Jayson Shaw live High Run Attempts


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Here's the other problem with playing that combo to break that 2/6, assuming that 8 fell, what's his next shot? I understand if the 8 fell the cue wouldn't be in that exact spot, but it could have been even worse as easily as it could have been better.

Shooting that 3 in the side jacked up over the 2 sucks. Shooting the 5 up table is a tough shot...plus you have the 6 to contend with.

In the old days when good patterns were preferred over good shot making, the rule-of-thumb was don't break up clusters and risk a bad roll of not getting a shot if you could work the cue around to picking clusters apart.
View attachment 801249
I'm just thrilled there's so many experts here to tell us how the guy that shot 832 has no idea what he's doing.

I honestly have no idea how we survive as a species on this planet - most of you are so f'ing dumb I'm surprised you can breathe without a ventilator.

If the shoe fits try to get it on the right foot(50/50) chance that I'm not betting on you getting it right and wear it.

I'll let J know you'll be beating his record next week


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm just thrilled there's so many experts here to tell us how the guy that shot 832 has no idea what he's doing.

I honestly have no idea how we survive as a species on this planet - most of you are so f'ing dumb I'm surprised you can breathe without a ventilator.

If the shoe fits try to get it on the right foot(50/50) chance that I'm not betting on you getting it right and wear it.

I'll let J know you'll be beating his record next week

see it as a WWYD. it's a sneaky tough layout. jayson started that rack with an off angle long combo (only thing he had), and never really got in good shape. at least i am interested in other's routes / ideas


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm just thrilled there's so many experts here to tell us how the guy that shot 832 has no idea what he's doing.

I honestly have no idea how we survive as a species on this planet - most of you are so f'ing dumb I'm surprised you can breathe without a ventilator.

If the shoe fits try to get it on the right foot(50/50) chance that I'm not betting on you getting it right and wear it.

I'll let J know you'll be beating his record next week
Hmmmm, this is a pool forum where we have fun talking and dissecting all things pool related. Chill out and have fun buddy.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
see it as a WWYD. it's a sneaky tough layout. jayson started that rack with an off angle long combo (only thing he had), and never really got in good shape. at least i am interested in other's routes / ideas
EXACTLY! WWYD are some of my favorite posts. Those generate a lot of thought and discussion. I learned some stuff and changed a few perspectives from those WWTDs.

Tin Man

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
This is a pool forum. We can be in awe and critique at the same time 😉

Also, while I agree that shooting fast and staying in a rhythm has its advantages, so does playing slower, methodically and shooting smart patterns. What works well for Jason Shaw may not be the best choice for another superstar.
Nothing wrong with questioning shot selections. My point was that shot selection isn't static, it's dynamic. Maybe there is more to being the right shot than what gets votes on paper, but instead includes the players rhythm, confidence, and comfort level at the time.

If shooting the wrong shot keeps their rhythm and confidence peaked out and they execute well and get the job done, was it the wrong shot?
If someone slows down, triple guesses themselves, finds the highest percentage play, and misses, is that still the right shot?

For years I've said the second best plan executed with confidence always trumps the best plan executed tentatively.

I say all of this as a relatively deliberate player. My entire pool game is built on playing percentages and using good shot selection, patterns, and tight cue ball to keep the game simple. All skills are needed to play high level pool. In watching Jayson, however, it inspires me to question my balance and try to maximize my growth on all fronts.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nothing wrong with questioning shot selections. My point was that shot selection isn't static, it's dynamic. Maybe there is more to being the right shot than what gets votes on paper, but instead includes the players rhythm, confidence, and comfort level at the time.

If shooting the wrong shot keeps their rhythm and confidence peaked out and they execute well and get the job done, was it the wrong shot?
If someone slows down, triple guesses themselves, finds the highest percentage play, and misses, is that still the right shot?

For years I've said the second best plan executed with confidence always trumps the best plan executed tentatively.

I say all of this as a relatively deliberate player. My entire pool game is built on playing percentages and using good shot selection, patterns, and tight cue ball to keep the game simple. All skills are needed to play high level pool. In watching Jayson, however, it inspires me to question my balance and try to maximize my growth on all fronts.
Goods points.

I too play a little (a little) on the slower side and try to think my way through racks more than rely on constently shooting my way out of tough spots. Maybe if I pocketed balls like Jason my approach would be different.

Having all that been said, he still may be on that run if he didn't choose that combo! 😀


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Silver Member
I have watched an hour and a half or two hours of Jason running balls including the last thirty minutes more or less of his 832 before it was taken down. I think anyone that plays straight pool will agree Jason isn't a great straight pool player. Not sure if that makes his run more or less impressive.

Granted he had the help of generous pockets that he took full advantage of but having big pockets then trying to drill them dead center would be silly. You take what the table offers.

I don't know the math to calculate how much harder running 1000 balls is than running 832 but I don't doubt Jason can run a thousand. When and if he does the 832 will have almost no monetary value. I would try to make a few duckies now while there is a little buzz and he is taking care of other business. He may run a thousand on the next try, then again, it is possible he never runs 832 or better.

Nothing certain in this old world. If/when Jason or anyone else runs a clean 1000 points without controversy concerning the run I will buy it, if only to own it. These young guns are combining the best of the past and the best of the present, a great time to be a pool fanatic!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
IMO he shot that combo out of pure and simple hubris -- he was on a roll and the table, even one as soft as the one he was shooting on, brought him down to earth.

He was tooling along and sometimes when that's happening you think you can just fire away and get away with a lot. With his goal within sight he should have shot the ball in the side -- not a tough shot. The combo was too tough, requiring an extreme hit at speed.

Jayson does a lot of unorthodox 14.1 stuff but eventually it catches up with you, even Jayson.

Lou Figueroa