Letter From Renee Sigel Regarding Mark Trainer

Eydie Romano

Finally Retired!
Silver Member
Renee Sigel and I are friends and correspond on a regular basis. In a letter that I got from her today, she is rightfully upset with the backlash of innuendo's regarding Mike's involvement with Mark Trainer. This is a part of what she would like the doubting Thomas's of the pool world to know:

"You can let the "POOL WORLD" understand Mike is NOT involved with the Trainer issues they are all discussing! In re: to getting a piece of the action! He does not get a kick back or a % or anything else!
NOR does Kevin! They don't need the players money or want it! If anything when Mike started the IPT he should of made agreements with the players since he worked so hard for 10 YEARS in getting the tour started! BUT HE DID NOT because he did not want anything; just for the players to be playing for lot's of money and to have fun.

AMAZING how the pool world cannot come from the outside looking in; to understand! Instead they choose to KNOCK Mike & Kevin every chance they get. And the next time someone call's my husband a SOB or MF or anything un called for; they better stop and remember they'd have no Pool on TV except re-runs, no MONEY and no TOUR!"

I have edited some choice words and a sentence or two but these are her words, and as her friend, I understand where she is coming from. I can personally understand how she must feel to hear such negativity on a consistent basis regarding the IPT and Mike.

This post is done in defense for Mike's NON involvement with Mr. Trainer. I sincerely hope that any and all replies will be done in a respectful manner.


Cameron Smith

is kind of hungry...
Silver Member
I too am quite surprised at all of the bashing I hear of Sigel on here. I can understand Trudeau given his past.


<< 2 all-time greats
Silver Member
Eydie Romano said:
This post is done in defense for Mike's NON involvement with Mr. Trainer. I sincerely hope that any and all replies will be done in a respectful manner.


Mike seems like just another pool player trying to make a living. I know nothing about any stuff going on with the player's money or anything else. I have no reason to suspect Mike Sigel of doing anything wrong.

However, Kevin Trudeau's past speaks for itself, and by association with him a little stink has to rub off on Mike.


I think that was a respectful manner, please correct me if I'm wrong.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Eydie Romano said:
Renee Sigel and I are friends and correspond on a regular basis. In a letter that I got from her today, she is rightfully upset with the backlash of innuendo's regarding Mike's involvement with Mark Trainer. This is a part of what she would like the doubting Thomas's of the pool world to know:

"You can let the "POOL WORLD" understand Mike is NOT involved with the Trainer issues they are all discussing! In re: to getting a piece of the action! He does not get a kick back or a % or anything else!
NOR does Kevin! They don't need the players money or want it! If anything when Mike started the IPT he should of made agreements with the players since he worked so hard for 10 YEARS in getting the tour started! BUT HE DID NOT because he did not want anything; just for the players to be playing for lot's of money and to have fun.

AMAZING how the pool world cannot come from the outside looking in; to understand! Instead they choose to KNOCK Mike & Kevin every chance they get. And the next time someone call's my husband a SOB or MF or anything un called for; they better stop and remember they'd have no Pool on TV except re-runs, no MONEY and no TOUR!"

I have edited some choice words and a sentence or two but these are her words, and as her friend, I understand where she is coming from. I can personally understand how she must feel to hear such negativity on a consistent basis regarding the IPT and Mike.

This post is done in defense for Mike's NON involvement with Mr. Trainer. I sincerely hope that any and all replies will be done in a respectful manner.


Kevin T says he started the IPT now Renee says Mike S worked
on it for 10 years and started it. Whats up?


Silver Member
wvroadrunner said:
Kevin T says he started the IPT now Renee says Mike S worked
on it for 10 years and started it. Whats up?

Its pretty obvious that MS was the driving force behind the IPT. I think she means MS pitched this idea for ten years before it came to life.

KT would have never funded the IPT without his good friend MS coercing him to. MS has done two great things in pool. The IPT and he is a champion. History will remember him for both...Now if he could work on his attitude :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

these naysayers don't want good iinformation from those involved...Too bad for Renee she will be disappointed.....these naysayers just want to flap their jaws and feel like movers and shakers.....Mike and Kevin have done a good thing for pool no matter what happens......good luck in being a conduit for Renee......I don't think it will be a positive.....these people are relentless......sad to say.....:(


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Who cares who started it, and who cares about who did this, or that. Mrs. Sigel is correct, and more power to her for standing up for her spouse. I do not blame her to object to all the bashing of her husband (Mike Sigel), and the other folks involved with the IPT tour. All pool players of ever level, the non playing fans, should all be praying the IPT tour works. Second part of the deal is that the IPT makes money, both for the players, and promoters. It would be a win-win deal for everyone who loves this crazy game, that we all care so much about. POSITIVE THOUGHTS PEOPLE!
Thank you!


