Mosconi Cup Updates


Anyway, back to the pool. I'm a UK 8baller myself but got to say from watching the last few Mosconi's, Archer is a warrior!


Socially Aware
Silver Member
how exactly does he miss the ball like that, that was horrible. He wont recover from that and I wont forgive him lol


Nick looked great then died on the two

Wow is this some exciting pool. In the words of the great Grady Mathews, "i hope we have a hill hill match and both players drowned in angwish and dog it 4 or 5 times."


LMAO!!!! Lets see we kicked you off our continent saved your limey rear ends in ww1 and ww2 or this would be Germany vs USA in the mosconi cup.. need I say more? Stay on your Island you are nothing more then our lap dogs now.

Seriously, guy, you're the tool around here. I checked your history of 40 whole posts, most being about the Mosconi Cup. Half of the time you were trying to insult somebody last year and the other half you were saying how it doesn't mean squat for such small races.

You're also showing that you don't know jack about England. They have riots over soccer.. just because most guns are banned or restricted, doesn't mean the blood stops flowing. It took a team effort to defeat Hitler. Wow, what a freakin moron. No wonder Americans are sometimes thought of as.. people like you.

I figured I'd save the breath of the Europeans and let you hear this from an American who's IQ is higher than his stick weight. Why don't you tune back in to MTV and catch up on something you know more about?

End of rant..

Thanks again for the updates, folks!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's my own fault for thinking I could have a reasoned debate with someone with the IQ of a goldfish! Like I said, read up on your history if you think we were pussies during WW's 1 and 2 and if I'm not mistaken the colonists had help from European "pussies".

I'm sorry i forgot the history books in Europe are written slightly different then in the US. Can't say I blame ya. Anyway back to pool indeed.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Seriously, guy, you're the tool around here. I checked your history of 40 whole posts, most being about the Mosconi Cup. Half of the time you were trying to insult somebody last year and the other half you were saying how it doesn't mean squat for such small races.

You're also showing that you don't know jack about England. They have riots over soccer.. just because most guns are banned or restricted, doesn't mean the blood stops flowing. It took a team effort to defeat Hitler. Wow, what a freakin moron. No wonder Americans are sometimes thought of as.. people like you.

I figured I'd save the breath of the Europeans and let you hear this from an American who's IQ is higher than his stick weight. Why don't you tune back in to MTV and catch up on something you know more about?
Thank God I'm American... You Euro trash are delusional.... "It took a team effort to beat hitler" No Sir it took Americans to beat hitler he dominated your sorry asses and over ran your countries until we got involved.. And again you ungrateful piece of garbage YOUR WELCOME.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well Nick wasn't paid off after all. After that apa 3 level shot on the two earlier it appears he is playing for team Europe.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
didnt believe whats going on there. but already now i just can say the 2 newcomers (dechaine an melling) shew an impressive performance :thumbup:


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Seriously, guy, you're the tool around here. I checked your history of 40 whole posts, most being about the Mosconi Cup. Half of the time you were trying to insult somebody last year and the other half you were saying how it doesn't mean squat for such small races.

You're also showing that you don't know jack about England. They have riots over soccer.. just because most guns are banned or restricted, doesn't mean the blood stops flowing. It took a team effort to defeat Hitler. Wow, what a freakin moron. No wonder Americans are sometimes thought of as.. people like you.

I figured I'd save the breath of the Europeans and let you hear this from an American who's IQ is higher than his stick weight. Why don't you tune back in to MTV and catch up on something you know more about?

End of rant..

Thanks again for the updates, folks!
Great post
...and you can take that to the Banks


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member
It took a team effort to defeat Hitler.

And the MVP by FAR was the Soviet Union. America spent most of the war beating Japan into submission, England spent most of the war getting bombed, the Soviets got attacked and initially got pushed back until they ramped up their war machine and then slowly started pushing the Germans right back to Berlin. Hitler made a HUGE mistake when he attacked the Soviets, he had no hope to win that fight.