Keith McCready Joins Cast of American Road Player


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
American Road Player just got a good roll

Holy mackeral, they got Keith involved in this? Now I know these folks aren't fooling around. They've got one of the hottest commodities in the pool world on their side.
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I am the storm
Silver Member
I must say that Keith is over the Moon about this prospective opportunity that has presented itself.

We both hope that the funding apparatus is successful and that this venture gets funded. Spreading the word via social media is one strategy to attract more interest. I put the link on my FB page, and, lo and behold, several of my co-workers, who know nothing about pool, actually contributed. That sure did warm my heart.

The social media circles I frequent have more to do with punctuation than pool, and I have shared the "American Road Player" promo and links on these sites. I asked for feedback from these non-pool peeps in my industry, and I was pleasantly surprised as their responses after seeing the promo. Here's a few of the many replies I received from my work buddies:

Reply No. 1:
What an interesting assignment! I am not a pool player, though I've tried it a couple of times at the urging of my grown children. Don't ask how I did! Here in Santa Clara, the game can go upscale or be played in low-life bars.

I thought the video was well-paced and drew you in as you became acquainted with the family man who appears to be the protagonist. I wish they'd revealed more of the finesse involved, and the fact that it's a game of geometry.

Just my 2 cents' worth. Thanks for the glimpse into the world of Minnesota Fats and "The Hustler"!

Reply No. 2:
Wow. What a story - so much to think about! So here's my loose change on the topic, from a mostly clueless-about-pool layperson ... :)

First off, let me express my thoughts on the promo video. I know little about pool and do not have any interest in playing it, let alone watching others play it. But honestly, it wouldn't matter to me if these guys were playing pool or playing marbles or jacks - I felt an instant sense of connection with them (translation: INTEREST)! They all seem fun and genuine, and INTERESTING. I absolutely got a strong sense that the quality of production is focused on the action ... and the suspense ... part of the game. They make it look like fun. I actually think I could watch this series even though I'm not interested at all in the game of pool.

Even though I don't have a personal interest in the game, I fully appreciate the skill and practice that it takes to be great at it, and the suspense and tension that can build up when the stakes are high and the players' skill levels and passion are equally matched. I think this promo video does a good job of portraying these people as interesting, passionate, and skilled, as well as engaging. And they do a good job of drawing the audience into the suspense of who might come out as the better player.

So there's my rambling loose change on the subject. I LOVE the promo, and I vote YES to get it on the Web. And I'll cross my fingers and send prayers and good thoughts that it's a HUGE success, that the shows gets a Chris Moneymaker-like Fairy Godmother/father to carry it to new heights, and that it makes it onto the TV screen. And then I can have every time I see an advertisement for the show in someone else's presence, when I can point with glee at the screen and say, "Oh, this is a cool show. You should watch it. I know that guy's girlfriend ... she's one of my buddies!"

Reply No. 3:
I think it's great. I would watch if you SO (significant other) was playing. Does that one guy always rip his t-shirt or is that the same clip used twice? I am fascinated by the shots and would get hooked on the drama of an actual game. And too, it would be interesting to know how these people got involved in pool and then decided to make it a career. I can't really relate to your concern about high brows not approving -- a program showing their style would make an interesting contrast for the uninitiated to see.

I don't get why your participation in something fun that doesn't harm a soul should be an issue for anyone -- other than to say, Can I play too?
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hello all, I am Peyton Thomas and I am one of the Producers for American Road Player. I have been working on this show for three years and we are really excited to have Keith on-board for the ride. He will bring a great deal of excitement to the show.

The idea behind the indiegogo campaign to raise a part of the budget is not only for the monetary return which will be used in the film production but also to create an "invested" audience. This has become very popular for starting something new. So, to date my company has self funded the entire project, about $20,000 and we plan to take on the Post Production cost. The actual budget for the film production is 100K so as you can see, there will be other investors some of which we are entertaining now.

This is a passion project for me as pool has been a major part of my life for 30 years so I am particularly invested in this show which is why I have tried to meld the other part of my life with the sport.

This will be a great show and ultimately we will push it to the networks because they will take notice of it's web popularity.

The donations you make are fully refunded if we don't make the the goal of $40,000 and you get great perks for your donations including Hats and shirts from Hustlin USA, Pool Tables from Diamond Billiards.

If you want to see the show, show your support with $25 and you will get to have the behind the scenes while we are on the road.

After all $40,000 is $25 x 1600 donations...

On my other thread there were over 6000 views, 1600 doesn't seem like that much...

I'm all in, let's do this!

Just fired in my contribution, I really hope this happens, gonna be a lot of fun.
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I am the storm
Silver Member
Just fired in my contribution, I really hope this happens, gonna be a lot of fun.

Hey, thank you to each and every one of you who made a contribution to this endeavor. The pool sponsors are making a contribution, too, in hopes this will happen. I applaud all of them for helping in this campaign.