America the Beautiful
Silver Member
Eydie Romano said:
Renee Sigel and I are friends and correspond on a regular basis. In a letter that I got from her today, she is rightfully upset with the backlash of innuendo's regarding Mike's involvement with Mark Trainer. This is a part of what she would like the doubting Thomas's of the pool world to know:

"You can let the "POOL WORLD" understand Mike is NOT involved with the Trainer issues they are all discussing! In re: to getting a piece of the action! He does not get a kick back or a % or anything else!
NOR does Kevin! They don't need the players money or want it! If anything when Mike started the IPT he should of made agreements with the players since he worked so hard for 10 YEARS in getting the tour started! BUT HE DID NOT because he did not want anything; just for the players to be playing for lot's of money and to have fun.

AMAZING how the pool world cannot come from the outside looking in; to understand! Instead they choose to KNOCK Mike & Kevin every chance they get. And the next time someone call's my husband a SOB or MF or anything un called for; they better stop and remember they'd have no Pool on TV except re-runs, no MONEY and no TOUR!"

I have edited some choice words and a sentence or two but these are her words, and as her friend, I understand where she is coming from. I can personally understand how she must feel to hear such negativity on a consistent basis regarding the IPT and Mike.

This post is done in defense for Mike's NON involvement with Mr. Trainer. I sincerely hope that any and all replies will be done in a respectful manner.


This is why spouse's shouldn't be involved......things are taken very personally regardless of if the husband/wife is right or wrong in the situation.

All of them (KT, MT, MS and now his wife) need to realize that they are not just messing around with Kevins' money.

There's quite a few people using their own money and other peoples money and money they don't have (credit cards, loans, selling stuff they shouldn't) to take a shot at this Tour...MONEY THEY REALLY JUST CAN'T AFFORD...but with all the promises that are thrown out there they are going to take the chance of chasing the carrot. Then when the promises are changing from week to week, people expect them NOT to get upset..........PLEASE!!!!!!

Myself personally....I believe the idea for the IPTwas excellent but the plate was too small for the food they tried to put on it. It looks like they tried to lay a spread down (the initial investment) to make a big score (T.V., sponsership, etc.) and its not working out how they hoped and there's nothing wrong with that...BUT...THEY NEED TO REMEMBER HOW MANY PEOPLE THAT COULDN'T/CAN'T AFFORD TO TAKE A CHANCE....DID!!!.

I think she has alot of nerve to be upset because of some "WORDS" that are said towards her husband when there are people that are BROKE and waiting for money they rightfully have coming and are getting the runaround about it and might not ever see it.


Good or bad, it was Kevins' decision to start this business and try to get a return on his investment (and I hope he does as it indirectly affects me)...BUT...there are other people that stand to lose that can't afford to and they are going by what they hear from Kevin and Mike.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Very well said!

I would love to see the IPT succeed As it will benefit the players.

But firstly I would like to see Kevin T stand up like a man and make a formal apology to the players for embarrassing them. Telling them to hang around for the checks then telling them he forgot his check book. He not only made things unpleasent for them but also put them out of pocket. This is why I can't understand why people rush to his defense, how about coming to the defense for the players who committed themselves to hang around all week and for what? "Oh Um I forgot my checkbook chuckles ha ha. :D Oh well. Don't forget to tell your friends to pay $2000 at the qualifying events. Get it through their thick skulls. this is for you the players!" :cool:

So um and apology would help matters along i think. Don't keep everyone hanging. :eek:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"when there are people that are BROKE and waiting for money they rightfully have coming and are getting the runaround about it and might not ever see it."
Am I to understand that there are cases with IPT players not being paid their tournament winnings?


Illuminati Blacksmack
Silver Member
Here's your respectful response.

Mike has gone out of his way to disrespect a lot of people publicly.

Kevin has done the same thing he just dresses it up nice so most people don't know what he's REALLY saying.

I'm NOT responsible for Kevin's reputation. He's earned that all by himself and he earned it long before he got involved with pool or the IPT. I won't sit back and ignore the fact that people are being taken advantage of. He is taking advantage of their emotions and when the bubble bursts he'll be long gone exercising his out clause. So much for worrying about Kevin.

