Keith McCready Joins Cast of American Road Player


I see Edges
Silver Member
I am curious how Keith will fit into the show? I mean as it was planned, let's follow Scooter and his crew around, but now we have better action by adding Keith...Great!! There are a couple of different ways that they could take

Personally, the road to get to DCC could be very entertaining, but the ultimate for me would be to see Keith resurrect the challenge table "pit" for a night or two at DCC...THAT was entertainment beyond belief...Capture that one on film and you got yourself a very marketable product...

I like the Action Pit idea

Rick S.

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This brings up a good point!

They need to issue "PRESS" badges at the derby!!!

They also need to make announcements and post signs to "Extend the utmost curtesy to the press" the action area gets really crowded and some people really are not thinking after downing a few drinks at derby. Some knuckle head will not want to move for the camera and stuff.

Just thinking ahead!


The Derby does issue press passes, and has for years.

When action starts up, people don't care if you have a camera or not. Signs won't work either. It's a tough venue for shooting as photographers don't have any better seats than Joe Blow most of the time. Hardly any room inside the 'ropes' either.

When Keith, Earl, or Alex take to the better already have a seat. Otherwise you'll be SOL very, very quickly. Rightfully so..