Well, I know that Keith very much wants to come out and play. :)


I am the storm
Silver Member
I've already sent out hundreds of autographed photographs of Keith in the past 10 years, but if it will help this campaign move forward, I'm willing to send out more.

If the campaign meets the goal of $40,000 -- yes, I know that is a long way to go -- I will send the last 20 people a personally autographed photo of Keith. This means the last 20 people who contribute funds which allow the campaign to reach the final $40,000 level.

This gift will be in addition to the gift that the campaign is offering for your donation.

JAM <---Keith McCready PAC (pool action campaign) Director. :grin-square:
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Thanks for the contribution to the thread. :)

For years you decried being a player on a payroll as being a 'dancing monkey'. What makes this different?

You're welcome.

I don't dislike the idea, but I'm certainly curious as to how this is different than before. He may be welcomed to perform in a more natural manner, but at the end of the day he's still got strings attached - as we all do.


I am the storm
Silver Member
For years you decried being a player on a payroll as being a 'dancing monkey'. What makes this different?

You're welcome.

I don't dislike the idea, but I'm certainly curious as to how this is different than before. He may be welcomed to perform in a more natural manner, but at the end of the day he's still got strings attached - as we all do.

It is quite different than being a dancing monkey at a pool tournament that has a tournament director, a commentator, and referees receiving more financial gain than the majority of the competitors in the event, number one.

Number two, Keith will be doing what Keith does best, and that's entertain. This, and this alone, brings joy to Keith. Him performing on a field of green before a mass of fans and pool enthusiasts is like pure gold to him. Money can't buy that feeling. He'll be dancing to the beat of his own drums. That's better than money to Keith. :)


It is quite different than being a dancing monkey at a pool tournament that has a tournament director, a commentator, and referees receiving more financial gain than the majority of the competitors in the event, number one.

Number two, Keith will be doing what Keith does best, and that's entertain. This, and this alone, brings joy to Keith. Him performing on a field of green before a mass of fans and pool enthusiasts is like pure gold to him. Money can't buy that feeling. He'll be dancing to the beat of his own drums. That's better than money to Keith. :)

People should always dance to the beat of their own drum. Sometimes that's not so easy, but eventually you'll just be happier with yourself. I'm happy that Keith's been given a chance to do what he enjoys and, while I'm not a big fan of Scooter(from what I've read on here), I think the show can be successful. Whether or not it translates to being successful for pool is another thing. Having heard stories of Keith in action(no pun intended), I admit that I will watch, if only for that.

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
It is quite different than being a dancing monkey at a pool tournament that has a tournament director, a commentator, and referees receiving more financial gain than the majority of the competitors in the event, number one.

Number two, Keith will be doing what Keith does best, and that's entertain. This, and this alone, brings joy to Keith. Him performing on a field of green before a mass of fans and pool enthusiasts is like pure gold to him. Money can't buy that feeling. He'll be dancing to the beat of his own drums. That's better than money to Keith. :)

Excellent post and analysis of the situation!

He gets to do something that brings him "JOY"



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Having known Keith since he was just a young teenager I can tell you that no one is better suited for this project than he is. When I first saw him I had just beat a very good player called Waterdog and afterwards Keith was fighting to get to me but was held back by his friends telling him that he was not ready for me yet. Some people have the heart, confidence, or what ever it is that is in a person that wants to prove to the world what they have in themselves. He is one of those.

No one could draw a crowd like he did. Just his presence and his interaction with the people in his surroundings were worth the price of being where he was. Best wishes Keith, show them what it's all about.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am curious how Keith will fit into the show? I mean as it was planned, let's follow Scooter and his crew around, but now we have better action by adding Keith...Great!! There are a couple of different ways that they could take this...

A. Keith teaming up with Scooter to be some sort of a teaching-type thing where Keith is both participating and teaching Scooter some things and they make their way to DCC

B. Old Guard vs New Guys where Keith puts together his crew and Scooter has his crew and they are shown separately, appearing to be in competition that finishes up at Derby City in a showdown between crews

C. Maybe having some guys like Keith/Incardona/CJ/Earl tell stories of the old days on the road and use them to divide segments of Scooter's crew doing similar today. Then show the older guys taking on the newer guys.

Personally, the road to get to DCC could be very entertaining, but the ultimate for me would be to see Keith resurrect the challenge table "pit" for a night or two at DCC...THAT was entertainment beyond belief...Capture that one on film and you got yourself a very marketable product...

Allen Brown

Pool Whale
Silver Member
Can you have cameras on the floor at Derby City? I know the action room is ok, but what about the main floor?

Kid Dynomite

Dennis (Michael) Wilson
Silver Member
last year nyc grind cameraman was filming all over including around the tv table.
you dont need a large crew to get good coverage of a game.

This brings up a good point!

They need to issue "PRESS" badges at the derby!!!

They also need to make announcements and post signs to "Extend the utmost curtesy to the press" the action area gets really crowded and some people really are not thinking after downing a few drinks at derby. Some knuckle head will not want to move for the camera and stuff.

Just thinking ahead!
