Mosconi Cup 2012 Day (3) Discussion


Socially Aware
Silver Member
All joking aside, Chris *IS* a top-tier player. He has one of the prettiest "scissor" strokes I've ever seen -- where the elbow bobs up and down to keep the cue traveling on as straight a piston line as possible.

Watch his stroke, you'll see. ("Scissor stroke" to mean the same type of action you see in those extending log tongs for fireplaces.)

Extremely difficult to master, and lots of moving parts, but pretty when all the cylinders are firing at the correct timing...



I never thought of that, but very true. It's certainly something special to see.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When you take away all of the jock scratching, butt slapping, replays of the coach hiding behind a piece of laminated paper.........there is about 11 minutes of actual gameplay in an average American football game.

I'm Canadian, my game a guy takes a piece of fiberglass to the face, loses 5 teeth and gets 20 stitches and comes back to the game 10 minutes later with a jersey covered in blood to score the winning goal ;)

All soccer is is a bunch of grown men who get tripped up in 2 inch thick, lush green lawn and roll around for 5 minutes as if they've been shot in the stomach.



Socially Aware
Silver Member
So the format here is pretty telling and today is definitely going to be strategic. Let's look at the scenarios.

Match 1 has to be Nickos and NVB Vs Shuff and Mike D. per the rules.

Match 2 has to be NVB Vs Archer per the rules.

So the last rule into play today is that ALL team members must play in the last 4 matches. In other words NVB and Archer are not eligible to play in last 3 matches.

So if you are team Europe, you have Nickos/Daz/Niels/Melling in the clip and USA has SVB/Hatch/Shuff/Dechaine in the tank.

There's gotta be one doubles match and 2 singles matches. I will exercise a guess at how this should play out. I think Melling and Nickos would make a power team and their games compliment each others. I think the USA will maintain their Veteran/Newbie pairings which has worked great. SVB has a sub 50% record in Mosconi Cup singles matches anyway and they are aware of that. So here's how I see matches for rest of the day.

Match 3 Nickos/Melling vs SVB/Shuff

Match 4 Daz Vs Dechaine

Match 5 Niels vs Hatch

Believe it or not, I think that is both teams' respective path to victory today.

Prediction today someone wins 4-1 instead of 3-2 on points.
***Note*** I think the biggest story of the day is Johnny Archer/Hatch/SVB can only play 1 time today while Shuff and Dechaine must play twice today. I look for that to be part of the story as the day plays out. That's a lot of pressure especially as this moves to crunch time. If someone is up 9-6 going into Day 4 which is all singles matches, it's pretty much over.

I think the USA would have faired a little better throwing the lineup I predicted but man oh man I'm sad if I am right about the 4-1 score for the day.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
Daz is incredibly good under pressure...SVB's singles record in Mosconi Cup play is inexplicable. Hard to understand in my opinion.


Socially Aware
Silver Member
So Dechaine got stomped 5-0 and SVB is catching that same fate, Europe played fantastic today. I don't think USA played bad, I think it was good vs great today, no shame in losing like this in my opinion.


Professional Banger
Silver Member
I'm Canadian, my game a guy takes a piece of fiberglass to the face, loses 5 teeth and gets 20 stitches and comes back to the game 10 minutes later with a jersey covered in blood to score the winning goal ;)

All soccer is is a bunch of grown men who get tripped up in 2 inch thick, lush green lawn and roll around for 5 minutes as if they've been shot in the stomach.


Yup i played Hockey and its the greatest sport on earth.....PERIOD!!!!


C'mon, man!
Silver Member
Damn hard to win in that environment unless you front run IMO.

British Hooligans are tough to fade. Down right rude IMO.

I'm glad we broke from England when we did.

Americans are too friendly IMO.
