Matchroom 2023 UK Open (nineball), 30May-4June, Winner $30K


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Day 5
(Last 16)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
FSR (with his b-game) leading 7-5 over wilson.

wilson took the two first racks and has made some good runouts but FSR is outsmarting him


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
in the end, FSR saw off wilson fairly easy with pool knowledge.

young riku romppanen is playing really impressive against filler. 2-3 down. filler is sporting his killer filler polo shirt with his shouting face on the back. no doubt who the villain is in this drama


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm watching the 15 year Riku old on replay. He definitely seems nervous in his face, but is shooting great. I wonder what Filler is thinking. Filler always had the confidence, even when he was 13. Is Filler looking at Riku and saying "this is the next me"?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm watching the 15 year Riku old on replay. He definitely seems nervous in his face, but is shooting great.

i think it's just a physical trait that's more common among certain nordic peoples than elsewhere. it does fool you though, he would be a great hustler just by looking like that


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jeez, Kaci is getting some big rolls in this match. However, he is kind of outplaying SVB, and breaking better.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
SVB just never got going. Scratching on the break, down 3-4, was a killer. Kaci broke almost perfect.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
On the hill 9-8, "Butcher" Fortunski botched 7 ball and Shane Wolford ties it hill hill. Nice comeback by Shane
Now he is breaking for the match for a place in quarterfinals to play Filler :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Really bad sequence from Wolford after winning the safety battle to get ball in hand, hooking himself on a combination and then selling out to another lockdown safety from Fortunski.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Really bad sequence from Wolford after winning the safety battle to get ball in hand, hooking himself on a combination and then selling out to another lockdown safety from Fortunski.
They are both getting tighter the longer this goes on. Agony to watch.