I don't know Mark Trainer, I have no opinion of him other than the fact that he offered Danny Harriman a bad deal back in June. I know the specifics of what was offered so anyone that says I misjudged Mr. Trainer or what he was offering - save it. The deal was bad and so was the time limit he gave to review it and make a decision. When someone tries to "rush" you into signing something, that means there's something in that contract that he's hoping you'll overlook.

Are the Mike and Kevin connected with Mark Trainer? Who knows? I don't even care. Why does Renee care? If its not true why worry about what anyone says?

This is what I do care about:

That the players have something in writing that legally holds the IPT responsible to provide what they have already promised.

What's so hard about that? Is that asking too much? Obviously it is.

If this thing doesnt work out the players will have nothing that protects their interests or their promised salaries. Some of them are already in the hole despite the large payouts. Some players needed the money from Reno so that they could get back home. Compared to what she's pissed off about, what should be the top priority?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I personally think that Mike Sigel is just role playing as the loudmouth ex-world champion. Before he used to be captain hook. He talked alot, but it was always in a joke form. He never said inflammatory remarks like he does now. I firmly believe that Trudeau forced Mike to play to be the bad guy, someone that everone want's to see lose. Mike is just going along with Kevin's instructions, so I personally don't think that Sigel is really that type of person. Deep down I think he's a good guy who did alot for pool, and even in wrestling, when you are the bad guy, you still get some fans and you make alot of money. Lets not throw stones at Mike. The person in question is Trudeau, not Mike.


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
Tap, tap, tap for Stevelomako and another tap, tap, tap, for Blackjack, too. Mrs. Sigel can say what she likes but the fact remains that her husband has openly shown disrespect for other IPT player members and the business he spent ten years building has operated with a lack of concern, remorse, and empathy for the consequences of its operational shortcomings.

We all admire and respect Mike for this great contribution to the game, but we do not take our gratitude so far that we will condone all the practices of the IPT, some of which are inflicting financial hardships and personal anguish on some IPT player members.


I disliked Mike 15 yrs ago. I found him to be extremely pompous and arrogant. The only thing that's changed from then until now is that he's worse.

You folks that worship someone just because they play great.... don't even bother singing his praises to me. I respect the game he used to have but I never have and never will respect the "man". They're two seperate things. The game he had in of itself deserved respect. Nothing about the "mans" actions towards others has deserved respect.

For PoolSharkAllen that posted in the other thread about how Mrs. Sigel saying that Mike isn't involved with the Mark Trainer stuff is good enough for you.... LOLOLOLOLOLOL I don't know if Mike is or isn't, I've already stated that I don't know & cannot confirm it but do you really think Mr. or Mrs. Sigel would openly admit it if he was? :p :p :p


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tokyo-dave said:
"when there are people that are BROKE and waiting for money they rightfully have coming and are getting the runaround about it and might not ever see it."
Am I to understand that there are cases with IPT players not being paid their tournament winnings?

yes Dave, I had 2 different people call me this weekend saying just that. The players are waiting on their checks......still

For the big time champs with cash, it's not as big a deal. For the little guy, who borrowed $$$ for the qualifier, finally got through, borrowed more money to get to the big event, then is trying to get paid to break even, and get home...those are the guys I really feel for.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Timberly said:
For PoolSharkAllen that posted in the other thread about how Mrs. Sigel saying that Mike isn't involved with the Mark Trainer stuff is good enough for you.... LOLOLOLOLOLOL I don't know if Mike is or isn't, I've already stated that I don't know & cannot confirm it but do you really think Mr. or Mrs. Sigel would openly admit it if he was? :p :p :p
Timberly: I don't particularly care for Mike Sigel as a person either. Billiards Digest claims that Mike Sigel is one of the players that Mark Trainer has under contract. Since we don't know what the terms of their contract is, that hardly means that Mike Sigel or Kevin Trudeau or the IPT is in cahoots with Mark Trainer.

Personally, I find Mark Trainer's one-sided contracts with the players to be reprehensible but there doesn't appear to be anything illegal about it. Trainer's behavior might be immoral or even unethical but that doesn't necessarily make it illegal. For Big Money's claims to be credible regarding an (illegal or unethical) association between Sigel, Trudeau and Trainer, he needs to present more verifiable details.
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Silver Member
Tokyo-dave said:
"when there are people that are BROKE and waiting for money they rightfully have coming and are getting the runaround about it and might not ever see it."
Am I to understand that there are cases with IPT players not being paid their tournament winnings?

