Moving: Denton, Texas


Bear Down, Chicago Bears
Silver Member
So I received a job offer out there. I'm from Chicago.
I'm kind of excited. I'm ready to head out to Texas.
Pros? Cons?

Please and thank you.


Silver Member

It's been 20 or so years since I've been to tx.... But from what I've collected over the years from ppl that live or have lived there...
There ain't nothing good in tx expect cowboys I guess...
And I'm sure you've heard the other sayings about Texas.....
I guess it's only what you can make of it'

If your looking for pool action you'll find $ome in dallas/ft.worth

Best of luck.

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Youll be happy with it. Im from dallas originally and the pool scene is big around there. Have a safe move and ill be the first to say welcome to texas


Don Pearce
Silver Member
Denton is close to Dallas. Do not know much about Denton but Dallas is a great town. It is much different from Chicago but has plenty to do and see.


The Boss Stooge
Staff member
Silver Member
I hope you like it hot!! I used to date a fiery redheaded Texas native lady in Killeen many years ago. I have some very fond memories of her and her state.


Bear Down, Chicago Bears
Silver Member
I appreciate the Insight. I'm ready for the change of scenery. I love Chicago, but I believe it's time to turn a new page.
I'll have a job ready and waiting so I guess that's the good thing.

Mr. Bond

Orbis Non Sufficit
Gold Member
Silver Member
Denton is a college town, so there is a party atmosphere. Dallas is cool too but Austin is really where it's at....we call it the Chicago of Texas because the music scene is outstanding, like it is in Chicago.

Although its hot in summer, you'll probably enjoy winter being over in Feb. I know I did. Hell, by May its full blast summertime.

The pool scene is strong in Texas, one of the strongest in the country.

Great tacos, great chili, and great BBQ

Oh...and you MUST go tubing on the Guadalupe. Look into it.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
I'd be careful man. Thats where Brad and Janet were married in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

The biggest reason I would like to go to Texas is that it's supposed to have the best BBQs........


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So I received a job offer out there. I'm from Chicago.
I'm kind of excited. I'm ready to head out to Texas.
Pros? Cons?

Please and thank you.

I moved just south of Denton from tapa in 2006. I was like "meh, Texas" at first, but now I think it's the greatest place on earth to live. I've refused job offers all over the country at this point. I'm not leaving.

The best part are the people. I ran out of gas once, and had someone pull over to help me even before the car rolled to a stop. They went and got some gas and a can, refused any money. The crazy part was these were like 2 17 year old boys... the last people to help in most places.

Very small, straightforward, and non-corrupt govt. Super cheap housing, ESPECIALLY in Denton and Corinth. You'll be shocked how far your money goes. A lot of people buy houses in Denton and commute to DFW, and that is a rough drive at rush hour. But having a job in Denton means the best of both worlds (esp if you buy in Corinth, you'll be opposite traffic).

Con would be allergies. The longer you live here, you'll develop them. 8 years in and I still don't need meds for it, but at some point I probably will. No income tax, property taxes run ~2.8% in the area (almost all of it for the local school district). Another con is people put way too much salt on food around here. Not a lot to complain about, really.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Denton is a college town, so there is a party atmosphere. Dallas is cool too but Austin is really where it's at....we call it the Chicago of Texas because the music scene is outstanding, like it is in Chicago.

Although its hot in summer, you'll probably enjoy winter being over in Feb. I know I did. Hell, by May its full blast summertime.

The pool scene is strong in Texas, one of the strongest in the country.

Great tacos, great chili, and great BBQ

Oh...and you MUST go tubing on the Guadalupe. Look into it.

Please don't call anything in TX the Chicago of anything. We take offense to that...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Been seeing Denton in news up here recently cause of bad weather. Said they had spots with grapefruit size hail

Yeah, April in TX is a little extreme at times. 2 years back my city had 3.5-4" hail. New roofs for the entire city (not even kidding a little, but only cost me $600 out if pocket).

Denton county started doing a thing where they'd pay 50% of a tornado shelter (meaning it'd be about $1500). This was after the big storms in Alabama/Missouri. I'm on a wait list for one from Dallas county. However, it usually works out that you're at work/school when the storms hit.

It's really not that big a deal. I'm from Florida, and this is nothing compared to a hurricane.


Silver Member
It's been 20 or so years since I've been to tx.... But from what I've collected over the years from ppl that live or have lived there...
There ain't nothing good in tx expect cowboys I guess...

I'm no cowboy, so.............

My momma always told me if you ain't got nuthin' nice to say...keep yer pie-hole shut!!! :wink:

I guess they never heard that one up there in the corn fields!!! :rolleyes:



Silver Member
I appreciate the Insight. I'm ready for the change of scenery. I love Chicago, but I believe it's time to turn a new page.
I'll have a job ready and waiting so I guess that's the good thing.

You'll get to carry a firearm into more places than you're accustomed to....once you meet the criteria to legally carry!!! :thumbup:

If that kind of thing interests you.



Silver Member
Please don't call anything in TX the Chicago of anything. We take offense to that...

Yeah....that offended me too....BECAUSE I'm from Texas. :cool:

Austin (with the exception of some snobbier upper-class residents), is about as good as a city can get for having maximum entertainment value!!!



Bear Down, Chicago Bears
Silver Member
I really appreciate the insight. It's really sounding good to me.

What's the cost of living like? I read earlier in a post that the dollar can be stretched.
Is that true?

Thanks again