One of your "MASTERS TEAMS" won the Open Team event this year.
Not sure how or when this could be fixed............but someone said it earlier, in pool it appears you become penalized for playing better, at least at the league level. Also, many better players want to hide at the lower levels instead of playing the better players.
I do not believe there is ONE answer to this problem, it is way to complicated for that. In many cases Open players who do well in Vegas deserve to be Masters, and then there are some who just had a good tourney and will never ever want to compete at that level or be able to.
It appears that when you created the "ADVANCED" level, some Masters players moved all the way down to Open players. Not a problem for them, but a HUGE problem for the 1,000 + open players that were steam rolled by these guys. So, that NEW structure truly didn't work.
My question is WHAT does the BCA want?!?! Do you want to build ALL divisions, just Masters, the Open Team event? Once you have a handle on that, there may be a solution.
One suggestion is to have a CRYSTAL CLEAR scale that bridges ALL league systems. And some way to match up league rankings from each league system, so players know where they are, and that may eliminate the majority of level hoping. But then you will always have sand-baggers to contend with.
There are players who want to become Masters and work towards that goal, but every year more and more Masters become Open players, which makes it difficult to push through the Open level. It seems as though players are moving in the wrong direction. Perhaps there should be NO downward movement at all?!?! I know this isn't popular, but once at a level, you can only move up, NOT down.
I am going to piggyback this response, because as female masters player who has moved down and back up, I feel that this is a big reason why the masters division will never grow and existing masters players have become frustrated with the event. Sorry for the long read, but I wanted to be thorough in my explanations.
I think several changes would help the Advanced and Master's divisions grow - for both singles & teams.
Eliminate the known ability clause for moving players up in divisions
- Allow players to move up one level at a time as it is earned (top 10% to advanced, 5% to masters, 5% to grand masters - maybe players earning over $1K, whatever a good determination would be)
- Don't allow players to move back down without some exceptional circumstance (this is the big one)
In 2005, I was moved from Open to Grand Master based on "Known Ability", when my highest finish at the BCA in the last 5 years had been 33-48. I petitioned to move back down on this history and was allowed to move to Masters only. I had a decent year in 2006, but was pissed to see several players that should've been Masters players (also playing pro events), playing in the Open. The next year I went 2 & out, the following year I was sick during nationals & failed to make it in the money, by the third year of seeing numerous players in the Open, whom I considered well known players, I was done, I went 2 & out on purpose, knowing that I could request to move down. In 2009, I made the request to move down - with likely little to no research (I am assuming, because I was winning events on the OB Cues tour), I was granted a move back to the Open. In 2010, I made it to the finals with general ease. The only reason I requested the move down was because I wanted to earn the right to play Masters, like these other well known players I was seeing through the years. I tell you this because "known ability" is subjective and it is unfair to some of the better players to move one person up and not someone else. By allowing everyone to earn it, you eliminate this subjectiveness that may negatively impact the opinions some of the better players that are moved up while watching those around them get a chance to earn it. If I didn't love the event so much, that could've been a huge factor for me not ever returning when I was first moved.
If everybody earns the status, they can't complain about being in the "wrong" division. It was earned fair & square just like every other player in their division. This is why I don't think you should have anyone jump a division on their way to the top. Let someone who wins the Open move to the Advanced, this will disprove that they were just having a good year if they make it to the Masters and lessons the chance that they feel that they need to be moved down.
Don't allow anyone to move back down once they have earned their status. This one is big, every year I know quite a few girls that have requested position changes and are granted. I have actually taken time to look through and verify that some have not met the qualification of finishing three years out of the money and have still been moved down. Heck, there are even girls that have won or been in the finals at nationals that are in the Open now. I am assumming that the men's follows a similar trend, though I am not familiar with the men's in detail. Just because someone doesn't execute at the advanced or master level at every Nationals event doesn't mean that they don't have the knowledge behind the game. If someone has earned it, unless they have a compelling reason that they cannot perform as before (think lost an eye or arm), they still have the knowledge to operate at that level.
By doing these three things, you grow all the divisions over time without lessening the pool of players that is already there. You also give everyone equal opportunity to do there best and earn there way to the higher divisions.
For the men's master's division this year, I think the change of many players to Advanced really hurt the Master's mens even more than expected. You reduced the number of master level players and made the field extremely tough to even recoup costs. Until the Master's is built up again, I don't think that you will see high numbers in the Masters team event. Players want a chance to at least recoup expenses and that makes it hard to do with small fields. However, if you keep allowing players to move back down when they ask, you will never build the field and the division will continue to suffer.
For the women's master level players, I really felt like we were screwed over this year for teams - no men's team would really want a female player because it would force them to play at least the Advanced division and most of the women players I know in TX asked and were moved from Advanced to Open just to accommodate teams - leaving no hardly no Advanced players in the state to form a team with. I skipped out on Teams this year because of it. It would be nice to have a division for the women where you can have more than one master level player. It is difficult in the DFW area to have enough Advanced players to match up a Master player to form Advanced team, as the players in the Open still want to play in the Open and shun us. If we could have more than one master (limit to one grand master), I think you would see more participation from the women's masters.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, those are some ideas I have been floating around with for several years. I love the BCA event and would love to see it grow even more.
Tara W.
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