I heard a few days ago that Thorsten still hasn't been paid his $350,000. Anybody know for sure what the answer is?

This last tourney, he was knocked out in the first round. Can someone verify he was playing his best game?


Flex said:
I heard a few days ago that Thorsten still hasn't been paid his $350,000. Anybody know for sure what the answer is?

This last tourney, he was knocked out in the first round. Can someone verify he was playing his best game?
I can't verify that he was playing his best game but I can tell you the story I got from Reno while the tournament was still in progress.... I was told (mind you I wasn't there so I didn't witness it with my own eyes) that during the 1st round of play on the 1st day, Charlie Williams told Thorsten that his check was not there, that it had been sent to Germany. Great timing, thanks friend! :rolleyes: Needless to say, we see how well Thorsten did in Reno.....

PoolSharkAllen said:
For Big Money's claims to be credible regarding an (illegal or unethical) association between Sigel, Trudeau and Trainer, he needs to present more verifiable details.
Having read some of your responses to this stuff, I have to wonder if you read any of my responses to big money's post?

I never said that Big Money was correct. There is no way to prove it unless they admit it, which I'm sure they never will. Here is what I said....

From the moment I found out that Mr. Sigel had signed with Mr. Trainer, I have speculated that both Mike and Kevin were in on this with Mr. trainer. I have no proof and will never speak of it as proof unless I have evidence of the fact. This was a conclusion I came up with by using simple common sense. If you take into consideration the amount of money Mr. Sigel won playing LJJ, the KOTH event, and the challenge matches at the qualifiers.... does anyone really believe that Mr. Sigel would need the services being offered by Mr. Trainer??

I'm simply speculating by using common sense as my deciding factor. That's all any of us can do. I will say that I got a phone call last night(there are a lot of people that know & notice a lot of things that they themselves cannot say on here because of who they are) from someone that was in Reno for the whole event.... KT & MS were seen having dinner with Mark Trainer almost everynight.... I'm sure they were talking about the weather. ;)


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
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common sense

Timberly said:
From the moment I found out that Mr. Sigel had signed with Mr. Trainer, I have speculated that both Mike and Kevin were in on this with Mr. trainer. I have no proof and will never speak of it as proof unless I have evidence of the fact. This was a conclusion I came up with by using simple common sense. If you take into consideration the amount of money Mr. Sigel won playing LJJ, the KOTH event, and the challenge matches at the qualifiers.... does anyone really believe that Mr. Sigel would need the services being offered by Mr. Trainer??

I'm simply speculating by using common sense as my deciding factor. That's all any of us can do. I will say that I got a phone call last night(there are a lot of people that know & notice a lot of things that they themselves cannot say on here because of who they are) from someone that was in Reno for the whole event.... KT & MS were seen having dinner with Mark Trainer almost everynight.... I'm sure they were talking about the weather. ;)

Seems like a lot isn't what if appears to be in the IPT. I don't know if KT or MS are making a dime off of Trainer's dealings but KT's endorsement of him seems to be a sweetheart deal.

The very first event televised with Mike S and Lori J featured a lot of ad's placed by the two contestants. I have always wondered how much cash was left over to pay out after their partial sponsorship of the event and how much option they had about placing the ad's. Paying out big money with one hand and raking it back in with the other would be very much in keeping with this theme.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Timberly said:
From the moment I found out that Mr. Sigel had signed with Mr. Trainer, I have speculated that both Mike and Kevin were in on this with Mr. trainer. I have no proof and will never speak of it as proof unless I have evidence of the fact. This was a conclusion I came up with by using simple common sense. If you take into consideration the amount of money Mr. Sigel won playing LJJ, the KOTH event, and the challenge matches at the qualifiers.... does anyone really believe that Mr. Sigel would need the services being offered by Mr. Trainer??

I'm simply speculating by using common sense as my deciding factor. That's all any of us can do. I will say that I got a phone call last night(there are a lot of people that know & notice a lot of things that they themselves cannot say on here because of who they are) from someone that was in Reno for the whole event.... KT & MS were seen having dinner with Mark Trainer almost everynight.... I'm sure they were talking about the weather. ;)
I think we'll need to see undercover paparazzi pictures of MT, KT and MS having dinner together every night. :p One has to wonder about this person snooping in on MT, KT and MS. :eek:

I can think of one reason why Sigel might have a contract with Trainer and that is having big names under contract might provide Trainer with an "aura" of credibility. :rolleyes: