Mosconi's 526 record...Who could break it???


Ace in the side.
Silver Member
bruin70 said:
from what i saw of johnny's game in his later years, it was very unique compared to other players, and i would have to call his game artistic.he got closer to the OB than anyone i have ever seen play, and he massaged the balls better than anyone i've seen play. this kind of game doesn't diminish over the years,,,i think it gets better because it is totally dependent on knowledge

Maybe Irving Crane? No one beats him for longevity--won a U.S. Open or world straight pool title something like five decades apart.

Joe Pickens

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bob Jewett said:
The name of the room and the location are listed in the affidavit that was made at the time of the run. A link to the affidavit is about item 20 on:

You can actually see a list there of people who were present for the run. The owner of the room and Willie's opponent are indicated on the affidavit.
I looked at the affidavit and it was done at East High Billiard Club instead of East Side Billiards like I said. Hey, it has been a long time since I was there and I forgot the exact name.

That doesn't mean I'm getting old and forgetful. That doesn't mean I'm getting old and forgetful.
watchez said:
Grady will be here, in ST LOUIS, this Monday night July 18th to play a match with Terry H. I will get to see with my own two eyes...#1. How good/bad Grady plays #2. What type of gentleman Grady is because he is playing one of the finest people of character I know. I won't report the outcome of the match but I will report if Grady is not the perfect gentleman as some on here are claiming.

What normally takes place is some internet moron woofing it up and wanting to challlenge me from 2000 miles away to prove something by calling me out for his own blowhard reputation...but out of curiosity...did THIS match ever take place in real life or not? (personally, I'm tired of gunfights. I just use a rocket launcher any more and get it over with)

If so, what was the result? Who won? Were Grady and Terry both gentlemenly in their behavior? (like most, it probably never even came off)
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Hal said:
I stand FIRM by my comment.
To many good pool players are drunks in my area there are 3 of them all drunks and can all run a hundred or more in straight pool sad a don't like to be a drunk put down the bottel. I consider a drunk some one who gets plastered 5 times or more a week.

Silver Member
matthew staton said:
To many good pool players are drunks in my area there are 3 of them all drunks and can all run a hundred or more in straight pool sad a don't like to be a drunk put down the bottel. I consider a drunk some one who gets plastered 5 times or more a week.

Damn, that means I'm going to have to stay in my hotel tomorrow night now! (or not drink atleast ;-)


Tom Ferry
Only Difference is...................

matthew staton said:
To many good pool players are drunks in my area there are 3 of them all drunks and can all run a hundred or more in straight pool sad a don't like to be a drunk put down the bottel. I consider a drunk some one who gets plastered 5 times or more a week.

A DRUNK doesn’t have to go to those damn meetings.

When I got into playing Gin seriously, I was trying to find action.
I had the bright idea to go to a Gambling Anonymous meeting.
Sure enough, I got GOOD action every week after the meeting playing at a Steak 'N Shake right across the street.
Then one night this fellow that I had beaten out of $900 the previous week gets up and tells the story about me & him playing last week.
Then another fellow gets up and states that I beat him out of $650 the week before.



Custom User Title
Silver Member
OldHasBeen said:
A DRUNK doesn’t have to go to those damn meetings.

When I got into playing Gin seriously, I was trying to find action.
I had the bright idea to go to a Gambling Anonymous meeting.
Sure enough, I got GOOD action every week after the meeting playing at a Steak 'N Shake right across the street.
Then one night this fellow that I had beaten out of $900 the previous week gets up and tells the story about me & him playing last week.
Then another fellow gets up and states that I beat him out of $650 the week before.

OldHasBeen said:
A DRUNK doesn’t have to go to those damn meetings.

When I got into playing Gin seriously, I was trying to find action.
I had the bright idea to go to a Gambling Anonymous meeting.
Sure enough, I got GOOD action every week after the meeting playing at a Steak 'N Shake right across the street.
Then one night this fellow that I had beaten out of $900 the previous week gets up and tells the story about me & him playing last week.
Then another fellow gets up and states that I beat him out of $650 the week before.


