bay and Craigs list, stay off the 2 cents.......OTB


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the idiots that send you a P.M and say if you take X amount of dollars deliverd, I will take it, then you respond yes you will, they then come back I will think about it and if it sells thats okay, should be put on probation, if you have no intention of buying why would you make a offer........waist of a sellers time, tire kickers can float around E-bay and Craigs list, stay off the 2 cents.......OTB

Lots of this going on right now... a lot more than usual.


Love the Game
How about a buyer feedback forum separate from this one where buyers can go to to review buyer feedback on dealers? Dealers could justify any issues there as well on the buyer threads. It would get it completely out of this forum.


♥ Hippie Hustler ♥
Silver Member
I can't even afford to pay attention, and have relied on the W/FS in the past to raise much needed cash. My transactions have always been quite positive, and my reputation is too important to me to screw up over a few dollars. If a paid membership is required, I will likely discontinue the forums altogether, as I cannot afford it, and do not like the fact that because of that, I am somehow lesser of a member here than others.

Lisa ====> 2nd class citizen.

dave sutton

I can't even afford to pay attention, and have relied on the W/FS in the past to raise much needed cash. My transactions have always been quite positive, and my reputation is too important to me to screw up over a few dollars. If a paid membership is required, I will likely discontinue the forums altogether, as I cannot afford it, and do not like the fact that because of that, I am somehow lesser of a member here than others.

Lisa ====> 2nd class citizen.

So then what do you do when ups delivers your item broken and then denies your clam for whatever bs reason. Now you are already strapped for cash that's why you are selling a cue. How do you come 3500$ out of pocket to refund your buyer? Would this tarnish your rep if say it took you a few months to make everyone happy. I don't think it should. you are out the money and the cue but you obv weren't I intentionally trying to rip anyone off.


♥ Hippie Hustler ♥
Silver Member
So then what do you do when ups delivers your item broken and then denies your clam for whatever bs reason. Now you are already strapped for cash that's why you are selling a cue. How do you come 3500$ out of pocket to refund your buyer? Would this tarnish your rep if say it took you a few months to make everyone happy. I don't think it should. you are out the money and the cue but you obv weren't I intentionally trying to rip anyone off.

Uhhhh...because I don't touch the money until the item delivers, in great condition and the buyer is happy with it. Just because my financial security has changed, doesn't mean my character has.


Jim Baxter

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had a cue listed for $750 . buyer offered $500 . We settled for $600 . as soon as he getts the cue he PMs and says there is a dent in shaft , but he could live with it if I sent him $100 . I told him to send everthing back , of course there was a dent in one shaft . I personally packed that cue and both shafts were Perfect . We are getting some real winners . Jim


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
jon spitz at
goes by qcreator
was great to do business with
5 stars for character,trust worthyness,
timelines to complete transaction etc
Last edited:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike I think a Sticky thread should be started in that forum. For those who are repeat abusers who have a reputation for being involved in the bad transactions that have been occurring frequently post a link to the Sticky thread and list the thread along with the members username. This sticky should remained closed so that only yourself or the moderator's can post to it, at least this way the information will be easily available for anyone who wants to find it.

The I-Trader has some holes in it, if you give some one a bad rating even if you are right you will also receive the same back, this affects some people decisions because they are new and have no other reputation. Also some members in the past have had friends add to their I-Trader rating just to build it up with no transaction really being made, so this kinda makes I-Trader not as effective as it was intended to be.

Mike, I think the sticky thread would be a good place to start. With only yourself and the Moderator in charge of the forum adding the information I think people would not be able to string so many members along like they have in the past. Also the information in the sticky would only reflect facts that have been substantiated not what some ones friend or enemy can post to either cover their buddies ass or destroy some ones reputation.

In my opinion this would be a simple and a good start. I think it would alert members more accurately than any other method we are currently using. Whether the names / threads stay there permanently is up to you, if were up to me they would never be removed because people do not change these habits easily.


I second that, good idea.


Silver Member
Sharps & Flats

Havn't been on AZ as long as alot of you guys. It does bother me about sending money for something I might not like the hit of or is not as represented. That's my choice. AZ is the best thing in and about pool. If I have a question about a buyer/seller I have friends I can ask. I have known AZers who have knowing screwed people and they will screw people over no matter what you guys do. The honest people just have to jump thru more hoops because of a few criminals. And I do mean CRIMINALS. Trust is what I was told before my first buy. Be smart. Call the seller. Most people here have a good nose of sht. Thats my 2cents...


Originally Posted by maidenfreak
Split Wanted and For Sale into two sections. Wanted section anyone can post, For Sale section you must be a paid member to post a new thread. Will weed out a lot of the scammers and with enough substantiated complaints the membership is pulled and no more posting. Just a suggestion.

great ida love it


itrader doesn't appear

Hi! maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but when I go to my user CP, my itrader doesn't appear. Please advise if I need to take action or is it a technical issue. Thanks in advance for your guidance.



never mind

When I relied to the thread my itrader appeared like magic . Thanks....must be magic LOL




New at this....
Won a nice cue in a raffle at the APA Nationals this year.

Suggestions for the best way to sell it??


Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
New at this....
Won a nice cue in a raffle at the APA Nationals this year.

Suggestions for the best way to sell it??


Take some digital pics, get all of the specs such as weight for butt/shafts, mm on ferrules, ferrule materials, condition and set a price. If you don't know a good price you can post to the main forum first for some advice/opinions.

Once you have all of the above sorted out, start a for sale thread on the for sale forum giving the full description, selling price, what forms of payment you will accept, where you will ship to, then upload the pics and post the new thread.

good luck.

brian kc


Also interested in other ideas as to how to police this area better. If you have an opinion, this is the place to make it known.

Mike, you already have done the right thing by programming itrader into this forum. Let the buyer/seller use it at their own discretion. You may be treading on thin ice by trying to pass additional judgment.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
AZ house pro

I can't find my thread entitled 'Phillippl-Ivory' posted on 3-20-13. Can you help me?