LMAO....What a great place to get action. Hey, all salesmen and business people have to know where to prospect for customers to maximize business and profits. It's like being a fur coat and overcoat salesman...don't try to earn your fortune in Phoenix or Miami Beach...go to where the people are freezing their asses off!!!


Tom Ferry
I also think Retirement Centers could work!

drivermaker said:
LMAO....What a great place to get action. Hey, all salesmen and business people have to know where to prospect for customers to maximize business and profits. It's like being a fur coat and overcoat salesman...don't try to earn your fortune in Phoenix or Miami Beach...go to where the people are freezing their asses off!!!

Most have a pool table but the residences are usually pretty short on cash.
I have looked into this and have decided that I'll just have to play for THEIR "MEDS".
I might be opening up a Pharmacy some day.

OldHasBeen said:
Most have a pool table but the residences are usually pretty short on cash.
I have looked into this and have decided that I'll just have to play for THEIR "MEDS".
I might be opening up a Pharmacy some day.


You waited too long...all of us could have opened pharmacies in the early 70's and made a fortune. Come to think of it, now that I remember, I DID run a pharmacy...I just didn't have a store or a storefront.


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
Pharmacy ...

OHB ... Need to apply at Walgreen's, they are raising their
pharmacists salaries to 100k. It was just in the paper.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was told that greenleaf and Mosconi were paid by brunswick to go put on shows.They were to run x about of balls.Well when greenleaf hit his goal he stop and put his stick up.But Mosconi would keep shooting till he missed.I heard that if greenleaf would have kept shooting he would have smashed on mosconi.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My vote is for John Schmidt

Bobby said:
Mike Sigel - I still think he would be the best
player in the world if he came back.

Thomas Engert - great player and has a high run of

Efren Reyes - although not a 14.1 specialist has a
great all-around knowledge of cue-sports.

John Schmidt - I've never actually seen him play
14.1 but he has a high run over 400 and if his
14.1 is better than his 9-ball game then he would
have to be a top pick.

Johnny Archer - great all-time player. He's just
so consistent and focused.

Hey Bobby,
To explain my choice.
Several months ago (01/02-05), My friend Billy Wynn & I gave J.S. 4:1 odds on the 15 ball 1-Pocket Ghost. (800 to 200). Guess what, John Schmidt, out of the gate, ran 2 racks, we are now 1600 loser.
What can John do if he were to use all 6 pockets.
"have a nice day"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
lamar25 said:
Hey Bobby,
To explain my choice.
Several months ago (01/02-05), My friend Billy Wynn & I gave J.S. 4:1 odds on the 15 ball 1-Pocket Ghost. (800 to 200). Guess what, John Schmidt, out of the gate, ran 2 racks, we are now 1600 loser.
What can John do if he were to use all 6 pockets.
"have a nice day"

How does the 15 ball 1 pocket ghost work? Do you break the balls a certain way to spread them out over your hole and then take ball in hand, or do you play from where the cueball lies?



Grady said:
I thought that JAM and Keith were minding their own business as far as I am concerned. I never posted anything to or about them. I am entitled to not like them and to have nothing to do with them. Then JAM saw fit to criticize me for calling Larry Liscotti a drunk. Again, I say: So what?
I knew Larry longer and far better than her or Keith. I'm perfectly willing to let the dirt go, JAM. Just leave me alone.

i dont post on here much but i would like to put my two cents in here about the way you act grady. Ive been playing pool for about 4 years and going to tourn. for 2 years. I first saw you at derby city 2 years ago and i had heard a lot about you and was really looking forward to seeing you play one pocket. I watced one match that you played and i decided i would never watch you again. You got beat by another player not sure who it was but just an average joe who acted like a gentleman and gave you lots of respect. you treated him like dirt and talked down to him in front of a lot of people. Me and my friend i was with were completely in shock that someone that was supposively a "great" as yourself could act in such a mannor. After i got back home i just kinda forgot about it and then i saw you in mobile this past august. Once again you disappointed me by literally "whipped" because of the way you treated a guy. i understood your point but not your actions. You should have been banned from that place by the way you acted. You are trully a disgrace to this game and im glad those most of the world class players if your even considered one do not act this way. people like you are one of the many reasons pool cannot grow to its potential. you are trully a sad figure in pool. stop crying and downing other people and get over that you are getting on up there in years and not any good anymore.


"no buds chill"
Silver Member
macguy said:
Toward the end of Mosconi's life when he was working for Crystal Leisure he was a little senile. This was also around the same time the book was written and I tend to believe that if much of the information in the book came directly from him it's accuracy would have to be in question. I had one incident happen at the BCA show that will show you what I mean. I asked Mosconi about a story I heard about him beating both Nick Vacch and Richie Florence with the 7 ball for a $1000. a game years ago. He didn't remember it and I assumed it may not have happened although I told him the story the way I had heard it. A few hours later I was walking around the show and here comes Mosconi and he gets me by the arm and pulls me to the Crystal Leisure booth. He says to some guys standing there, "Ask this man, he was there". It seems he has been telling the story I had told him that he didn't remember and wanted me to verify it. I said I was not really there but knew some guys who said they were and I took off not wanting to embarrass Mr. Mosconi. Here he was telling a story that may or may not have ever happened, he actually did not remember, other then what I had told him, as though it was fact. Like I said he was somewhat senile at that time.

Did you think that he might have thought when you were telling him the story that you had remembered it and was asking him if he remembered it also. Then he told some other people even though he couldn't remember it because he thought that you did and he wanted to be able to use you as a source for verification more because he knew you would be there then and not because he was senile? Just a thought. I would've had to hear the conversation and see reactions to tell you with any degree of confidence.

However, misunderstandings like that happen all the time. Especially if your original conversation with him went something like, "Hey Willie, do you remember beating so and so giving him the 7 for a thousand?" Even if you think that you remember specifically stating so and so told me about this story, it's possible that you didn't and even if you did, many people have selective hearing who aren't senile.

The only reason I posted this is that your post seemed to infer that Willie was telling stories when there were a lot of other plausible explanations.

JAM said:
Then I will try not to sugar-coat a response to you, StoneCold.

I don't like to read sucker-punching posts about dead pool players, especially labeling the late Larry Lisciotti as a "drunk" and making mention the late Johnny Ervolino's incarceration.

In addition, I would think that Grady Mathews himself would not want people talking about him in a derogatory manner on a public forum after he meets his maker. Just like the late Lisciotti and Ervolino, Grady's hands ain't clean either, having traveled the exact same road AND enjoying all of the same amenties that the '70s and '80s had to offer. Give me a break.

So, in sum, StoneCold, if that is the worst thing I do to rub you the wrong way on AzBilliards forum, then hopefully I will not make your Ignore List at any time soon. FWIW, I do not like sucker-punchers, and I find it distasteful to talk about the dead who are not able defend themselves. It is something I feel strongly about.

If I were to drag Keith on this thread, he could most likely conjure up a few words to say about all three of the above-referenced players, but I can tell you one thing, he would NEVER be disrespectful to any of his FRIENDS as they currently rest in peace.


I think these forums are so funny. When someone tells the truth others get so offended. I posted about a certain player a few years ago whose name will remain anonymous (John Schmidt) that tried to get us to let him dump to us in Mobile. Ive also been around and involved in several other dump attempts involving several top names in pool at the pool room and on the golf course. Robberies, drug busts, and general shadiness is commonplace in the world of pool. Don't get me wrong, I love being at the tournaments and gambling and having a good time, but This is why pool is frowned upon by corporate America and will never garner the attention and financial rewards of other sports.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The Baby's Arm said:
I think these forums are so funny... I posted about a certain player a few years ago whose name will remain anonymous (John Schmidt) that tried to get us to let him dump to us in Mobile...

Who was the player?LOLOLOL :D :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
OldHasBeen said:
Most have a pool table but the residences are usually pretty short on cash.
I have looked into this and have decided that I'll just have to play for THEIR "MEDS".
I might be opening up a Pharmacy some day.

HIgh- larious!
I went to visit a road-warrior in the old folks home one time. He told me that one of the other residents had fallen in the hall and that he had opium suppositories, which were now in the hands of the roadie, would I buy a couple? EWWWWWW!!